Crew Awards

Captain's Merit Award Captain's Merit Award
Awarded to the player(s) and/or crew that the CO felt outshone the rest for the month.

Awarded monthly. This award applies both In-Character and Out-Of-Character.
Captain's Merit Citation Captain's Merit Citation
Awarded to players a Captain feels is worthy; those who show exceptional performance in their duties, and those of their characters, both in character and out of character. While not a full award, it is intended to express gratitude and show appreciation for the efforts the player and/or crew awarded.

This award applies both In-Character and Out-Of-Character.
Character Development Award Character Development Award
Awarded for outstanding character development by a player on the sim. Players having this award have shown their abilities to progress from one stage to another, visibly writing out the maturity of their character and/or progression, whichever applies first. Nice job!

This is an Out-of-character award.
Crew Choice Award Crew Choice Award
An award noted on by the crew, honoring their favorite player for the month. A high honor, receiving the approval of your ship mates. Voted on between the last day of the month and extended as necessary.

This award is an Out-Of-Character award.
Crew Choice Citation Crew Choice Citation
Though not a full award, this citation still recognizes the outstanding contributions of the player awarded. It is intended to be awarded to runners-up in the monthly voting of the Crew Choice Award.

This award is an Out-Of-Character award.
Executive Officer's Merit Award Executive Officer's Merit Award
Awarded to the player(s) whom the XO thought outshone the rest during the month.

Awarded monthly. This is both an In-Character and Out-Of-Character award.
Second Officer's Citation of the Golden Arrow Second Officer's Citation of the Golden Arrow
Awarded to players that the Second Officer feels is worthy; those who show exceptional performance in their duties, and those of their characters, both in character and out of character. While not a full award, it is intended to express gratitude and show appreciation for the efforts the player and/or crew awarded.

This award applies both In-Character and Out-Of-Character.
Helping Hand Medal Helping Hand Medal
In-Character, this medal is awarded for recognition of support actions in character with other characters.

Out-of-character, this medal is awarded for assistance to other players beyond expectations.

This medal applies both In-Character and Out-Of-Character.
Joint Mission Award Joint Mission Award
This award is given to crew-members who participate in joint missions with other fellow Starfleet vessels, outposts, starbases, and/or the crew thereof.

This award is an In-Character award.
NPC Award NPC Award
This award is given to a player who makes an NPC that contributes to the sim in an outstanding fashion. This players NPC stands out, good job!

This is an Out-of-character award.
Recruitment Award Recruitment Award
This award is given to a player that assists in the recruitment of another player(s) to the Sims. Thank you so much!

This is an Out-of-character award.
Postmaster General Award Postmaster General Award
This award is given to a player who posts the most posts during a specific timeframe or within a given time period. Regardless, this award demonstrates high commitment and participation to the sim. Thank you for your hard work!

This is an Out-of-character award.
S.D. Perry Award of Excellence S.D. Perry Award of Excellence
Named in honor of a famous Star Trek author, this award is given to a player who not only makes their character believable and a joy to write with, but also writes posts with wonderful spelling and grammar and passes the posts off easily to other players. Excellent work!

This is an Out-of-character award.
Treknobabble Citation Treknobabble Citation
Given to a player who shows an astounding grasp of "treknobabble". The player awarded is recognized as an inspiration for the sim and celebrates the grasp of the Trek universe the player has. Nice work, we can all hope to achieve this level of nerdom one day!

This is an Out-of-character award.
Training Badge Award Training Badge Award
There are two recognitions for this award. The first is the recognition of achievement for the player behind the character, in progressing and succeeding past pre-determined goals. The second recognition is of the character, for growth and maturity through progression on the ship in their chosen duty station and interactions with the crew.

This award may be granted multiple times for multiple achievements for new players and characters.

This is an In-Character and Out-of-character Award.
Survivalist Award Survivalist Award
This award is given to a character that either places themselves into a seemingly irretrievable situation or finds themselves in an impossible to survive circumstance and finding their way out.

