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Teaching Regimen Intel.

Posted on Sunday October 25th, 2020 @ 10:44pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Captain Franklin Johnson

681 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: Deck 5 classroom
Timeline: 239410.18

T'Pri made ready to teach a glass on Intelligence procedures This time to seniors, with a special guest Captain Johnson himself.

"Class please rise, Captain on deck."

The Captain entered and gave a wave. "At ease," he said calmly, "I'm just here to observe."

Approach T'Pri he gave his Chief Intelligence Officer a nod, then found a seat afterward and sat to watch her work.

"Alright class today we are going to discuss the intelligence process." T'Pri began.

"The intelligence process (or cycle) is the means of developing raw information into finished intelligence products for use in decision making and formulating policies/actions.

The first step, planning and direction, involves identifying the need for data. Investigators must engage in a process of deciding what they want to know (or what they need to collect) before they collect it, or they may end up with indiscriminate, unfocused information.

Collection is the gathering of the raw data needed to produce intelligence products. Data may be collected from many sources, including but not limited to public records, the Internet, confidential sources, incident reports, and periodicals.

The next step, processing and collation, involves evaluating the information’s validity and reliability. Collation entails sorting, combining, categorizing, and arranging the data collected so relationships can be determined.

Analysis is the portion of the intelligence process that transforms the raw data into products that are useful. This is also the function that separates “information” from “intelligence.” It is this vital function that makes the collection effort beneficial. Without this portion of the process, we are left with disjointed pieces of information to which no meaning has been attached. The goal is to develop a report where the information has been connected in a logical and valid manner to produce an intelligence report that contains valid judgments based on information analyzed.

Dissemination is also a vital step in the process. Without disseminating the intelligence developed, it is pointless to collect it. The intelligence disseminated must be timely and credible to be useful. Dissemination must also be evaluated based on a “right to know” and the “need to know.”

The final step of the intelligence process involves obtaining feedback on the process performed and the products produced by the intelligence function. This step allows evaluation of the performance or effectiveness of an intelligence function.

The proper completion of these steps ensures that the data used are managed appropriately and within the legal constraints regarding the privacy and rights of all citizens; however, the steps are often interconnected, and frequently, the boundaries blur. Each step of the process needs to be understood to produce accurate, timely intelligence reports.

"Captain did you have anything you wanted to add?" T'Pri asked.

The Captain shook his head. "I think you did an excellent presentation of the intelligence gathering process, Ms. T'Pri. I have nothing valuable to add. The only thing I can add is my own process for comprehending the information I get as Commanding Officer. I get information from various sources and I have to determine what value each piece of information is to the bigger picture. Once I have determined that value, I can piece together a more accurate representation of the choices I can make that can provide a beneficial outcome. The risk is always never ascertaining enough information to enact a proper decision. That's something I'd keep in mind."

"Quite correct Captain. These students are the actual workers that gather the data and process for analysis. This class is a reminder to then a refresher of basic skill sets."

"Do you have any new Intel you can give them to crack"? T'Pri asked.

Franklin shook his head after a moment of thought. "Not at the moment. Most of what has been of interest has either been deciphered or sent your way, Ms. T'Pri. But that is an interesting assignment for me. I'll keep that in mind next time something comes up."

"Then I thank you for attending this class briefing, Sir." T'Pri said.


A Post by:

Capt. Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer

Lt. Cdr T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer


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