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Posted on Sunday October 18th, 2020 @ 12:06am by Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon & Cadet Freshman Grade Caleb Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim

1,913 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Day 4 - 1300

Chloe walked down the corridor towards Freya’s quarters. She was due her first scheduled checkup on her and her baby. She wanted someone with her, and with Caleb still out of the picture, she was hoping Freya would help. She walked up to the door and pressed the buzzer.

Just as Chloe pressed the buzzer, Freya walked up to her from behind, just returning from duty on the bridge. She could not help but giggle as she tapped the cadet on the shoulder. "Looking for me?"

Chloe jumped at the unexpected touch from behind. “Freya! You scared me!” She laughed, surprised. “I’m sorry to disturb you but I have to have my first checkup today, and I was wondering if you’d accompany me?” She asked.

Freya smiled and nodded, opening the sholder clasp of her uniform jacket. "Sure, if you want me to." She yawned. "But next time, tell me in advance so I can charge up on caffeine, yeah?", she added, with a laugh, as the pair started their walk towards sickbay.

Chloe was the first to walk into sickbay. Looking around, she took a seat, and waited for someone to call her over.

"Early Cadet Graydon, commendable," came the drawl as T'vek emerged from his office, his cliff like countenance could almost have been chiselled into a stiffly disinterested expression, without preamble he unclipped his tricorder from his beltpouch and approached, "Any complaints thus far?"

Chloe shook her head. “Just the normal morning sickness, apart from that nothing that I’ve noticed. Well apart from a strange craving for prunes.” She answered.

"Ah, morning sickness," in a slight raise of tone that could almost be taken for an explanation as he began taking readings, "Cravings are a natural part of Human Pregnancy, as for your morning sickness we have a variety of remedies for that," he replied idly, "who is your friend, I've not yet encountered much of the crew."

Freya grimaced at the mention of prunes, a food that she had no liking for whatsoever. When the Doctor asked who she was, she looked at him and smiled. "Lieutenant Freya Mannerheim. Chief Flight Control Officer. We have met."

"Indeed, we have, but not so formally, Lieutenant Nivora T'vek and a pleasure," he replied in a tone that almost indicated the opposite, while his expression indicated a similar appreciation for prunes as Freya.

“Freya is more of a sister to me. She’s helped me a lot recently.” Chloe stated. “So, where do we begin?” She asked, discreetly grasping Freya’s hand. She was a little nervous to say the least.

"I'd start with the basics, outline your general routine throughout the day including how often you eat and go to the toilet, and then I can offer you treatments that will fit into your routine," replied the imperious Romulan from behind his granite mask.

“I’ve been eating a lot more than normal. Snacking a lot throughout the day, around meals. Not really been using the toilet that much. Sleeping a lot more than normal, I’ve even overslept sometimes.” Chloe replied. “Is that bad?” She asked.

"Hardly," T'vek drawled dismissively waving a hand, "it will take some time for you to adapt to a new routine, as for possible solutions I can suggest dietary, or medication, the choice, is yours."

"Medication would be preferable...I like to eat a lot of different things." She replied, looking around. She knew now that Caleb was a cadet in medical, and was really hoping he wouldn't turn up. Her face mirrored this, but only a few people would know what this was for.

"Are you sure?", Freya asked, having stayed quiet until this point. "Medication can have effects on the unborn child, if I remember my basic biology right - why not hear what both options are, before making a decision? Always get as much information as you can before acting."

Chloe nodded. "Maybe you're right." She answered. "Can you tell me about both options?" She asked T'vek.

"Indeed," pausing imperiously, "you are correct Lieutenant, as to there being medical side effects, Morning Sickness is something human doctors have been trying to tackle without side effect for centuries, to counter the side effects you would be looking at a regular cocktail of medication which could potentially have an adverse effect on your unborn child, I say potential, as every pregnancy and child is unique," his low faintly rumbling tones while genuine ever tinged with the usual drawl as he continued to take readings.

"As for Dietary, I can recommend several foods which would likely greatly reduce instances of Morning Sickness with little adverse effect, I took the liberty after our last meeting to do some research, and found several I can recommend from different cultures and species which would allow you to continue," pausing for a moment to mentally recall that strange appetite's were typical of Pregnant Human Females, "snacking, at will."

I can only make recommendations and continue on your own expressed preferences, though I must ask, I presume you wish for absolute discretion until you are ready to disclose your condition?" he enquired mildly.

Chloe nodded. "I want people to know when I tell them, on my terms. I think i'll try the dietary first maybe. And then if that doesn't work maybe we can look at other options?" She asked.

"Of course, that would explain the elevated stress levels I'm seeing, as for Dietary we have quite a varied selection some of which I am sure you will likely enjoy," T'vek replied languidly as he folded his hands behind his back.

