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A roommate?

Posted on Friday March 6th, 2020 @ 6:18pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier & Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon

1,934 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: Chloe's quarters; Mess hall

Chloe was sat in her quarters, not sure what to do. Following her impromptu trip to the sickbay, she'd returned to her quarters, waiting for Caleb to call, so they could have a proper discussion. She lay on her bed, her arm supported by a pillow, and a PADD in her other hand, on which she was reading a book she'd found. Not one of her normal things to read, it was a book about a teenager, who was also a spy.

The door swished open and Daisy entered - clutching a large satchel in each of her hands. She placed them down on the floor gently and then sat down on her bed - sighing before looking over at the fellow Cadet on the other bed.

"I'm your new roommate" Daisy said.

Chloe sat up, slightly shocked at the surprise entrant. "Urmm hi?" She said, a little unsure of what to say. "I'm're...urm, sorry...I was expecting a visit from someone else." She said. "Sorry." She said, apologetically.

Daisy replied. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you - as I usually do with most people - but I'll do my best to be a good roommate. I'm Daisy"

"I'm sorry, that came across wrong." Chloe said with a smile. "I'm not disappointed. Far from it! It'll be nice to have someone my own age to talk to!" She said, smiling again. "So, what are you studying?" She asked.

Daisy lay back on her bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"It's alright Chloe. I'm here to study counselling - although I haven't decided if I'll be staying in Starfleet or going back home if I pass. What are you studying?" Daisy responded.

"Operations. I'm trying to avoid medical at the moment, for one i'm a frequent visitor, for two there's someone there I don't particularly want to see." She said, trying to continue smiling.

Daisy listened before sitting up and resting her hands in her lap. She herself had seen a lot of doctors in the past few years but Daisy was now well on the road to recovery.

"Want to talk about it?" Daisy asked.

Chloe nodded. "Caleb. He's one of the other Cadets. He and I were together at the Academy, and, well, one thing led to another, and we broke up. Never thought i'd see him on here..." She answered.

Relationships weren't something Daisy felt qualified to comment on as she'd never had one before - but nevertheless she still wanted to listen.

Daisy replied. "I'm sorry to hear that Chloe"

"I'm pregnant to..." She said, dropping another bombshell into the mix.

"Oh wow...congratulations. Do you know how far along you are?" Daisy responded.

"About 8 weeks. Not enough to show yet." She said gesturing down towards her stomach. "Sorry, you've only just come onboard, you shouldn't need to hear this." She said, standing up, forcing a smile.

Daisy too stood up and offered a hug to Chloe. She hadn't known her for very long but Daisy already knew that she wanted to try and build a friendship with her.

Daisy smiled. "Hey it's fine - I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to hear how you were feeling. Hug?"

Chloe smiled, and moved in, hugging Daisy tightly. "It's nice to have someone to talk I suppose if we're roommates, does that make us friends?" She asked.

Daisy wrapped her arms around Chloe and hugged her back. Being asked if them being roommates made them friends meant so much to Daisy - particularly as she'd lost a lot of friends after coming out.

"I'd love for us to be friends Chloe" Daisy replied.

Chloe smiled, still holding on. "Thank you...I don't have many friends around here. So i'm guessing you've met the Captain, or the XO?" She asked, seperating from Daisy, before sitting on her bed, and patting the space next to her.

Daisy sat down on the bed next to Chloe.

Daisy nodded. "I don't have many friends fact...I don't really have any apart from you. I lost them all because...well...I'm not going to talk about it"

Chloe nodded. "I understand. But if you ever want to talk about it, or anything for that matter, i'll always listen." She replied, putting her arm round Daisy's shoulder.

Daisy sighed before deciding to tell Chloe what it was - seeing as the latter had just said they were now friends.

"I'm a lesbian...and...after I came out...I got laughed at and bullied for it. I had no friends left" Daisy mumbled.

Chloe smiled, before pulling Daisy closer and tighter. "Then those people weren't really your friends. I used to know another Cadet, they were Lesbian to. One of my best friends. I haven't spoke to her in ages, but I really should contact her again soon. I don't know what she's doing at the moment!" She said.

Daisy nodded. "I need all the friends I can get...but...sometimes I just need someone to hug me and tell me it's going to be OK. I just feel so alone sometimes's not going to stop me from learning to become a counsellor. I love helping people"

"Well I can tell you, that without a doubt, you and me on this ship? Everything's gonna be ok!" She said, giving a small giggle.

Daisy replied. "Yeah. I have a feeling everything's going to be just fine"

She then looked at Chloe and smiled - feeling happy that she'd made a friend so soon after arriving on the ship.

"Just remember, anything you need, you can always ask...I can usually get my way, one way or another." She said with a wink.

