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Meeting the Shepard

Posted on Monday July 27th, 2020 @ 2:40pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Damian Kane
Edited on on Monday July 27th, 2020 @ 8:45pm

2,020 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: U.S.S. Poseidon; Chapel, Deck 6
Timeline: Day 003 - 0745 Hours
Tags: Post-Fighter Incident, Pre-Departure, Chaplaincy

Having just concluded the Senior Officers' Meeting, Kana had departed promptly to get on with her day. With the departure scheduled in less than twenty-four hours time, there was a lot to do, and a lot of people to console and calm. The Chief Counsellor was due to have breakfast with the Executive Officer and her daughter in just over an hour, so planned to go and prepare. Yet since she had a little bit of time, Kana did think now would be a prime opportunity to introduce herself to the new Chaplin, who she had been notified had come aboard earlier that same day.

"Computer: Location of Lieutenant Damian Kane." She inquired with the ship as she left the Briefing Room.

=~= Lieutenant Damian Kane is in the Chapel on Deck Six. =~= The Computer responded swiftly to her inquiry. Satisfied, Kana began to make her way.

She didn't have overly strong feelings in regards to religion. While she as a Betazoid did observe the rituals and beliefs of her kind, and did specify in her records that she was a follower of the Four Deities, she was never very strict in her adherence. To her, spiritual and religious belief was a very personal experience. While that could be shared with others, it certainly didn't need to be, and strict enforcement of it being so was something she frowned upon. This wasn't in any way a negative preconception of her new colleague; most of her misgivings came from the strict and conservative nature of her own mother, to whom she had many misgivings.

Yet regardless of her thoughts on religion, she recognised that the new Chaplin served a much broader purpose than what might have been immediately obvious. He was well-positioned not just to be a community leader, a healer, but also a close confidant and counsellor to the crew. Same as she was. Therefore, it made a great deal of sense for them to be on good terms with each other; with both of their respective approaches, Kana was confident that they could provide a great deal of support to the crew, a lot of whom were quite new to the stresses and dangers of life aboard a Starfleet vessel.

The Chief Counsellor was so deep in thought on the matter that as she stepped into the Chapel, she was oblivious to the debris which had been left in it's unfinished state. With a sudden gasp for air she felt herself trip on something and promptly fall to the ground, managing to twist somewhat gracefully and land on her behind. Her eyes wide with stunned bemusement, she took a moment to bring herself back to reality as she observed the messy state of the Chapel.

"Well, that was unexpected." She remarked casually, still momentarily stunned.

“ Wait, don’t move. You could be hurt and not even know it. “. Came a voice from the other end of the chapel. Then a man with blonde hair dressed in work coveralls came running up to her. He gracefully and quickly manoeuvred the obstacles in the debris almost like an acrobat. Until he was right on her position. And kneeling to attend to her to she if she was ok.

“ Are you hurt? Can you move you’re ankle? I can get a medkit. Do you need to go to sickbay? “ The man asked excited and ready to help.

Kana was taken aback at first by the excitement which the man - who judging by his appearance, had to be the Chaplin she was looking for - possessed when coming to her aid. He had an immediate charm and gracefulness to him, and a tone of humility in his voice, but the way in which he moved didn't strike her as what she usually expected of men of the cloth. After taking a few brief moments to observe him, she turned her attention back to her situation.

"I think I'll be alright..." She posited as she observed her handle, flexing it in both clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations to make sure she still had feeling and control. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, thankfully, but Damian was good to be attentive. Kana had no doubt that it would potentially develop a slight bruise later, though she had grown used to them thanks to her pursuit of amateur wrestling back at the Academy.

Eventually returning to her feet, she dusted herself off and flashed the friendly gentleman who had came to her rescue a sheepish smile as she observed the state of the Chapel. It surprised her that it had been left unfinished, but she could see how dutifully Damian had begun to tidy it up and make his own personal touches.

Looking back at him, she straightened herself and cleared her throat. "Lieutenant Damian Kane, I presume? I'm Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura, Chief Counsellor and Second Officer. Excuse the rather dramatic entrance."

“ Oh, hello. “ He said not sure weather to salute or shake hands. But settled on the latter. “ Welcome to my little slice of the ship. “. He said smiling. “ It sure doesn’t look like much. But I’ve been working on it. Would you like some tea? My replicator does work. And please, call me Damian. I want everyone to here. “. He said.

Kana was pleasantly impressed with the Chaplain's politeness, both in offering her tea while also not seeking to draw attention to her ungracious entrance. "A green tea would be lovely, thank you Damian." She, in turn, politely accepted his request to be referred to by his name while in private. She would still have to refer to him by his rank in official settings, but she was sure he'd understand that. He seemed to be a man who understood the necessity of keeping up appearances, in a manner of respects.

