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[BACKLOG] Introductions

Posted on Saturday January 23rd, 2021 @ 4:42pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier

941 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: U.S.S. Poseidon; Crew Mess Hall & Lounge, Deck 6
Timeline: Sometime during the Fourth Day since Departure
Tags: Daisy Stanier, Kanaka Shakura

This JP was finished with the permission of Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier, who has been on an Extended Leave of Absence following personal hardship.


It was Daisy's very first day on her new assignment. If she was totally honest with herself she was very nervous - but at the same time - she was also extremely excited to see where it took her. Daisy had heard good things about the Poseidon from other Cadets at the Academy - so knowing she'd been given the veteran Miranda-class as her first assignment was encouraging.

Kana made her way optimistically to the Crew Mess Hall. There she had agreed to meet one of the Poseidon's newest recruits, and not just any new recruit: Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Amber Stainer had been assigned in the Chief Counsellor's charge as her Aide, on placement from the Academy in the hopes of training to become a fully-fledged Counsellor through first-hand guidance and experience. The prospect of helping to train someone genuinely excited Kana, to the point she was even a little giddy. She herself had started her first tour of duty as a Counsellor's Aide on the U.S.S. Maverick some years ago, though she had gone through the officers' course first. This young woman was some way from that, but that didn't phase Kana. In fact, she thought it was better, particularly as this was what she had requested herself.

Arriving in the Mess Hall, she scanned the room and immediately found the eyes of the young Daisy, whose picture she had studied closely with the file she received when the commission was given. Approaching her confidently, the Chief Counsellor gave the young woman a warm smile. "Cadet Freshman Stainer? I'm Lieutenant Commander Shakura, First Officer and Chief Counsellor of the Poseidon. Welcome aboard." She offered her a handshake.

The Cadet was in a world of her own as Kana approached her. After a few seconds or so she came to her senses and stood up - almost knocking the table over in the process. Daisy shook Kana's hand gently before responding.

" Commander" Daisy said.

"Whoa there," Kana gestured for Daisy to take it easy as she sat down with her. "Relax, Cadet. This is just an informal introduction for the two of us, so we can get to know each other, as we'll be working quite closely together going forward. Counsellor's Aide is a serious role, especially now that I am also fulfilling the duties of Executive Officer." Her tone was formal but sincere. Smiling, she pulled out a PADD from under her arm, which had Daisy's profile on it. Kana scrolled down.

"So lets see're coming from the Academy, hoping to gain some experience in the field. Your grades are strong, and you have glowing recommendations from your instructors. What was it that brought you into counselling?"

Sitting back down again the Cadet felt a little more relaxed knowing the counsellor who she'd be shadowing seemed nice.

Daisy replied. "I like to listen and I like to help people. I didn't have somebody to do that for me but I'd like to be there for other people."

Kana nodded. "So you yourself have experienced difficulty in the past and wish to help others based upon your experience. I can completely emphasise with that. It was that, in part, which drove me to be here now." She smiled. "Do you still feel like you are in need of support yourself?"

"I'm alright now thank you - but if I feel that changes at any point while I'm assigned here then I'll let you know" Daisy responded.

Kana studied the young girl's expression for a moment, trying to gauge how honest her answer was. She noticed no sign of being dishonest, but perhaps there was a degree of shyness in terms of how much she was willing to say. They were just acquaintances now, after all, so the Chief Counsellor couldn't expect her to divulge too much off the bat. She'd choose to keep an eye on her, and see how she'd manage not just the workload but also the lifestyle as the voyage continued.

"Very good, very good..." Kana momentarily glanced down at her PADD, her eyes pouring over the last entries of Daisy's file, before closing it down and focusing on the new Cadet intently, still smiling. "So, tell me: what are your thoughts on being aboard a starship thus far?"

"It's...different...I suppose. I mean I didn't really plan to go into Starfleet originally but...I suppose if anything it'll be good for the experience. My room mate is really nice though - so that's good...erm...yeah" Daisy responded.

"Didn't plan on going into Starfleet originally?" Kana asked inquisitively. "If you don't mind my asking, what did you originally plan to do?"

The two would continue to talk for some time, Kana coming to understand the young woman and appreciate how much struggle and pain had brought her to this moment, and how that had shaped her into the person she was; after all that she had been through, she desperately wanted to help people. Kana knew and appreciated that feeling. She saw a lot of herself in this young woman, and by the end of their conversation, she knew she wanted her to succeed.

She would make sure that happened, one way or another.


Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Cdt. FG Daisy Stanier
Counsellor's Aide
U.S.S. Poseidon


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