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How was your day?

Posted on Saturday March 7th, 2020 @ 6:23pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim

1,985 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: Officers' Lounge, Deck 3, USS Poseidon
Timeline: Post-Launch

At precisely 8 o'clock in the evening Daisy - who was wearing a t-shirt, open shirt, denim shorts and tights - made her way to the lounge and chose a table for herself and her expected guest to share. She was going to get a glass of juice before sitting down but decided to wait for Freya to arrive.

Meanwhile, Freya had made her way to the lounge as well, still wearing her uniform - she rarely allowed herself to be seen in casual clothes on the ship. She spotted Daisy as soon as she walked in, and took a seat opposite her.

"Evening!", she said, smiling, and waving for the the bar host. "You look nice. How was your day?"

Daisy was genuinely touched that somebody had not only complimented how she looked but also asked how her day was. She couldn't remember the last time anybody had done that for her.

"Aww thank you Freya - you look great too. My day was alright about yours?" Daisy replied.

"Not too evenful, really," the Lieutenant answered. "Not much to do while the ship is at warp, really. We're on course and everything is going fine, so nothing to do other than to monitor things."

Just at this moment, the server arrived. "How can I help, Lieutenant?"

"I'll have a whisky sour," Freya said, before turning to Daisy. "Drink?"

Daisy nodded as Freya spoke - sensing as the bartender came up to their table just as she'd finished speaking.

"I'll have an orange juice please" Daisy asked.

The server nodded and disappeared, returning with the drinks a few moments later. Freya took a sip of her cocktail and nodded in satisfaction. "That's the stuff. So, anyway - how do you find the Poseidon, settling in well?"

Daisy thanked the server before accepting her drink and taking a long and refreshing sip.

"Oh...I think it's going alright so far. I'm sharing quarters with another Cadet called Chloe and we seem to get along well enough. I was told this was a nice ship and so far...they're not wrong" Daisy responded.

"Ah, I know Chloe, we're good friends." Freya frowned. "Somehow, I seem to be attracting cadets," she added, laughing. "How is working with the XO?"

Daisy nodded. "Oh...that's good. Maybe she sees you as a sort of role model or something? I haven't really had one of those before...but it's fine. We're getting on well so far thanks...hopefully it's a sign of things to come"

"Well, I have been supporting her a lot, I guess," Freya replied, taking another sip of her drink. "And I am sure you will do well, I doubt Kana would have taken you on as an asistant otherwise!"

"That's what I keep telling myself - I mean - if I was that bad someone as experienced as her wouldn't have accepted my application. Especially as I'm a Cadet and not a fully qualified officer or counsellor...yet. It'll happen one day" Daisy replied.

Freya nodded. "Exactly. What made you choose counselling anyway?"

Daisy had another long sip of her large glass of orange juice - running her finger around the rim after she'd put it back down on the table.

Daisy shrugged. "I just like helping and listening to people to be honest. Like I dad tried to get me into politics...but it's really just not what I want to do. What made you choose flight control?"

Freya laughed. "I didn't. I'm a languages and communications expert, really. But when I was assigned to the Poseidon, she needed someone to take the helm, and I had some experience with merchant ships from my youth, so I got the job."

Daisy smiled. "Oh wow that sounds pretty exciting actually. Maybe you can teach me a new language at some point - that is - if you have the time to spare of course. I wouldn't want to put you out of your way"

"Oh, not at all! Any specific language you would be interested in learning?"

"Actually...I've always kinda wanted to learn how to speak French to be honest. It just seems like a really beautiful and romantic language in my opinion" Daisy responded.

"Ah, oui, c'est une langue trop belle", Freya responded in French, before giggling. "Sorry, couldn't help myself. I'm just glad to see people are still interested in learning other languages in this age of universal translators. I'll be honest, I rarely use one. I just don't like it."

Daisy was pleased that Freya did indeed speak French - although she had absolutely no idea what she'd just said to her. Nodding along with a smile she then responded.

Daisy replied. "I have absolutely no idea what you just said Freya but...I'm sure I probably agree?"

"I just said that French is a lovely language," the Lieutenant answered with a laugh, before looking at her now empty glass. "Oh. Is it that time already?" She picked up the glass and waved it in the direction of the server, who immediately came and collected it. "Refill, please." She glanced at Daisy. "And a glass of rosé wine for my friend."

Daisy nodded and then looked as the server came back over and took away their now empty glasses. It had been a very refreshing glass of orange juice and she was looking forward to her glass of wine.

"Oh...yeah I can definitely agree with that Freya - and thanks. Do you want me to get the next one?" Daisy responded.

"Does it matter who gets the drinks, it's not as if we have to pay for them," Freya replied with a chuckle. "This whole moneyless society thing still feels alien to me. Where I grew up, we followed the old ways. You either had latinum, or you had a problem."

