Gunnery Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim

Name Maximilian Pfaffenheim

Position First Sergeant

Rank Gunnery Sergeant


  • 19 Mission Posts
  • 3 Personal Logs

Last Post

Saturday June 8th, 2024 @ 12:40pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 1.67m
Weight 70 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Athletic build; short, black hair; relatively wide for size and weight. Generally with an always-serious look on his face and observant eyes.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Zacharias Pfaffenheim (deceased)
Mother Susan Pfaffenheim
Brother(s) Martin Pfaffenheim (older brother, works in the civilian administration)
Sister(s) None
Other Family Marina DeToro & Juan DeToro - grandparents (mother's side)
Johanna Pfaffenheim & Sönke Pfaffenheim - grandparents (father's side)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Maximilian prefers to keep a socially distanced demeanor when around others, especially in public. He does seek to help others, but will always do so in a distanced manner. As befits a Marine, he is athletic and befitting his rank and role, takes his position in the Corps and the Corps in general very seriously. Many would say he is a workaholic with few real hobbies and even fewer friends, something which he doesn't seem to care much about. In fact, he seems oblivious to the nonexistence of his work-life balance.

Pfaffenheim, upon his promotion to Sergeant, learned a certain skillset and with it adapted the persona of a straightforward NCO. A case could be made that it's nowadays an important part of his personality and what he identifies himself as. With it comes the expectation towards himself to be a good example to his Marines, which further contributes to his workaholic lifestyle.
Strengths & Weaknesses Maximilian is an analytical mind, noted to be a pragmatic and creative thinker in tactical situations. He also displays an impressive amount of willpower, a strong moral compass and a keen interest in learning new things.

On the other hand, Maximilian has problems expressing his emotions properly. This and his general outward appearance as an always serious NCO have resulted in him making rather few friends. He also has a habit of not acknowledging his personal issues until they make themselves known - the primary two are the aforementioned attitude to his work and a subconscious but repressed self worth problem, coming from him being the "odd one out" among his family, who he believes have all achieved more than he ever will.
Ambitions Maximilians ambitions are largely focused around his role in the Corps, a side effect of standing in the shadow of what much of his family had achieved by his age. As such, he strives towards an officer position in the Marine via promotion through the ranks, and to make a name for himself in general, although by his own belief, the best he can hope for is a senior NCO position.
Hobbies & Interests In his free time, what little there is of it, Maximilian primary reads up on his non-work-related subject of interest, which is the pre-Warp history of Federation species. Another interest of his, unsurprisingly, is related to general new tactical developments in and outside Starfleet.

Personal History Born on Earth in 2361, Maximilian grew up mostly with his three years older brother and his father, as his mother served long periods of time as a chief tactical officer in the Starfleet. He was noted as an attentive and perceptive pupil, but rarely made lasting contact with his classmates. By the time he finished school, it looked like he could shoot for an officer rank on a ship, while his brother instead chose to become a civilian administrator. However, during the first phases of his officer training, his father perished in a shuttle accident while on a call with him. This threw Maximilian, who had the strongest connection to his father, severly off course, and he did not take the opportunity to become a Starfleet officer. After around two years of therapy, at the age of 21, he decided to enlist in Starfleet as a Marine instead, in hopes that the daily duties would help him get back on track.
Service Record 2382 - Enlisted in the Marine Corps
2384 - Due to outstanding scores & performance in training, finishes Marine training as Lance Corporal
2384 - Transferred to U.S.S. Ford
2387 - Promotion to Corporal
2390 - Promoted to Sergeant for actions under fire during a mission against anti-Federation insurgents
2393 - Promoted to Staff Sergeant and transferred to U.S.S. Poseidon