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Social interaction

Posted on Tuesday June 30th, 2020 @ 9:18pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim & Miranda Von Furst

1,285 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: Poseidon's Lounge
Timeline: 239402.18


T'Pri had finished her work for the day and decided to explore more Human social interactions. Humans were so different from the Cardassian's. Totally different thought processes, desires and goals. However one thing remained consistent. Carousing. All these species seemed to enjoy there off time and to use a Human phrase let there hair down.

The young Vulcan put on civilian clothes, a dress something that would separate her form a intelligence officer. Tasteful yet elegant. Sometimes it was important to take off the officer and put on the woman. It was not logical but for her purposes it was true.

After fixing her hair in an updo, she strode down to the lounge with the intention of interacting with some of her shipmates.

In the ship's lounge, things were in full swing. Miranda had scheduled a group of jazz players she'd discovered aboard to play a set or two over the next couple weeks, and today was one of those days. She was sat at the bar, in a tight black dress, her makeup and her glossy black hair styled flawlessly, and a martini clasped in her left hand, the vibrant red of her pointed nails shining out in the muted lighting.

She was fairly well surprised to see a Vulcan stroll into the lounge and looked at her in fascinated amusement. Once she was firmly inside the lounge Miranda stood, and approached. "Good evening, and welcome," she said with a glowing smile.

"Hello, I am T'Pri, thank you for your welcome. Tell me have you ever seen a Vulcan before? What is your name?"

Miranda looked at the Vulcan woman with a bemused grin, not sure which question to answer first. Finally, she spoke, "My name is Miranda, and yes, I have had multiple interactions with members of your species, though I do believe you are the first I've ever seen in one of my lounges."

"Miranda, I came here to socialize and learn about my shipmates. I haven't had very much exposure to Humans in a social environment. My intention is to attenuate social awkwardness. It is very nice to meet you". T'Pri said stating the obvious.

Holding out her hand, and smiling more warmly again, Miranda replied, "Then it is an absolute pleasure to meet you, please, come in, and make yourself comfortable. Is there anything I can get for you? I've got a bottle of aged Vulcan brandy..."

"Tarkallian Tea would be better."

T'Pri moved to a table and took a seat.

Pulling her hand back, feeling slightly foolish that she'd tried to shake hands with a Vulcan Miranda maintained her smile with very little effort. "Of course, T'Pri, one Tarkallian tea coming up."

A couple of minutes later she came back with a full tea service. "I hope you don't mind, I wanted to enhance the experience, so I decided to go the old-fashioned route," she said, as she set the tray she'd been carrying down, and then took a seat. As she activated the instant kettle she opened the teapot and poured in an appropriate measure of the tea, and, as soon as the kettle reached boiling added the hot water.

"Do you take sugar?" she asked.

"Most thoughtful, thank you. No. Tell me about yourself Miranda".

As she handed over the small ceramic cup of Tarkallian tea Miranda smiled, "Oh, I make it very much a habit to never tell anyone about myself. But I'd be happy to learn about you," she said with a broad smile and a twinkle in her eye.

"That is most illogical, how do you expect anyone to get to know you, if you don't share information".

Leaning over with a conspiratorial smile on her face Mirando spoke, "That's sorta the point, sweets. I don't expect them to."

Taking a sip of her own tea she looked around the room, taking in the various faces around her. "All these people have fascinating stories, and they all just love to share them. I'm here to facilitate them getting a chance to do that. My own story doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things," she added by way of a slightly evasive explanation.

"Now I know tha's nae true," a growling voice with a broad Scottish accent sounded out from nearby. A quick look would reveal the origin of the comment as a burly, bearded ginger Chief Petty Officer in operations gold, sat by the bar with a pint of real ale.

"The name's Chief McColm, transporter operator, but ye can just call me Mac. 's what most folk do anyhow."

Miranda gave them man a slightly calculating look, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "I shall keep that in mind, Mac," she replied.

T'Pri looked up acknowledging the newcomer a Human male with a nod.

"Hello Chief McColm I am T'Pri, won't you join us"? T'Pri asked.

The Chief shrugged. "I canny see why no." Casually, he shifted his stool over to the two women. "Now, T'Pri, was it? I think I saw yer name listed as Intelligence Officer, that right?"

"Quite correct Mac. Though I'm not on duty presently, I came down to meet people and mingle with my shipmates." T'Pri said.

Suddenly the loudspeaker sounded.

"Miranda Von Furst report to sickbay immediately." The computer instructed.

"Back to duty", Miranda said getting up and leaving.

"Thank you for your service Miranda". T'Pri said.

"Now its just down to us, Mac." T'Pri said.

The Scotsman looked at his empty glass. "Aye, but she forgot me before heading off!" Laughing, he waved to get Miranda's attention back and ordered his refill, before turning back to the Vulcan. "Chief Intelligence Officer, big assignment, tha', 'specially on a ship full a cadets." He shrugged. "Ye got plenty of experience then?"

"So far its been more of a training assignment, which is exactly what I wanted. Here let me refresh your drink, what were you drinking, Scotch? T'Pri asked.

Mac laughed. "Ah, I was drinking McEwan's ale, but now that ye mention it, a fine single malt would do me fine! Tha's a young lady to my taste, appreciates a good drink!"

T'Pri knew just what to get Mac, a 12 year old single malt called MacCallans. She went up to the bar and ordered a double for her Human companion.

"Here you go Mac. Tell me about yourself do you have a wife and children?" T'Pri inquired.

Mac nodded in appreciation as he took the glass of whisky. "Aye, tha's a good one, cheers lass! Nah, I dinny ha' any family, never had the time. How 'bout yerself?"

"I was betrothed once but my betroved was killed on the Lexington during the Dominion war, all hands lost at the battle of Betazed. Our psychic link was terminated. I felt him die, knew it the moment it happened. I have not been mated; touched or been touched by another since". T'Pri replied.

Mac paused for a moment before speaking again. "Tha's terrible tae hear. Mah wee brother's husband was assigned tae the Lexington. He was transferred off the ship fer medical reason's the day before the battle." He shook his head. "Madness. Let's hope we never see anything like it again."

"One can only hope, however the war was ended decades ago and the galaxy is still in chaos at least the Alpha quadrant. Seems to be a never ending series of problems. Especially among the Romulan's and Cardassian's. It was once thought that poverty had been eradicated and now it seems we have to learn those lessons again."



A Post by:

Lt T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon

Lt Cmdr Mannerheim
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon

Miranda Von Furst
Lounge Director
USS Poseidon


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