Daisy giggled - it was a fair point. She'd not been there for long but already she was having a very enjoyable evening - and hoped that it would continue that way until its conclusion.

"I've actually never seen latinum...what's it like?" Daisy asked.

Freya shrugged and reached into one of the pockets on her belt, pulled out a small strip of a yellowish-golden metal and handed it to Daisy. "There you go. One strip of gold-pressed latinum. Five of those would buy you a simple uniform, twenty for a nice dress. Latinum is one of the few substances that cannot be replicated. Otherwise it would be worthless."

After accepting the strip from her new friend Daisy examined it with great interest - she'd never seen one before - let alone held one. A minute or so later she then offered it back to Freya.

The Lieutenant shook her head. "Keep it, it's not as if I need any money."

"Oh...thank you" Daisy replied.

As the Cadet placed the slip of latinum in her pocket the server returned with their drinks - placing them in front of their intended recipient before disappearing again. Daisy then raised her glass in toast.

"To new friendship" Daisy said.

Freya nodded. "To friendship." For a moment, she paused and looked at her new friend - yet another cadet looking to her for friendship. "You know, my sister would like you", she finally added. "I wonder how she is doing. Or even where she is."

Daisy took a sip of her glass of wine before responding. She'd never had rosé before but after tasting it she found she enjoyed it.

"How old is she?" Daisy asked.

"Sora is fourteen. She loves all things science. Especially the more obscure bits. Subspace, time travel, even parallel universes." Freya paused and stared into nothing for a moment. Maybe, one day, she will find a way here.

"Still," she said, after a moment, with sadness in her voice. "She is far away. I may never even see her again. And before you ask, I don't want to talk about it."

Daisy nodded and sympathised. She placed a reassuring hand on Freya's - understand that it wasn't really a subject she wanted to talk about.

"I totally understand" Daisy replied.

Freya shrugged. "There are some things that just can't be changed. At least not for the time being. How about you, do you have any family?"

Daisy removed her hand and then had a sip of her wine before responding.

Daisy nodded. "Yeah. I've got three sisters"

"Are you close?"

Daisy took a long and slow sip of her wine before responding. Part of her now wished she hadn't discussed the subject of family - as she was starting to miss hers terribly already.

"Yeah...I miss them a lot to be honest. I know there's over a decade between me and them but...they're my best friends in the entire universe" Daisy replied.

Freya nodded. "I know the feeling. I haven't seen my grandfather or my sister for over two years now. And now, I don't know if I will ever see them again, or even be able to talk to them."

She took a long sip from her glass. "Anyway, let's talk about something less depressing. Have you got any hobbies, anything you like doing when you're not on duty?"

Daisy took a long sip from her glass too - before taking another smaller sip to empty the remaining contents. She put the glass back down on the table gently before responding.

Daisy replied. "Erm...yeah. I like reading and listening to music in my quarters - I'm a very boring person but it's what I like doing. What about you?"

Freya chuckled. "Nothing wrong with that. I am rather interested in history, and I enjoy fencing. I have a katana - replica of a family heirloom, the original is in safekeeping. I like to think I'm quite good with a sword."

"Ooh you'll have to show me that Freya. Sounds exciting" Daisy responded.

She then looked over at the bartender and waved him over - asking for another glass of rosé for herself before turning to her friend to see if she wanted another drink.

Daisy asked. "Anything for you?"

Freya looked at her nearly empty glass, and, with a shrug, knocked back its contents. "Eh, why not. I'll have one more. Although I shouldn't overdo it, I'm on first shift tomorrow."

The bartender took their order and then returned several moments later which their drinks - placing each one in front of their intended recipient.

"Yeah...I'm up early too. Cheers" Daisy said.

"Cheers," Freya responded. For a few moments, the two were drinking in silence, before the Lieutenant spoke again. "This has been a nice evening. We should do this more often."

Daisy nodded. "Yeah...that'd be good. I need to start going out more so...meeting up with you would be a good way to do that. Once or twice a week maybe?"

Freya grinned. "Sounds like a plan. Although I don't think we should keep it to a schedule. We can meet up whenever you feel like it." She took another sip from her drink. "And we need to sort your French lessons. And if you want, I can give you an introduction to swordfighting?"

"Yeah...that sounds good" Daisy responded.

She quickly finished her drink before placing the glass back down on the table and standing up slowly. Daisy was starting to feel tired and a little emotional so decided now was a good time to depart back to her quarters.

Daisy concluded. "Sorry to...end things...but I need to get back to my quarters. I'll see you soon Freya"

Freya nodded. "Sounds good. I'll just finish this drink and then I'll be off as well. Good night!"

After Daisy had left, the Lieutenant remained at the table for a while longer, deep in thought, until she had finished her drink.


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