This award recognizes both the skill and ingenuity of the character through writing and the skill and exemplary service of the character in the line of duty.

This is an In-Character award.
Purple Heart Purple Heart
This award is given to a character that is injured in the line of duty serving their fellow officers and crew. It is a high honor in recognition of services rendered through sacrifice.

This is an In-Character award.
Relationship Award Relationship Award
This Award is given to players who develop loving relationships for their characters with other player characters, including NPC's. This award may also be granted to players who develop a not-so-loving relationship with other characters/NPC's, but still add an interesting and creative dynamic to the sim. Excellent job!

This is an Out-of-character award.
Civilian Division Service Award Civilian Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Civilian Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Command Service Division Award Command Service Division Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Command Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Counseling Division Service Award Counseling Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Counseling Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Diplomatic & Cultural Division Service Award Diplomatic & Cultural Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Diplomatic and/or Cultural Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Flight Control Division Service Award Flight Control Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Flight Control Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Marine Division Service Award Marine Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Marine Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Medical Division Service Award Medical Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Medical Division both with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Operations Division Service Award Operations Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Operations Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Science Division Service Award Science Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Science Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Security Division Service Award Security Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Security Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Starfighter Division Service Award Starfighter Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Starfighter Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Strategic Operations Division Service Award Strategic Operations Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Strategic Ops Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Tactical Division Service Award Tactical Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Tactical Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Intelligence Division Service Award Intelligence Division Service Award
This award is given to a character that has served the Intelligence Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Engineering Division Service Award Engineering Division Service Award
This award is given to a character who has served the Engineering Division with distinction.

This is an In-Character award.
Tour of Duty: Federation Space Tour of Duty: Federation Space
This award is given to [Non-Federation] persons that have participated in a Tour of Duty in or around Federation Space. This award is also given to Exchange Officer's in recognition of their achievement.

This award can also be given to Starfleet/Federation personnel who participate in a tour of duty in Federation Space, and are either promoted, leave service, or expire in the line of duty.

This is an In-Character award.
Tour of Duty: Klingon Space Tour of Duty: Klingon Space
This award is given to persons that have participated in a Tour of Duty in or around Klingon Space.

This is an In-Character award.
Tour of Duty: Romulan Space Tour of Duty: Romulan Space
This award is given to persons that have participated in a Tour of Duty in or around Romulan Space.

This is an In-Character award.
Tour of Duty: Cardassian Space Tour of Duty: Cardassian Space
This award is given to persons that have participated in a Tour of Duty in or around Cardassian Space.

This is an In-Character award.
Tour of Duty: Tholian Space Tour of Duty: Tholian Space
This award is given to persons that have participated in a Tour of Duty in or around Tholian Space.

This is an In-Character award.
Tour of Duty: Uncharted Territories Tour of Duty: Uncharted Territories
This award is given to persons that have participated in a Tour of Duty in areas that have been uncharted. This includes areas such as another Galaxy, the Delta Quadrant, Gamma Quadrant, etc. This award is also granted when completing a Tour of Duty in an uncharted system, sector, or planet.

This is an In-Character award.
Outstanding Tragic Writing Award Outstanding Tragic Writing Award
This award is granted to a player who has written a well-versed emotional scene, story arc, mission post, et cetera, that elicits a tragic response from readers in such a way as to draw them in. Tearjerkers are especially considered for this award.

This is a high honor, given to excellence in writing.

This is an Out-of-character award.
Outstanding Dramatic Writing Award Outstanding Dramatic Writing Award
This award is granted to players who manage to pull of scenes of drama that drag the audience in on the edge of their seats, leaving them yearning for more.

This is a high honor, given to excellence in writing.

This is an Out-of-character award.
Outstanding Comedic Writing Award Outstanding Comedic Writing Award
This award is given to the player who manages to write their stories, posts, et cetera, in such a way that genuinely makes the reader laugh and feel involved in the joke. Unlike the prior two Outstanding Writing Awards, Comedy is generally far more difficult to pull off, and as such this award recognizes and appreciates the difficulty in doing so.

