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[BACKLOG] Romulan Sense and Betazoid Sensibilities - Part One

Posted on Thursday April 22nd, 2021 @ 1:18pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek

2,846 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: U.S.S. Poseidon; Sickbay Complex, Deck 6
Timeline: Day 004 - 1300 Hours
Tags: Medical, Nivora T'vek, Kanaka Shakura, Oscar Vladinchi

The day had now crawled past midday, and Kana was starting to feel the slight weight on the hours on her temple, the effects of multiple cups of tea starting to wane and almost have the opposite of the intended effect. She had been confined to her still relatively bare office for most of the day up to that point, and the view of the same plain walls was starting to nerve her slightly. Seeing that she didn't have any other scheduled business for a little while longer, the Chief Counsellor saw this as an opportunity to get out and stretch her legs, as she had already grown accustomed to doing.

Grabbing her prized Vulcan overcoat, she made for the door. Passing by her Aide, she politely noted. "I'm just going for a brief stroll. If I'm needed, get in touch with me via your commbadge." They were a relatively fresh Cadet, so Kana wanted to reassure them of exactly what to do, to save them any confusion or panic in case something did happen. Indeed, they nodded and smiled in appreciation.

Making her way, the First Officer and Chief Counsellor's thoughts reflected on what had transpired so far; the prospect of Lieutenant Serine's eventual departure on one hand, while on the other she still found herself concerned by the revelation of Chloe Graydon's pregnancy. So much was already happening, and admittedly not a lot of it ideal for such an early stage in the tour. Kana was sure they would make it all work, of course, but she was well aware that it was going to take a combined effort for things to achieve maximum success. Thoughts about the pregnancy and the ramifications therein led her mind to consider an individual she had yet had the chance to properly introduce herself to: Lieutenant Nivora T'vek, the ship's Chief Medical Officer.

She had only encountered him twice before, both of them in the Senior Officers' Meetings she had attended. For all intents and purposes he fit the Federation's stereotype of a Romulan, but she knew far better then to judge someone on outward appearances and mannerisms alone. What others in the crew had resigned as an air of arrogance and sternness, she could also see someone who was clearly driven by and dedicated to his work, a ruthless efficiency and matter-of-fact style of approaching the issues at hand to be something of an admirable quality. The ill-reputation of the Romulan Empire left an air of suspicion hanging over him, and while Kana couldn't pretend that her perceptions weren't also slightly influenced by it, she knew it would do them no good for that to remain the same.

Determined then to set the record straight, she headed straight for the Sickbay Complex to seek him out.

With a slight audible and supremely satisfied sigh he slid the last equipment box into it's rack rails and taps a small piece under the rim, with this Sickbay was now completely organised and thanks to the hours he had kept, he had also made sure that he had everything secured as he reflected on the officers meeting and his findings, there had been some details he had omitted for the sake of not ruffling feathers. Taking a moment to survey the fruits of his labours he smiled thinly before collecting a PADD off of the top of a biobed and making his way into his office, now that his first project was complete he could begin preparations for his next, but before then he allowed himself a moment to order his thoughts as he sank into his chair.

He took solace in his surroundings, although he had unpacked in his quarters, if anything at present his office was more his home, most of his art pieces that he had brought with him were in here, his more noted piece, Beneath the Raptor's Wings loomed over behind his shoulders, he enjoyed the idea of it looming large behind him when he dealt with patients or anybody else in his office. to his right was perhaps what he had enjoyed more, he had enjoyed hearing the tale of the first explorers on what would become Romulus to the point that he had decided to carve the piece, his very own piece of Romulus, literally, it being made out of Romulan Slate from one of the mountains that had surrounded the capital city.

Taking in a single deep breath holding it for a moment before exhaling slowly as he ordered Virinatian nut tea to be replicated into a highly ornate fired clay pot which he had set into the replicator, with almost reverent care he set the large pot down upon his desk before sitting back down and looking over the PADD again, reflecting that perhaps this assignment would not be so bad after all as he savoured this small moment of peace, hoping it would actually last for a change.

When Kana stepped into the Sickbay, she was impressed by how well-kept and ordered it all was. Not that such a critical environment often wasn't, but something was different. Kana couldn't tell what exactly but in her experience aboard two previous starships and having also visited their sickbays, the Poseidon's definitely wasn't like theirs at all. It was obvious then that their Romulan transfer had wasted no time getting himself settled in to his workspace, and truly making it his own.

