Shakedown Cruise

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

The USS Poseidon departs for her first shakedown cruise whilst the crew continue to tie up loose ends, adding to the preliminary stages of what is hopefully going to turn out to be a fantastic voyage for her cadets and crew.

Mission Group Season One: The Paladin Conspiracy - Prelude
Start Date Monday September 2nd, 2019 @ 1:21pm
End Date Thursday April 22nd, 2021 @ 1:21pm

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Title Timeline Location
[BACKLOG] Romulan Sense and Betazoid Sensibilities - Part One
by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek
Day 004 - 1300 Hours U.S.S. Poseidon; Sickbay Complex, Deck 6
Tactical Optimization
by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Gunnery Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim
Current Marines Deck - Offices
[BACKLOG] Introductions
by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier
Sometime during the Fourth Day since Departure U.S.S. Poseidon; Crew Mess Hall & Lounge, Deck 6
[BACKLOG] Family Matters
by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Nealey Brinsley & Lieutenant JG Madison Brinsley
Day 002 - 1900 Hours U.S.S. Poseidon; Brinsley Family Quarters, Deck 4
[BACKLOG] When Shadows Become Nightmares
by Commander Kanaka Shakura
Day 004 - 0800 Hours USS Poseidon; Counselling Suite, Deck 6
Teaching Regimen Intel.
by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Captain Franklin Johnson
239410.18 Deck 5 classroom
by Petty Officer 1st Class Jaxson Morris & Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon & Cadet Freshman Grade Caleb Johnson
Day 4 - 1500 Sickbay
A new experience
by Petty Officer 1st Class Jaxson Morris & Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon
Day 4 - 1430 Holodeck
by Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon & Petty Officer 1st Class Jaxson Morris
Day 4 - 1400 Hours Mess Hall
by Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon & Cadet Freshman Grade Caleb Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim
Day 4 - 1300 Sickbay
Intelligence analysis: Cognitive traps 301
by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
239408.27 Classroom 1A
A Laugh and A Bite
by Lieutenant Damian Kane
After Awards Ceremony USS Poseidon's Lounge.
Meeting the Shepard
by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Damian Kane
Day 003 - 0745 Hours U.S.S. Poseidon; Chapel, Deck 6
A Man and his Duty
by Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne & Commander Kanaka Shakura
Day 004 - 0700 Hours U.S.S. Poseidon; XO's and Chief Counsellor's Office, Deck 6
Looking into the Broken Mirror - Pt. 1
by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim
Day 004 - 0930 Hours U.S.S. Poseidon; XO's and Chief Counsellor's Office, Deck 6
"Feeling Stressed"
by Commander Kanaka Shakura
Day 001 - 1020 Hours U.S.S. Poseidon; Counsellor's Office, Deck 6
Paradise Present
by Lieutenant Damian Kane
Current Deck 6, Starfighter Maintenance Bay #2
Chaotic Terrain
by Lieutenant Shalmira Heddan
R&R Strbase 47, Holodeck 2
Social interaction
by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim & Miranda Von Furst
239402.18 Poseidon's Lounge
Medical Followup with Dr. T'Vek
by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek
day 5 0800 Sick Bay
"Getting Acquainted"
by Lieutenant JG T'se
TBD Lounge
The Yeoman's Friend
by Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier & Staff Warrant Officer Kendall Williams
Post-Launch USS Poseidon; Deck 6 - Yeoman's Office
How was your day?
by Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim
Post-Launch Officers' Lounge, Deck 3, USS Poseidon
A roommate?
by Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier & Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon
Chloe's quarters; Mess hall
"Who Takes Over?"
by Captain Franklin Johnson
Post-Launch USS Poseidon; Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room

Mission Summary

As the crew continues to tie up loose ends from the Drydock, the crew of the USS Poseidon work together as the old miranda-class undergoes her first shakedown in well over a year.