This is a high honor, given to excellence in writing.

This is an Out-of-character award.
Longevity Award: 3 months Longevity Award: 3 months
Awarded to a player for 3 months of sim participation.

This award is an Out-of-character award.
Longevity Award: 6 months Longevity Award: 6 months
Awarded to a player for 6 months of sim participation.

This award is an Out-of-character award.
Longevity Award: 9 months Longevity Award: 9 months
Awarded to a player for 9 months of sim participation.

This award is an Out-of-character award.
Longevity Award: 1 year Longevity Award: 1 year
Awarded to a player for 1 year of sim participation.

This award is an Out-of-character award.
Longevity Award: 3 years Longevity Award: 3 years
Awarded to a player for 3 years of sim participation.

This award is an Out-of-character award.
Longevity Award: 5 years Longevity Award: 5 years
Awarded to a player for 5 years of sim participation.

This award is an Out-of-character award.
Newcomer Award Newcomer Award
Awarded to players who have applied to the sim within the last month and who have made a valuable contribution in that time and whose characters have contributed to the sim.

This award is an Out-of-character award.
Friendship Ribbon Friendship Ribbon
This award is given to a player who develops a believable friendship with another players character within a given amount of time. It's so cute!

This is an Out-of-character award.
Antagonist Award Antagonist Award
This award is given to a player who creates a character that other players love to hate. Well done!

This is an Out-of-character award.
Darwin NPC Award Darwin NPC Award
This award is given to the player-owner of an NPC who dies under ridiculous and sometimes downright hilarious circumstances. Similar to a darwin award, but for NPC's, and intended to be lighthearted. Nice job!

This is an Out-of-character award.
Funnybone Award Funnybone Award
This award is granted to a player who brings a sense of comedic relief or value to the sim. This can be via a funny character name, character dialogue, random event, or just by being a generally funny and swell player. Nice job!

This is an Out-of-character award.
Participation Award Participation Award
Awarded to individuals who might not achieve first place, but surely have put in an awesome effort to get there. This award recognizes that effort, those hours of hard work, and all the participation of the awardee. Great job!

This award is an Out-of-character award.
Writing Citation - Grade One Writing Citation - Grade One
Awarded to a player who demonstrates an ability for structured and positive writing, displaying skill and capability that make their posts easy to read.

This is an Out-of-Character award.
Writing Citation - Grade Two Writing Citation - Grade Two
Awarded to a player who demonstrates a superior ability for structured and positive writing, displaying skill and capability that make their posts easy to read. Their posts often contribute greatly to a Joint Post and their writing helps the flow of the story.

This is an Out-of-Character award.
Writing Citation - Grade Three Writing Citation - Grade Three
Awarded to a player who demonstrates an excellent ability at writing, making their posts a joy to read and conveying both the thought and actions of their characters in such a manner as to be believable. A superior writer, those awarded are recognized for their capability and talent at structured writing and storytelling.

This is an Out-of-Character award.
Pegasus Fleet 10 Year Anniversary Award Pegasus Fleet 10 Year Anniversary Award
An award given for members of any Simulation currently serving during the 10 Year Anniversary event.
10 Year Anniversary RP Award 10 Year Anniversary RP Award
Awarded to Players who took part in the Discord Live RP event at the end of the 10 Year Pegasus fleet Anniversary
Bronze Pumpkin Award Bronze Pumpkin Award
The Bronze Pumpkin Award recognizes the third place winner for any Halloween themed competition. Good job!
Silver Pumpkin Award Silver Pumpkin Award
The Silver Pumpkin Award recognizes the second place winner for any Halloween themed competition. Good job!
Gold Pumpkin Award Gold Pumpkin Award
The Gold Pumpkin Award recognizes the first place winner for any Halloween themed competition. Good job!
Halloweens Best Citation Halloweens Best Citation
The Halloweens Best Citation recognizes the best in presentation and show for any given player in their efforts in any Halloween-themed competition. Your efforts are recognized and greatly appreciated! Awesome job!