Daisy grinned. " you're asking...a girlfriend would be nice I suppose"

"Alas, I cannot offer you one of those. However I think I might know someone who might be interested." She said with a smile.

"Oh? Tell me more" Daisy replied.

"Well, if you're interested, I might be able to introduce you to that friend I was talking about from the Academy. I'm pretty sure they're available!" She replied.

Daisy nodded. "Yeah...sure...that would be she on the ship?"

"I don't know...I don't know where she is at the moment...but I can find out!" She said.

Daisy sighed and felt a bit disheartened. Again she'd let herself get excited about the prospect of getting a girlfriend only for those hopes to be dashed - although she knew she should have known that Chloe's friend probably wasn't on the same ship.

Daisy replied. "Nevermind eh. Shall we go and get something to eat?"

Chloe nodded. "Sorry to get your hopes up...I will contact her though." She smiled, standing ready to head for something to eat.

Daisy too stood up and headed for the door - eager to get to the canteen and see what was on the menu.

"It''s probably too soon anyway. I need to get settled here before I think about things like that" Daisy responded.

"Well, what better way to get settled than to get something to eat!" She said.

Daisy nodded and gestured for Chloe to lead the way - it certainly made sense for her to do so considering she probably knew the ship a lot better than Daisy did. She'd got lost twice on the way to her quarters so she certainly wasn't very confident in finding the mess hall.

"After you" Daisy said.

Chloe nodded, leading Daisy through the corridors and to the turbolift. She selected Deck 6 off the turbolifts pannel. "I prefer to use the pannel to the voice activation." She said, as way of explanation.

Daisy replied. "Oh right. Why's that if you don't mind me asking?"

"I got stuck in a lift when there was a virus on the ships systems...the turbolift went haywire taking me all over the place. I never trusted it since." She replied.

That sounded awful to Daisy - it was certainly like nothing else she'd ever experienced in her life before.

"Oh...that's awful I'm so sorry Chloe. I can't imagine how awful that must have been for you" Daisy responded.

"I'm mostly over it now, I just can't use the voice commands in a turbolift!" She laughed.

Daisy sympathised. She'd helped a few people who had phobias - including one who was scared of turbolifts - and she hoped maybe in time she could help Chloe too. As the turbolift stopped Daisy stepped out and gestured for Chloe to lead the way to the mess hall.

"After you" Daisy said.

Chloe smiled, leading the way towards the mess hall. She walked down the corridor, and upto the double doors of the mess hall, and walked through as they opened. "Welcome to the mess hall. What do you wanna eat?" She asked, smiling.

After a few moments of deliberation the Cadet decided on what she was going to have for her lunch.

"Oh...erm...I'll have a cheese and ham panini I think. What are you going to have?" Daisy responded.

"I'm in the mood for a big greasy burger...Bacon, cheese, Mushrooms, double burger, cheese and bacon loaded fries..." She said, walking over to the replicator, and ordering the two dishes, as well as drinks for the two of them. "Are you allergic to anything?" She asked.

Daisy replied. "Yeah...I think I'll have chips as well actually....and no I'm not allergic to anything"

Chloe nodded, adding the chips to the order, as well as two milkshakes for them both. It was a enjoyable mixture of butterscotch and vanilla. She picked up the tray the food had appeared on, and headed for a table. "I think you'll love this." She said, handing Daisy the milkshake.

Daisy put her tray down on the table and sat down - taking a sip of the milkshake which Chloe had offered her. She did enjoy the taste very much indeed - and had another sip before putting it back down on the table.

"That's really nice actually" Daisy commented.

Chloe grinned. "Glad you like it. It's Butterscotch and Vanilla. I personally love butterscotch. I'd live off of it if I could." She replied. "So, any plans for the rest of today?" She asked.

Daisy had a bite of her panini before responding.

Daisy shrugged. "Oh...I was thinking I might have a walk around the ship and work out where everything is. Then...probably go back to our quarters until it's time for dinner. What about you?"

Chloe paused for a moment, finishing her mouthful of fries before speaking. "I've got a day off, so I might go and watch a few movies in our quarters and wait till dinner...although I could probably sleep till then to!" She laughed.

Daisy smiled. "That sounds like a plan to me Chloe"

"What sort of movies do you like?" Chloe asked.

Daisy shrugged. "Anything really - although to be honest I don't really watch that many films. I prefer to read a good book instead"

"I like to read the books before the movies, and then spot the differences!" Chloe laughed. "Is that weird?" She asked.

Daisy ate some more of her food before replying.

"Not at all Chloe. If I read a really good book then sometimes I'll watch the film but...I still prefer reading because it lets me use my imagination more" Daisy replied.

"Agreed. So i'll see you shortly?" She asked, finishing up her food.

"Yeah absolutely. See you later Chloe" Daisy confirmed.


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