Making her way through the quiet space, her footsteps light as she took her time to see if she could spot what it was that made this all feel unique, she caught the outline of the Chief Medical Officer sitting at the desk in his office through the small window that gave him vision out onto the Sickbay floor. Her eyes flickered with renewed focus as she confidently strode over in his direction; the closer she came, the more the interior of his office came into view, and she noticed the signs of decor. As someone who appreciated art it lifted her enthusiasm for this meeting even more.

Stepping up to the door, and hearing the chime ring in the interior, she waited to be welcomed to enter.

"Enter," came the simple clipped drawl, he had noticed movement over the top of his PADD, and caught sight of the Betazoid eyeing up the hybrid of Starfleet and Romulan equipment containers he had devised as well as his own organisational methods with some curiosity, to be fair he could imagine it would be somewhat disconcerting, an entirely useful trait for sickbay he found. Patients who were off guard and balance would be far more likely to be honest with their symptoms than try to put on the proverbial brave face and prolong the inevitable discovery under his raptor's gaze.

He had vaguely encountered the Commander in the two staff meetings thus far and hadn't formed a strong opinion one way or another, at least for the moment, but given what he had heard about Betazoids at the Imperial Academy he had been somewhat on guard the entire time, it had helped of course that his people had long ago rejected the repression of emotions but instead embraced harnessing and controlling them, beneath that glacial crag was a veritable clockwork of thought and feeling, one that as he reflected on what was most likely a social call and not a medical, he set in motion as he prepared to give a somewhat stiff welcome as he began to imperiously gesture towards the seat opposite his as the door opened, "do take a seat."

Kana was not put off by the stiff welcome or the imperious tone he used. Indeed, she had expected it; every Romulan she had ever encountered or heard about seemed to come across the same, but she knew two things: no two beings were ever the same, and in every encounter she had ever had with a Romulan, including this one, they were the ones out of their comfort zone more-so than the other side. After all, it was a long way from home, and that home had been torn asunder. Would a citizen on the Federation be any different if they found themselves on a similar exchange within, of all places, the Dominion?

Taking a moment to take in the sights and senses of his office, the Chief Counsellor heard T'vek's tone and considered the chair. But then a thought flashed across her mind. Approaching it as if she intended to sit down, she stopped and placed a hand on the back rest and then flashed him a look, before continuing to stand with her free hand behind her back. Her posture was straight but not at all tense.

"You enjoy art, Lieutenant?" Kana remarked with genuine interest, gesturing to the piece made of Romulan slate that had really caught her eye.

"Indeed I do, Commander, Both it's creation and appreciation, what of you?" he countered in guarded tones, noting her still upright state, he had wondered what his first true encounter with the Betazoid councillor would be like, it would seem to be a game, so be it, he did after all enjoy latrunculo, something of a family past time. He usually kept his thoughts somewhat guarded, but this would be something else, as his steel trap of a mind continued to click through various things, gently leaning to one side he reached out for the still hot pot, refilling his cup, "Might I interest you in a cup?"

Kana took her eyes away from the Romulan slate briefly to acknowledge T'vek and the cup, flashing a smile and nodding affirmatively. "Yes, thank you."

She then turned her attention back to the art and answered his previous query. "I grew up in a household full to the brim with both native art and pieces from across the galaxy. My mother collected the former, my father the latter; I would often hear them discussing their perceived artistic value, though the two could often never agree on a piece they both liked, and if they could it would be for diametrically different reasons. It taught me the value of different points of view...or, at least, that everyone could be a critic!" She mused.

"As for creation, my creative talents mostly come from music. My dad bought me an antique violin from Earth when I was young, and I still have it with me today. In my spare time I like to create pieces in a variety of styles that exist across the Federation. It's a universal language, I find."

Still studying the Romulan slate, she politely gestured towards it. "Did you create this yourself?"

"Indeed I did," he replied sleekly, "Though I'm afraid you'll find similar pieces in Romulan Art Museums, the subject is somewhat popular in Romulan art, in one form or another, It's something of an Apocryphal tale of the first advance group, the first such to alight upon the Twin Worlds."