"Do you have them here? Or do I need to just replicate them?" Chloe asked.

"I do indeed have some samples for what you might prefer ready, I had expected that this subject would be broached this checkup and took the liberty of replicating several samples from various cultures which will reduce, mitigate or neutralise any effects of Morning Sickness without any adverse effects," with this imperious pronunciation he lifted a large tray laden with various small dishes with a dizzying array of delicacies, "there are enough for both of you."

Chloe smiled, reaching out, and picking up a small rectangular bar from one of the bowls, taking a bite. "Mmm." She approved. "What do you think?" She asked, turning to Freya.

The Lieutenant smiled. "I think it's time for lunch." She turned to the Romulan. "Thank you for the advice, doctor," she said, honest gratitude in her voice.

Chloe nodded in agreement, her mouth half full of one of the supplements. "Thank you Doctor. While i'm here, I also seem to have developed a slight rash, but I don't know what to. Do you have anything for that?" She asked.

"Let me know which ones you prefer and I can tell you what they are, I thought it best for a relativley blind tasting as names and origins at times can form prejudgements," he mildly offered, "as for a rash, might I enquire as to where, and if it is at all irritating?"

"It's on my stomach mostly, but it has been rather itchy." She said.

"Ah, may I take a swab of this rash or would you prefer a nurse to do so?" he idly enquired while looking over readings on his tricorder.

"Urm, a Nurse if that's ok..." She answered. She was a little shy about her body, even with Doctors.

"Of course, it is understandable, I'll have Nurse Jenkins attend you in a private area," he drawled as he beckoned over the aforementioned nurse who was busy stocking the new equipment containers and made the request.

Caleb had overheard the assessment being done, and walked through to the diagnostic bay, taking the swab from Nurse Jenkins. "I'll take this one nurse, don't worry." He said, walking into the bay.

Chloe had a small look of shock on her face as Caleb walked in. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She shouted as he walked over.

"Helping." He replied bluntly.

"Really, because last I heard you didn't want any part of any of this." She shouted back.

Freya stepped in between the two. "Chloe, calm down." She turned to Caleb. "No, seriously, what the hell do you think you're doing? Give that swab back to nurse Jenkins and get the hell out of here."

"Stop this at once, why are two cadets fighting in MY sickbay?" T'vek quietly demanded, his tone having all the warmth of a nitrogen bath, his eyes narrowed, his hands now clasped behind his back in a dignified manner as he stepped forward one step his chin raised slightly as he towered over the two. He had a sneaking suspicion as to a few questions he had had over the past few days, but he would prefer confirmation and he certainly had no intention of either having his authority in his lair disturbed, nor of being made to look a fool, so for now, and as usual, he would play things subtle and inscrutable, as ever a true Romulan.

"Sorry Doctor." Chloe replied. "But I do not want Caleb to do this swab." She said forcefully.

T'vek narrowed his eyes further before turning his head ever so slightly, "Attend to the Medicinals in Hydroponics and that will conclude your duty shift today, Consult the various treatment modalities regarding to toxicology." not batting an eye at having assigned a fairly weighty piece of revision as he gestured at Nurse Jenkins while he relaxed his hands and began to tap away at a PADD.

Caleb nodded meekly, before hurrying off. He knew he was in the wrong, and the assignments he'd been given to revise were quite hefty, so he didn't want to hang around and risk getting given more to do.

Chloe relaxed a little as the Nurse came over and completed the swab swiftly. After the swab was completed she quickly pulled her shirt back on, and stood to leave. "Do you need anything else from me Doctor?" She asked, wanting to get out of sickbay as quickly as she could.

T'vek eyed up Chloe with an baleful glance, "No you're free to go, we can go over where to go next at your next appointment, but if I may, I presume you would be appreciative if I scheduled it at a time that my new Nurse is not present?" his tone gentle yet distant, nigh certain that he now knew who the father was, but certainly was not in the mood for more theatrics, he had been at quieter Klingon Opera.

Chloe nodded slightly, lowering her head slightly. "I apologise for shouting was just a bit...unexpected." She answered quietly.

Freya simply nodded, choosing not to respond to the dramatic display of earlier. "If we are done here, Chloe, Doctor? I believe we all have other things to get back to."

"Indeed," T'vek replied in sardonic tones, arching an eyebrow and tapping away rapidly on a PADD.

Chloe got up from the bed and headed towards the door, quietly. She stopped for a moment, thinking about saying something, then thought better of it and quickly walked out the door, heading to her quarters.


Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Greydon (APB Puppy)
Operations Cadet
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Caleb Johnson
Medical Cadet
USS Poseidon


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