Miranda Von Furst

Name Miranda Von Furst


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

Friday August 14th, 2020 @ 11:36pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3
Weight 115 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Miranda’s signature look is based on the aesthetic of glamorous women in the 1920’s nightclub scene, and pin-up photography. She is a short woman, though she usually hides that by wearing tall heels, and her pale skin gives a lovely contrast against her dark, glossy hair, and vivid green eyes. Her most memorable feature is a large tattoo of the Sigil of Baphomet on the inside of her left wrist.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Miranda is a vampish woman, who is not afraid to use sensuality to achieve her goals. She is also a secretive woman, who divulges very little about herself, choosing instead to get people to open up about their own lives, and interests. A natural people person she does well in her chosen field, that of a lounge manager, and for over a decade ran her own lounge on Aldeberan, called Miranda’s.

Personal History Miranda was born and raised on the colony world of Aldebaran. Very little is known of her early life, or her family, as she is very tight-lipped about such personal matters. What is known, however, is that by the age of fifteen she was already working as a waitress in the nightclub scene of the city she grew up in, and by the time she was twenty had moved up sufficiently to open her own club.

When she was twenty-eight years old, Miranda left Aldebaran under circumstances she will not discuss, leaving behind everything about her old life. She began to build a new life for herself by joining the civilian corps of Starfleet, putting her skills as a bartender and lounge manager to good use. Over the intervening years, she has served on two ships and is now settling in nicely on her third, aboard the USS Poseidon.