"I'm surprised, and slightly dismayed, that they left the Chapel in such a state at launch. I was honestly unaware." Kana remarked as she observed the half-finished state of things. Yet, seeing that Damian alone had been working on things, he seemed to be doing rather well. "I can only apologise on behalf of Command for that terrible oversight. You seem to have an idea of what you want, though?" She asked, curious to hear what plans he had.

"It was quite the shock to me." Said Damian. "But, when life hands you lemons....."Besides, when change is needed, one must rebuild the temple as it were. Well, now I can say I did it very literally." He said smiling.

Kana grinned. "Yes, I suppose you can." She paused for a moment before continuing. "It's been a long time since I've stepped inside any sort of temple. The last time must have been when I was last home on Betazed. My mother wouldn't be very impressed, but we'll keep that between us...and that's an order." She winked in jest.

Kane smiled. "Very good. But just so you know, Should the desire arise, I can do a Betazoid service." He said.

Kana gave a grateful expression. "I appreciate that, thank you." She wasn't sure how often she would take him up on that offer, admittedly, but she was grateful that he was considerate enough to offer. Religion - as with many of the traditions of Betazed - were something of a sore point for the Chief Counsellor.

"In any case," She proceeded to adopt a more formal tone as she returned to speaking more so in her role than just as an individual. "I wished to stop by and introduce myself as I imagine you and I will potentially be working quite a bit together over the coming months. We both provide counsel - albeit of different kinds - and I thought it might be helpful if we could put faces to our names and consider how best to support each other and whomever amongst the crew decides to come in search of us."

Kane looked confused. "I'm sorry Ma'am, I don't follow you. We do totally separate jobs. Generally the same sort of work....kind of. But in different ways, and from totally different perspectives. If you ever need my support, you have it. But the services we both provide are totally different."

"Absolutely, that's entirely my point." The Lieutenant Commander gave a reassuring smile and gesture. "What I'm suggesting is that by getting to know each other, and to understand the fundamentally different but equally vital services we provide for the crew, both you and I will be able to maximise our effectiveness in being quick to identify which situation calls for either one of us, or perhaps both."

Kana paused for a moment. "Does that sound reasonable to you?"

"I'm sorry Ma'am. But are you suggesting that I don't know my job?" He asked. "Are you referring that I would not know when to refer someone to you when it's appropriate?"

The Chief Counsellor, while perplexed as to how the Chaplain came to such a conclusion, maintained a polite composure. "No, not at all. Perhaps I should reiterate; my intention is simply to seek ways in which we can work effectively together, even while providing different services. These services do, however, both seek to provide clarity to their users."

"So no, Lieutenant, I don't think you would not know when to refer someone to me. I seek merely to make it as easy as possible for you to do so. I know some ship's Chaplains have in the past led a very isolated role on the ship, and sometimes that is of course by choice, but I've known others who would have preferred it differently; if that is you, then this is me extending that opportunity should you wish to take it."

Another pause, and a gentle tilt of the head. "Unless of course you would rather not, in which case we can drop this line of inquiry. No harm, no foul."

"I assure you Ma'am, I will assist you in any way I can. Both is a professional, and or personal manner. But, also so you know, I intend to take an active role on this ship as a member of her crew. My door is always open to you if needed. But, please be assured that I do know my job Ma'am." Said the Chaplain.

Kana smiled. "I'm glad to hear that you intend to take an active role in ship life, and I look forward to it." She got the sense that the Chaplain was perhaps someone with whom it would take some time to get the trust of.

"Well," she took a brief look round at the Chapel once more. "I just wanted to pop my head in and say hello. You seem to have your hands full with this place. Have a think on what I said, and if you think of anything in which I can assist you - be it on what we discussed or anything else - then feel free to contact me. I will take my leave unless you have any questions of me right now?" She asked politely.

"Alright, If you need me, I am ready." Said Damian with a smile. "Thank you for dropping by. And remember about the Bjoran ceremonies."

"Betazoid -- but yes, thank you, I will Lieutenant." Kana thanked him before heading on her way, taking one last look back at him and the Chapel before making her exit. The exchange had been somewhat odd, but she still got an overall positive impression of him. He was clearly someone who cared quite a lot for his work, and was very driven and dedicated. He was exactly the sort of person the Poseidon would need in trying times ahead. That was exactly the sort of thing Kana liked to see.

"Yes, Betazoid. My mistake I must be tired from the renovations. Don't worry, the chapel with be in ship shape real soon." Said Damian as the Executive Officer left.


Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer and Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lt Damian Kane
Ship's Chaplain
USS Poseidon


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