Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne

Name Charles Ermey Payne

Position Chief of the Boat

Rank Master Chief Petty Officer


  • 17 Mission Posts

Last Post

Friday November 13th, 2020 @ 9:43am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 52

Physical Appearance

Height 179.83 cm
Weight 88.45 kg
Hair Color Black/Grey Balding
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Charles is a stalky man. Heavy set with not one ounce of fat on him. He looks like he could have had a hard life. But enjoyed every second of it.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Jack Payne
Mother Professor Elinor Robertson-Payne
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) Admiral Kendal Payne. Deputy Chief of Staff Star Fleet.
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Charles is best described as " A salty sea dog. " He has always been a man of action. and you could be forgiven for forgetting that he had a little bit of a successful career as a musician out of Star fleet. But, his time in uniform has always been a journey. One of striving for success. Both in himself and others.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Confident - Headstrong
+ Able - Stubborn
+ Willing
+ Eye for detail
Ambitions Charles already has done much in his career in Star fleet. He jokingly refers what he is doing now as his second fleet career. He wants to eventually retire. But he's not ready for that quite yet.
Hobbies & Interests Music- ( Plays guitar, sings, writes music ), Reads, Solving puzzles, Mathematics, Chess, Athletics. ( Wrestling, Boxing, Football, and Ti Chi )

Personal History Charles and his twin Sister Kendal Payne who were born in 2378,they both had a very normal but casual childhood, Their father Jack Payne a business executive who was away for most of the time While their mother Sarah Payne is a Professor of Chemistry at Springfield University. The home was a happy one with both of them being home schooled as much as their Mom could do.

In 2382 both Charles and Kendal were sent by their mother to Saint John’s high school to continue their education, Charles was always a good student in school. With his grades heading to high standards and in competition with his Sister including Sports where both excelled both mentally and physically.

Charles moved to King Charles II High School in 2387 once more followed by his sister, when he started to feel like she was his shadow with her following him around even when he tried to start making friends. It was during his teen years when he fell in with the wrong crowd and a slight problem with authority figures. It was with the police and the courts that brought the idea to his parents that he needed some grounding. He was given a choice to join Starfleet or go to prison; he chose a compromise he wanted to be an enlisted man, not an officer. After a certain " Getting used to the idea " period the Payne's reluctantly accepted their son's choice.

Service Record Enrolled in Star Fleet
2363 Assigned USS Gandhi as Engineers mate at the ranks of Crewman 3rd Class

2366 Assigned USS Melbourne as Engineers Mate and promoted to Crewman 2nd Class

2366 USS Melbourne lost at wolf 359 reassigned to Earth and promoted to Crewman 1st Class

Mid 2366 - late 2367 re-trained as Quartermaster
2368 Assigned Starbase 101 as an Engineer and promoted to Petty Officer 3

2370 Assigned Starbase 14 as Quartermaster at the rank of Petty Officer 2

2371 - 2373 returned to earth to re-train as Botswain
2374 Assigned USS Tucker as Botswain and promoted to Petty Officer 1

2375 Assigned USS Weinburg as Chief of the Boat
2377 Promoted to Chief Petty Officer

2380 Assigned USS Pegasus as Chief of the Boat
2382 Re-assigned to Earth for Advanced Engineering training
2384 Assigned USS Lexington as Chief of the Boat as Senior Chief Petty Officer

2389 Assigned USS Intrepid as Chief of the Boat

2394 Assigned USS Poseidon as Chief of the Boat and promoted to Master Chief Petty Officer