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The Yeoman's Friend

Posted on Sunday March 8th, 2020 @ 2:05pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier & Staff Warrant Officer Kendall Williams

932 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 6 - Yeoman's Office
Timeline: Post-Launch


Staff Warrant Officer Kendall Williams had been hard at work ascertaining and working with the Commanding Officer to best provide for his stressful job. She had never before been on a ship with so much paperwork - used figuratively of course. So dedicated was her workload that she had earned her own office within the Senior Officer's Office's on Deck Six, dedicated entirely to the flow of information to and from the CO. She hadn't had time to make friends, acquaintances, or anything else. By chance alone she found out the XO had recently acquired a Yeoman, though undoubtedly with far less of a workload than her. So it was that on one specific occasion, just as she finished a particularly heavy amount of PADD paperwork, she exited the small office to take note of the new Yeoman.

"Oh!" Kendall remarked, quite beside herself to take note of someone else finally. "Are you that new Yeoman for the First Officer?"

Daisy looked up at the woman who'd just addressed her. She'd not been in the office or long so Daisy assumed that Kendall must have left before her arrival. She stood up and walked around to the Warrant Officer before extending her hand.

"Yeah that's me. Nice to meet you" Daisy said.

Kendall politely took the hand offered, shaking gently as she smiled. "Nice to meet you too! I'm Staff Warrant Officer Williams, people call me Kendall though. You can too. What's yours?"

Daisy shook Kendall's hand before retracting it and gesturing towards the office's replicator.

Daisy replied. "The name's Daisy. I was about to get myself a cup of tea - can I get you something to drink too?"

"Oh! Oh....Oh right, we do have a replicator here," Kendall replied, almost gazing at the replicator as if she just realized it existed. "Um, yeah, maybe some coffee please?"

Kendall took a step back, seating herself around one of the bordering chairs usually reserved for those waiting on seeing an Officer or the Yeoman themselves. She rubbed a hand through her hair, disheveled as it was, and gave a heavy sigh.

"I swear if this wasn't a starship, I'd think it was a business," she murmured.

Daisy nodded and replicated a cup of tea for herself - placing it on her desk - before replicating a cup of coffee for Kendall and taking it over to her. She placed it down gently before heading back to her own desk to get on with her work.

Kendall took the cup of coffee, uttering her thanks. She watched Daisy return to her desk, taking a sip of her coffee.

"So what does the XO have you doing?" Kendall asked after her sip.

Daisy responded. "Whatever she needs help with really - at the moment I'm transferring some of her paperwork over to the ship's computer - after this I've got a few messages to deliver. Tomorrow I'm going to be doing some more counselling training."

It seems Kendall's prior assumption that the XO's Yeoman didn't have much to do was incorrect. She felt a pain of guilt over the belief, but washed it away with another sip of coffee. She nodded.

"You sound as busy as me," Kendall remarked, laughing gently. "What do you usually do in your off time?"

Before responding Daisy had a long sip of her warm beverage and savoured the warmth of the mug for a few moments - wrapping both of her hands around it.

Daisy replied. "I like to read and listen to music - I've recently taken up learning archery too which is fun. What about you?"

Kendall nodded, "I usually watch holovids alone, or take up hiking in the holodecks. It's been pleasant. Haven't had much time to talk to anyone - until now that is. Been so busy!"

"Yeah...I think we both need to make some time for ourselves. How about we do something on the holodeck one night soon?" Daisy suggested.

Kendall smiled, "I like that idea. Why not get together on this after our shift?"

Daisy thought that sounded like an excellent idea. Although her shift wasn't over yet she was feeling quite tired and felt like an easy and relaxing evening was in order.

Daisy nodded. "That sounds like a plan actually...after the day I've had I could do with a nice relaxing evening. What sort of films do you like to watch?"

"Anything really," Kendall admitted. "Usually something like fantasy. I'm very open. You have a preference?"

Daisy smiled. "I don't mind to be honest - whatever you've got in mind will do fine. Do you want to come to my quarters or shall we go to yours?"

Kendall took a sip of her coffee. "I'm open for anything really, yours would be fine if you want."

She blinked, hearing something beep from her office. She sighed as Kendall looked exasperated towards Daisy. "Work never ends," she said. "I'll see you sometime later, okay?"

Daisy nodded and thought that it was probably best she got on with delivering the pile of PADDs on her desk. The sooner that was done the sooner Daisy could get on with the other things that she needed to do.

"Yeah...I'd better get going too. These PADDs won't deliver themselves - see you later Kendall." Daisy responded.

Kendall smiled. "Thanks for the coffee," she said as she raised her cup, returning to her office to finish her shift.



Staff Warrant Officer Kendall Williams
Captain's Yeoman
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier
Counsellor/XO's Aide
USS Poseidon


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