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[BACKLOG] Family Matters

Posted on Saturday January 23rd, 2021 @ 4:32pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Nealey Brinsley & Lieutenant JG Madison Brinsley

1,379 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: U.S.S. Poseidon; Brinsley Family Quarters, Deck 4
Timeline: Day 002 - 1900 Hours
Tags: Social, Nealey Brinsley, Kanaka Shakura

This JP was finished with the permission of Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stainer, who has been on an Extended Leave of Absence following personal hardship.


The Poseidon was now starting to transition over to its evening shifts, the low hum of activity as everything and everyone moved like clockwork from one station to the next, from quarters and recreational activities to duties high and low within the bowels of the ship. Kana moved around the corridors of the fourth deck, were quite a number of the officers' quarters were, going at a gentle place as she liked to subtly observe people as they went by. There were formal but polite discussions about outstanding duties, then there were the poorly subdued mutterings and laughter that could only come from gossip and idle chatter.

It all had its place. Everything that the Chief Counsellor witnessed displayed to her that the Poseidon had truly - in no real time at all - evolved and created a new and vibrant social network amongst its crew. In just a few short weeks, crewmen and women had already grown accustomed not just to their surroundings, but to their colleagues. They knew that these people would be their day-to-day, for lack of a better word "family", for however long their tour of duty on the Poseidon would go on to last. For most, this was their first tour. It was important to make the absolute most of it.

Such was the purpose of Kana's eventual destination. After a chance meeting a few days ago with the Commander and Lieutenant Nealey Brinsley, the ship's Chief Operations Officer, they had a discussion where they touched upon the necessity of helping these newest recruits find it easy to adjust to the stresses and pains of service. Johnson had tasked them both to get together to design approaches which the Senior Officers' could take to achieve this. The two had also crossed paths earlier while giving a tour to the newest Operations Officer, Jack Davids, where they agreed to meet tonight.

So here the Chief Counsellor was, standing at the door to the Brinsley Quarters. She heard the chime sound off inside.

Nealey had just about prepared their quarters for the arrival of Kana. It was a shame that their stay on the Poseidon was only going to be a very short one - but Nealey had been requested to return to the Victoria much sooner than expected and Madison had been offered the post of Chief Flight Control Officer - a post which she had accepted.

"Come in!" Nealey called.

At the request, Kana took the step forward and entered. She had dressed appropriately for the occasion: while still in uniform, she wore her treasured Vulcan overcoat - a sign that she was off-duty - and had also applied a modest amount of make-up, something she didn't do often but decided to do as she and Nealey had agreed to make this a more relaxed social meeting. Having also heard the news that the Brinsleys' time with the Poseidon would be cut short, she wanted them both to know that the Command still valued their input and presence, no matter how much longer it was going to last.

"Good evening, Nealey. Thank you for hosting me this evening. I trust you and Madison are doing well?" Kana smiled politely as she took a brief glance at the rest of the room before focusing intently on her host.

Nealey was glad for a break from the chaos that had commenced in the Brinsleys' quarters. They'd barely unpacked but there was still so much to be done - and it would be sad for them to depart from a crew they'd barely been around yet had become so close to.

Nealey nodded. "Erm...yeah...we're both good thank you - please take a seat. Can I get you anything?"

Kana noticed the slight unease in Nealey's voice, but decided to only make a note of it for the time being. "I'm good for now, thank you. Will Madison and the kids be joining us later?" The Chief Counsellor enquired politely as she took a seat at the Brinsley's table.

After heading over to the replicator to order herself a cup of tea the Australian responded.

"They'll be back soon - they've just gone to the mess hall to collect our evening meal. We ordered extra just in case you wanted to join us for dinner as well?" Nealey responded.

Kana smiled. "That's very thoughtful. I'd be delighted to take you up on that offer." She was genuinely quite pleased by the invitation. She hadn't been a part of a family meal in a long time. "How have you found having your family on board a Starfleet vessel? I always wondered it might feel a bit tight and difficult to find personal space."

Nealey was pleased that Kana had accepted her offer of joining them all for a family meal.

"It's not that bad actually - when we head back to the Victoria we'll be moving into some bigger quarters which have been specially designed for large families. Before we came here our quarters were about the same size as these." Nealey responded.

"I see. And the little ones - Keziah and Victoria - how do they find moving from starship to starship? I imagine it must be a big deal for them as well as for you and Madison."

Nealey replied. "They don't seem to mind - to be honest our decision to go back to the Victoria is mainly because Keziah and Victoria were really happy there. Then there's Madison's promotion too - she's been waiting a long time for that and I'm really happy for her"

"I'm glad that she has got the promotion she so rightly deserves." Kana complimented. "I wonder if Victoria enjoys being aboard a ship that shares her name? I certainly would've enjoyed it if I were a kid!" She laughed heartily. She then paused for a moment, almost as if pondering a question to herself, before turning it into a verbal one for Nealey to consider.

"Do you think moving around so much changes how they imagine 'home' to be, and perhaps even what it means to have a family?"

"Home...I miss home. A lot" Nealey responded.

Just as Nealey finished speaking Madison returned with Keziah and Victoria - who were each carrying part of the family's evening meal from the mess hall.

"Oh...hello Commander. Nealey mentioned that you'd be coming over for dinner. I hope you like ravioli...because there is a lot of it!" Madison said.

Kana smiled warmly as Madison, Keziah and Victoria all entered with the evening's meal. She laughed heartily at the mention of the main course. "Why of course! Who doesn't like ravioli?" She joked casually. Her body language and tone of speech relaxed and more light all of a sudden, as if to be more approachable to the children. Kana didn't want her rank or title to intimidate them or ruin the family atmosphere.

Turning back to Nealey to continue their conversation, she asked. "Tell me about it. Home, I mean." She smiled, genuinely curious.

Their conversation became very loud and hearty as, while all enjoying their meals, Kana learnt more about their home. The kids spoke warmly and excitedly about their schoolfriends and teachers who they missed dearly, Nealey and Madison spoke fondly of how they had first met back home and that was how their love had sprung into life. All of it was a great chance for the Chief Counsellor to charge her emotional batteries. But it also made her think of home, and for her, not all the memories were as fond. But they existed, and for a while at least, it was nice to feel a part of it with others.

She spent most of the rest of the evening with them, and when it was done, she headed back to her own quarters. Tired, but happy.


Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lt. Nealey Brinsley
Operations Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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