Lieutenant JG T'se

Name T'se

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

Friday August 14th, 2020 @ 11:36pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5'1"
Weight 95 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description T'se's petite stature lends itself to a slight, yet toned physique, relative to her overall body proportions. Her ears lay a bit closer to her skull, with both helices drawing up into a prominent tip characteristic of the Vulcan species. Pointed eyebrows crown eyes a rich honey-brown in color, flattered by the olive pigment of her skin tone. Her skin is smooth, blemish-free, and supple to the touch. Her teeth are well-cared for and framed by full, peach-colored lips. T'se's presentation is the epitome of conservative, and she is adamant about good personal hygiene. Her raven black hair is of substantial length, with thick, healthy locks cascading below the small of her back. T'se prefers traditional hairstyles, erring on the conservative. While on duty, her hair is usually worn in a conventional bun, accenting the style with braids from time to time. Her finger and toenails are regularly manicured and protected with a clear coat of nail varnish. Although T'se wears makeup, her modest manner accentuates the natural beauty of her effeminate qualities. T'se's off duty wardrobe is modest, with hand-selected pieces of simple design and form. The style is reminiscent of Vulcan style, although minimalist in nature. When she wears jewelry, the pieces are austere and generally reserved for special occasions. T'se has no piercings or tattoos of any kind.


Spouse Tuvaris
Father Seylar
Mother T'sol

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'se is patient, compassionate, non-reactive, and emotionally independent. While not necessarily shy, T'se prefers to keep to herself. She is self-reflective and a conscientious thinker, preferring to listen generously rather than immediately responding. Relative to her reserved disposition, T'se expresses herself openly and is unabashed in offering an opinion about a topic that is of particular or significant importance to her. T'se has a small social network, preferring to develop deeper, meaningful relationships with those that stimulate and challenge her intellectually. T'se practices the teachings of Surak and has yet to achieve kolinahr. Self-sufficient, T'se manages control over her emotions privately and is adept at keeping herself far removed from the tribulations of emotion in her daily life. She strives to achieve a balance through the application of logic, often coming across as stoic. Not easily provoked, when T'se does feel her emotions arise, she does well to remain calm and collected, especially during turbulent situations.
Strengths & Weaknesses Calm and collected
Emotionally stable
Self-sufficient and self-motivated
Stoic and aloof
Ambitions Professionally, T'se has shown an aptitude as a developing leader; to that end, she's applied to the Starfleet Command Training Program.
Hobbies & Interests In her downtime, T'se prefers solitary activities. She owns a robust library of antique books, mostly non-fiction, from numerous Federation species. T'se is meticulous about maintaining a comprehensive personal log, journaling daily, sometimes multiple times.

T'se's father, a composer by trade, raised his daughter to develop a profound appreciation for music in teaching her to play the Vulcan harp. A novice in technique, T'se considers herself a burgeoning musician. She has a discerning ear and is adept at producing compositions of exceptional quality.

What she lacks in creative finesse when playing a musical instrument, T'se more than makes up for in the art of sculpting. Had she not elected to join Starfleet, T'se would have accepted a prestigious apprenticeship to learn from a renowned Rigellian woodcarver. T'Se, like many of her people, finds beauty in function. Intuitively then she also finds purpose in harmony. Having grown up in a desert environment, with little water and even less greenery, she stumbled upon a fascinating way to express the innate creativity she shares with her fellow Vulcans. That way was in sculpture, specifically wood sculpture, using the iron hardwoods of her homeworld, and turning them into items that can inspire a feeling of grounding, peace, and serenity, even in the harsh environment of Vulcan.

Personal History In her downtime, T'se prefers solitary activities. She owns a robust library of antique books, mostly non-fiction, from numerous Federation species. T'se is meticulous about maintaining a comprehensive personal log, journaling daily, sometimes multiple times.

T'se's father, a composer by trade, raised his daughter to develop a profound appreciation for music in teaching her to play the Vulcan harp. A novice in technique, T'se considers herself a burgeoning musician. She has a discerning ear and is adept at producing compositions of exceptional quality.

What she lacks in creative finesse when playing a musical instrument, T'se more than makes up for in the art of sculpting. Had she not elected to join Starfleet, T'se would have accepted a prestigious apprenticeship to learn from a renowned Rigellian woodcarver. T'Se, like many of her people, finds beauty in function. Intuitively then she also finds purpose in harmony. Having grown up in a desert environment, with little water and even less greenery, she stumbled upon a fascinating way to express the innate creativity she shares with her fellow Vulcans. That way was in sculpture, specifically wood sculpture, using the iron hardwoods of her homeworld, and turning them into items that can inspire a feeling of grounding, peace, and serenity, even in the harsh environment of Vulcan.
Service Record Enthralled by the melange of the student body and teaching staff, T'se discovered Starfleet Academy was the very embodiment of the Vulcan edict, "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations." This diversification posed a challenge, however, as T'se had never experienced life beyond Vulcan. The cultural propensities of dozens of Federation species, chief among them, Humans, were overstimulating to T'se. From unique living habits to unusual personal hygiene practices to distasteful reproductive customs, T'se was ardent in her means of adaptability. T'se never fully habituated to life at the academy, yet, became all the more tolerable with time.

