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"Who Takes Over?"

Posted on Thursday March 5th, 2020 @ 3:12am by Captain Franklin Johnson

473 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Post-Launch


Neteri was reading the flight manifest and noticed that it was a bit confusing. With all that had happened the position that Pavan held was now vacant. Thinking she would automatically advance she wondered, so figuring the best way to address it would be to see the captain. Getting up she took her final report on flight readiness with her and headed for the captain's ready room.

Arriving shortly, she made sure she was presentable and hit the door chime.

"Enter!" invited Franklin, the Commander standing and reading over a report on his PADD. He looked up, then smiled upon seeing Neteri.

"Ah, Lieutenant! Happy to see you again," he said, then, noting her expression, he asked in a concerned tone, "Is everything alright?"

"Oh yes sir, I have my flight readiness report completed for you. Since.......the accident.......I have been kinda taking care of the pilots and the reports. I was wondering when the new CAG was coming," Neteri asked. She was trying very hard to hide her emotions.

"The new CAG?" Franklin asked, bewildered at first. His expression opened into a shocked understanding. "Oh!" he managed, "Oh! Commander of the Air Group! Of course, of course."

Taking a moment to collect himself, he adjusted his uniform carefully, giving a nod her way. "Well, Lieutenant, there happens to be plenty of cadets on board who are training for the starfighter corps, but not many senior choices. Since....well, since Pavan passed on. I think it's fitting if you took that responsibility, if you think you're up for training the next generation of fighter pilots?"

Looking slightly shocked herself, "Captain, Me? I mean take the CAG position and teach the....", stopping short, then finishing, "Yes sir it would be an honor to teach the next generation of fighter pilots", she finally finished saying. Her mind was spinning in twenty different directions and for once she had no idea on how to continue the conversation.

"Good!" Franklin said, relieved that he finally corrected that oversight. He turned and grabbed his PADD, typing in the appropriate corrections to the ships records. Setting it down, he patted Neteri on the shoulder. "Congratulations on your promotion, Group Commander. If you need anything, my office is open."

"I don't know what to say", she said finally. "This is quite unexpected but thank you sir I will try to live up to your expectations of me", Neteri said slightly nervous. Now her world had just grown in a way she wanted but never expected to happen this way.

"It's all well and good," Franklin assured. "Anything else you need, Lieutenant?"

"Um....nothing I can think of at the moment sir", Neteri said.

Franklin nodded, "Very good. I'll be awaiting your reports."



Commander Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Neteri "Ikran" Shannon
USS Poseidon


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