He had fond memories of it's creation, but kept thoughts spinning through various recollections, "I do recall a Human saying that we are ourselves our own worst critics," he paused to pour the deep rich purple liquid into the additional cup he had to the side, carefully holding the fired cup before reaching over to set it and it's artfully fired partner in front of the vacant chair.

"Art in various forms are a staple of Romulan society, music, art, performance, it is frequently patronised by the various senators," he mused at length, "I can imagine when you get the chance to practice it gives you a chance to unwind from bearing the problems of others?"

The Chief Counsellor listened intently to T'vek's explanation of his slate piece. She had a surface-level familiarity with Romulan history and custom on account of her tutelage, and through what she learned via the Academy, though she knew it would always belie the much deeper truths of these complex peoples. In that sense, the Chief Medical Officer presented quite the unique opportunity to learn. "Ah, what is the founding of a people if not an Apocryphal tale; like the fire of a kiln that binds the clay." She remarked with a glimmer in her eye.

On noticing her Virinatian nut tea being served, she now chose to sit down, folding her legs politely before taking hold of the drink and blowing on the warm liquid gently. "Practice is certainly an outlet from certain pressures, yes, though I would never consider the problems of others a burden of mine to bear. I observe how others carry their burdens and suggest remedies to alleviate the heaviest, much in the same way I imagine you set a leg after it has broken or how you autosuture a wound; you do not feel that pain, but you recognise it and attempt to remedy it. To quite some success, I've heard."

She smiled as she drank some of the tea, savouring the unique taste. "So did you pursue art as an outlet from the stresses of your work?"

"An apt metaphor indeed," T'vek agreed mildly as he set the pot down to one side with the rest of his fired tea set, "Another one would be to the effect of adversity makes strange bedfellows, more the adversity of others in this case but I digress, I for one would never have expected to find myself sharing a Traditional Romulan Tea Service on a Starfleet Vessel touching on philosophy," he gave a slight smirk and a chuckle at that before taking a measured sip noting the glimmer in Kanaka's eye.

"Less the problems of others being a burden to bear, more the burden of the correct interpretation, after all, there are simple cases as you mentioned a broken bone, or the more, shall we say interesting cases, the burden of having done the right thing." he replied in even and measured tones, as he gently rocked his cup allowing the surface to shimmer and whirl in the sickbay lighting, half wishing he had been of a mind to put some music on when he had set the tea to boil, it would have made for another way to get to know his colleague based off of their reactions thus far.

"I pursued art from a young age," he offered openly, "It was something of a passion of mine growing up, I was never short of inspiration, living in a Military family always ensured that tales of distant worlds flowed freely, not to mention the various public pieces around the Imperial Senate." he set his cup down upon a saucer and steepled his fingers thoughtfully all the while maintaining the sheer cliff face of a mask cracked only by a gentle smile, "I can presume from your question that Music is a likewise outlet for you?"

Kanaka flashed a smile of her own at T'vek's mention of adversaries and bedfellows, merely gesturing outward with her arms as he finished that point. "Welcome to Starfleet; where the strange is benign and the even stranger things are embraced eagerly." It was exactly for experiences like this that she had joined Starfleet herself, and while she could not have predicted this particular scenario, it certainly didn't phase her. She could already tell by their initial exchange thus far that the Romulan was quite an astute observer, much like herself. This would be very interesting, indeed.

When it came to the question of music, she answered after another sip of her tea. "Yes, I play the violin. A gift my father bought me after a business trip to Earth. I find playing a part in a symphony is much the same as playing ones part in the wider discourses of ones life; you can help bring harmony to the chorus of life and match even the harshest notes. I've always felt it like a needle through the weave that binds all of us together." She looked down in her tea briefly as she mused, then shot up an amused look at him.

"In layman's terms, it helps me process my thoughts when there's a lot of background noise." She took a satisfied sip of her drink, before placing it down on the desk.

"That, in fact, is part of the reason I wanted to come and speak with you today. I've discovered quite a degree of background noise, and I think you might be able to help." She paused for a moment to measure his reaction, before continuing. "Have you had a chance to review the Log I send you in regards to Lieutenant Vladinchi?"

To be continued. The JP ends here as Lt. Cmdr. T'vek has had to take an extended Leave of Absence, and the progression of the sim requires that we move on from the Shakedown Cruise mission. - Cmdr. Shakura, 22/04/21


Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer and Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lt. Cmdr. Nivora T'vek
Chief Medical Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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