The first year at the academy saw cadets attending to prerequisite coursework, physical endurance, and survivalist training, as well as acclimation to a disciplined routine. For the most part, T'se adjusted well, albeit in a unwantedly complex living environment. Decidedly focusing much of her time on academics, T'se excelled in her studies, steadily rising through the ranks on the academic honor roll. Steadfast though she was, T'se was socially isolated from others, although this may have been deliberate rather than unwittingly imposed. T'se was complacent in her solitude, satisfied with her level of socialization with her peers. She spoke regularly with her parents on Vulcan and would engage with classmates when necessary. Otherwise, she mostly kept to herself in a place predicated on comradery and companionship. Whereas others may have been lonely, T'se was content.

T'se completed her first year at the academy with a strong academic record and an invitation to start her specialized training with Starfleet's Corps. of Engineers when she returned in two months. T'se accepted the invitation and returned home to Vulcan.

Surprising to T'se, when she returned to Vulcan, she experienced a similar difficulty reacclimating. As foreign as Earth had been, T'se had never imagined how changed the academy made her in a single year. Ingrained behaviors customary at the academy, were misinterpreted at home. For their part, T'se's parents were patient with her changed behaviors and traits, attributing them to building a life outside of Vulcan. They quickly accepted that T'se's personality would continue to develop the more time she spent around different species and encouraged their daughter to keep an open mind. T'se took her parent's criticisms to heart and contemplated them. T'se spent most of her leave in meditation on a subjective evaluation of the past year. When she emerged from this journey weeks later, T'se had a renewed sense of self and a better understanding of how she would approach the next year.

Upon returning to Earth, T'se discovered her living accommodations were vastly different. Specializing in engineering saw T'se assigned to on-campus living accommodations with students in similar fields of study. Additionally, her class diminished in size in the absence of cadets who washed out the year before. No longer residing in first-year accommodations with multiple cadets, T'se roomed with another Vulcan named Varis. This change in living circumstances suited both T'se and Varis, who progressively formed a social bond that remains to this day.

The remainder of T'se's second and third years at the academy passed without incident. She continued to dominate the academic honor roll and branched out socially by joining the cross country team. Although running in-of-itself was a solitary sport, T'se leaned into the social bonds of the group dynamic. The troop competed well against other institutions on Earth and from those on other planets, and T'se found she looked forward to the competitions.

Toward the end of her third year, T'se applied for her senior cadet cruise. Her acceptance into the program had her assigned as an engineering generalist to the USS Diligent, a Defiant-class starship.

Unlike the years before, however, T'se didn't return home to Vulcan. Instead, she remained at the academy to attend several accelerated engineering courses. Additionally, she voluntarily participated in an orientation program that helped cadets prepare for life aboard a starship. In doing so, T'se would start her fourth year with a lighter academic load, allowing her to focus attention equally on her studies and newfound shipboard duties.

The USS Diligent was one of Starfleet's newest Defiant-class starships. Unlike its predecessors in the Defiant, Valiant, and Courageous, the Diligent hadn't seen wartime action. The crew complement of fifty commissioned and enlisted crewmen was a mixture of seasoned veterans, junior officer trainees, those fresh from boot camp, as well as a single cadet in T'se. Life aboard a starship was even more disciplined than the academy environment. When not on duty in engineering, T'se was studying and training. Her studies weren't confined solely to the academy coursework, but also to learning everything possible about the Defiant-class of starship. As a generalist engineer, T'se was expected to examine and become intimately familiar with starship operations as they pertain to all things engineering. A senior officer could test a trainee or cadet’s knowledge at any time, influencing whether they’d advance to the next level in their training.

For the most part, the USS Diligent served as an escort vessel for Starfleet’s diplomatic branch of the command division. The crew spent the first year of their five-year tour of duty ferrying diplomats and admiralty to and from Federation member worlds.

After her cadet cruise, T’se returned to Earth, where she participated in advancement ceremonies and subsequently commissioned the rank of Ensign. Graduating from her class as valedictorian, T’se had the pick of any starship for her first tour of duty.

In her years since graduating from the academy, T’se has served on the following starships:

2379 to 2384: USS Diligent - Ensign
Engineering Trainee from 2379 to 2381
Structural/Environmental Engineer from 2381 to 2384

2384 to 2389: USS Seraphim - Lieutenant Junior Grade (JG)
Matter/Energy Systems Engineer from 2384 to 2388
Propulsion Engineer from 2388 to 2389

2389 to 2393: USS Katahdin - Lieutenant Junior Grade (JG)
Engineering Officer from 2389 to 2392
Assistant Engineering Officer from 2392 to 2393

2393 to 2393: USS Ulysses - Lieutenant Junior Grade (JG)
Assistant Engineering Officer from 2393 to 2393

2394 to Present: USS Poseidon - Lieutenant Junior Grade (JG)
Assistant Engineering Officer from 2393

In the last month of 2393, T’se was part of the original shakedown crew of the USS Ulysses, Starfleet’s newest commissioned Luna-class Starships and served in the capacity of Assistant Engineering Officer. After a thirty-day escort duty assignment, most of the seasoned shakedown crew rotated to new assignments throughout the fleet. T’se, accepted the invitation to assume the post of Assistant Chief Engineering Officer onboard the USS Poseidon.