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Posted on Sunday October 18th, 2020 @ 12:14am by Petty Officer 1st Class Jaxson Morris & Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon & Cadet Freshman Grade Caleb Johnson

1,549 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Day 4 - 1500

Chloe held on tight to Jax as they left the holodeck, heading directly for sickbay. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, she was starting to feel a lot more pain in her wrist, as well as some pain from a few bumps and bruises she had from her small. "Owwww…" She groaned quietly to herself.

Inwardly cringing every time the girl beside him groaned in pain Jax helped her to sickbay. It didn't take them long to get there, and when they finally approached the doors he gave a small sigh of relief as the doors parted and they walked in. Looking around he caught the eye of one of the closest people in medical teal he could find, "We need some help!" he said, the majority of the panic in his voice gone.

Jennifer had just exited the office, PADD in hand, as she was getting up to speed with any requirements of the staff she should be aware of. Of course the influx of cadet trainees meant there was an information black hole as Starfleet’s bureaucracy were attempting to update and move around files. In theory, it would take less than twelve hours but she was just impatient. The swoosh of the exit doors followed by shouting drew her attention.

The Doctor motioned toward the nearest biobed. “Bring her over here.” She tapped commands on the bed’s interface, bringing the diagnostic tool to life. Seeing her cadet nurse, Caleb, who was on shift with her, she ordered “Johnson help them but be gentle.” She did not know the situation between Caleb or Chloe nor would she have jumped into the cesspool of the ship’s scuttlebutt in any event.

Caleb stood from where he was sat. He'd been studying the workbooks that T'vek had assigned to him. He walked over to the door, looking up when he got there. "Crap..." He muttered to himself. Sighing, he put his arm around Chloe carefully, and helped her across to the Biobed. "What happened?" He asked her quietly, looking across to the other male who'd bought her in. "Did he do this?" He asked, slightly louder.

Chloe looked across at Caleb. Why did it have to be him. "Why do you care?" She asked, venomously. "Seems as you haven't come to see me I guess you don't want any part of this." She said.

Caleb looked slightly hurt. "You know I still care. And the reason I haven't been to see you yet is because i'm scared, which i'm sure you are to..." Caleb trailed off, realising that Jax was still stood there.

Jax was supremely uncomfortable. The younger, brown-haired man had come out, guns blazing, and immediately jumped to the partially true assumption that he was responsible. As the two began to trade barbs it quickly became clear that Jax had gotten himself into something far more intense than he'd imagined. Standing there wide-eyed he looked from one of them to the other and then raised both hands, pointing towards the door, "Should I leave?" he asked, looking incredibly uncomfortable.

"No." Chloe said, rather forcefully. She didn't want Jax to leave, but she could see he was uncomfortable. "I fell off a hoverbike in the holodeck, hurt my arm when the safeties malfunctioned, it's that simple, not his fault at all." She said, referring to Jaxson.

Caleb nodded. "Painful?" He asked, starting up the scan on the biobed.

Chloe nodded. "A fair bit...I think it's broken." She answered.

Caleb looked across to Jennifer. "The scans ready Lieutenant.

Jennifer had listened to the exchange between Caleb and Chloe with dissatisfaction. "Mr. Johnson is there a problem? If you want to interrogate, you should have specialized in Security not Medicine." She stood at the bed console with one of those serious expressions. "We shall see if it is indeed a fracture or a break." She glanced at the monitors then turned to Caleb "Prepare a hypospray of 10cc of Terakine and administer to the patient." As her gazed would fall on Chloe, a smile would greet her. "It is for the pain. As for your accident, we shall see about having Engineering fix that error in the Safeties protocol."

Caleb nodded, walking over to the medicine cabinet and taking out a vial of Terakine, before slotting it carefully into the hypospray. He walked back over and, placing the hypospray against Chloes neck, injected the medication. "That should start to take the pain away, but let us know if it starts to get worse, or if you start to feel ill, or strange in anyway." He said, giving a small smile.

"We need to get you situated. Cadet.." The Doctor said to Jax. "We are going to get her gently positioned on the bed. Don't rush it, ease her." She would assist Jax in helping Chloe onto the biobed, being careful of the arm. Once done, would then swing the diagnostic arm into position over the young patient. "Ok, Cadet, I need you to stay still while we do the scan" She informed Chloe as her attention was focused on the bed's console, her fingers tapping away commands.

Chloe nodded slightly, laying as still as she could.

Jennifer watched as Chloe's arm scan was soon displayed on the monitor. She raised an eyebrow, tapping a command on the console which increased the magnitude at one particular location. "You have a hairline fracture of your radius." She turn to Caleb "Bring the Osteo Regenerator." After instructing her nurse, she would now moved closer to Chloe holding the hand of her good arm. "We can repair the bone tissue but I want you to take an easy with that arm for at least twenty-four hours. You will be fine. Chalk this up as a learning experience." Would tap Chloe's hand and smile at her as she moved back to the console.

Caleb nodded, fetching the requested device from the tray next to the biobed, handing it to Dr Klavetter. "Here you are Doctor." He said.

Chloe nodded. "I'll try and not use it as much as I can." She replied with a smile. The medication she'd been given had taken most of the pain away, but moving it still caused some pain. She looked over at Caleb. "I think we should talk." She said quietly. "Come and find me after your shift." She said. It was more of a demand than a question, but she hoped he'd turn up.

Caleb nodded. "I'd like that." He replied.

Jennifer listened as Chloe and Caleb’s tone was more civil than just a few minutes before. She did not ask nor did she feel under any obligation to know. Instead she accepted the Osteo Regenerator from Caleb and proceed to hold it over the location of the fracture. Once activated, the device admitted a tight beam that was demonstrated on the monitor. Internal scan showed Chloe’s fracture being knitted together by new growth of bone tissue. The need for a cast or any other form of restraint had become unnecessary for quite a few decades. She no longer marvelled at the expediency of it. It was just a routine procedure in this day and age. Once they could grow a complete limb, then she would allow herself to be amazed.

The procedure itself was only a few minutes and even the redness and swelling visible on the arm itself was subsiding. The Doctor switched the device off then turned to the monitor, increasing the magnitude once more to see if the bone growth was stable. The results were positive. “Okay, the fracture has been mended but again I have to stress that you take an easy with that arm for twenty four hours. You might even find it feels tender or sensitive but that’s perfectly normal and will pass.”

Having moved off to the side to stay out of the way Jax marveled still at how easily modern medical technology made such quick work of things that in the past would have been a lot more complicated. As he saw the doctor finish up and explain some things to the young woman he smiled, "Thanks for fixing her up, Doctor. I still can't believe this all happened..." he said.

Chloe nodded to the Doctor, then turning to Jax. "Stop blaming yourself." She said. "It was a freak accident, nothing anyone could have done about it." She said.

Jax looked down at the floor, a bit abashed, and nodded, "I'll do my best..."

Chloe looked around. "Are you happy for me to go Doctor?" She asked, trying her best to smile.

Jennifer was looking at the monitor, pleased with the Chloe’s healing process. “Yes Cadet, you can go just don’t over exert that arm.” She gave Chloe and Jax a smile. Was she really that young?

Chloe smiled. "Thank you Doctor. I'll be careful with the arm, promise." She replied, hopping off the bed, and pulling Jax along by his arm, pulling him out through the door.

=/\= End =/\=

Lieutenant Jennifer Klavetter
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon (APB Puppy)
Operations Cadet
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Caleb Johnson (APB Puppy)
USS Poseidon


Petty Officer 1st Class Jaxson Morris (APB Jax)
Propulsion Specialist
USS Poseidon


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