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Departure from Earth Spacedock

Posted on Thursday October 12th, 2023 @ 8:20am by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Steven Ryan & Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol & Lieutenant Karina Sakaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Ambassador Eiban Destrek

2,754 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge
Timeline: Departing Earth Spacedock for Tellar
Tags: 2395, The Grand Tour, Mission Post


Over the last few weeks, the crew of the USS Poseidon had undertaken various missions, personal leaves, and shenanigans that either bolstered their sense of community or added to the lore of the vessel. Captain Johnson was immensely proud of his crew, all of them having some valuable contributions during the period from when the Poseidon originally arrived in Spacedock to now. He'd reviewed the reports personally, taking the time to look over the details and sometimes gawked at the outcomes. Overall, his crew had demonstrated themselves well.

Lieutenant Commander Trensu and Lieutenant More had a debacle with a cadet. Lieutenant Commander Williams had shown her dedication to her ship by undertaking upgrades to the ship that the shore engineers wouldn't touch - all of which the Captain deeply appreciated. Lieutenant Commander Elliot had assisted the ship's newest Cardassian cadet, Cadet Rajam, with a very delicate and serious security situation. Finally, Lieutenant Commander Perkins and practically all of the command staff with some lower staff had visited an Earth-based Chinese Restaurant to mixed results - with a few crewmembers going into the infirmary! Several other situations and reports had been filed by separate and individual members of the crew, each one unique and interesting to read. It had been, overall, a very well-received leave for the crew and a much-needed time of absence from Starfleet affairs.

The bridge was bustling with its normal level of activity which constituted a quiet hum of ship systems, a quiet ping of ship sensors, and the calm and collected chatter of the bridge crew amongst themselves. He relieved a Lieutenant who had his chair, dismissing her back to her station before sitting. The Captain then pressed the button to address the shipwide comms channel.

=/\= This is the Captain. Over the last few weeks, you have all had the chance to enjoy a period of leave typical for our vessel and her mission parameters. We've lost a few crew along the way to exchanges, but we've also been granted exchanges in return with both new Cadets and crewmembers. To everyone new on board the Poseidon, welcome aboard, and I hope you're making yourselves at home. Our Chief Counselor, Commander Shakura, and our extensive counselling staff are always available to help you acclimate to your new situation. Our Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Saint-Pol, and the entire medical staff are also available should you be experiencing issues that require medical treatment. Remember that you're now on board one of only a few active serving Starfleet Academy Training Vessels in the fleet. We exist to prepare you for your future career in Starfleet and train the new Ensigns in the fleet in preparation for their roles on other vessels. Again, Welcome Aboard.=/\=

The USS Poseidon will momentarily be departing Earth Spacedock. Our next port-of-call will be around Tellar, around eight lightyears away. We will be traveling at a comfortable warp factor 5 to Tellar and it should take around 23 days to complete the trip. I may decide to increase the travelling time pending the necessity of such a change. Overall, I welcome you all on board, and I welcome you to Starfleet. Remember to approach your department heads for any issues.

=/\=Captain Johnson, out.=/\=

Smiling, he glanced over to the nearest officer available. "I think that was a pretty good speech, yeah?"

The Poseidon’s Chief Medical Officer smiled, it wasn’t often she was on the bridge as she preferred to remain where the real action was in sickbay but, this was still new to her. “Excellent Captain,” she said her view changing from in front of her to the Captain sitting in his chair. It never ceased to amaze her as she looked out towards Spacedock and then out into the stars how man had managed to get this far. She was suddenly reminded of the old Vulcan saying ‘Infinite diversity in infinite combinations’ and she could not think of anywhere better to be at this moment.

Franklin nodded to his CMO. Unlike the last Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Saint-Pol came on the bridge when she could - though not quite as often. He smiled as he turned towards Flight Control.

Micheal had returned after his honeymoon with Ky'La in the Maldives and the chilling out that they had done, now it was back to work and had been on the ship for a few days, Michel had double-checked that everything had been stocked correctly and nothing was missing, he took his seat at OPS and checked his terminal for the light to go green for departure.

"Alright Lieutenant, begin preparations for departure," he ordered.


Lieutenant Kicil Priadden sat in her chair in the office she worked from when in sickbay. Her office was adorned with ancient medical devices from Vulcan, Cardassian, Terran, and other species. On the left wall was a picture of Vulcan anatomy and nervous system; and on the left was a view of Cardassian anatomy and nervous system. Kicil was reviewing the records of the new cadets, she took particular interest in the fact there was another Cardassian; Cadet Freshman Grade Hapam Rajam. She noted he was an engineer cadet, emphasizing damage control. She made a note to ensure the ship had a counter agent to cobalt diselenide; used by engineering for various reasons; and of course, as a biogenic weapon on Cardassians. She shuddered at that thought. She then reviewed the reports of Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins and senior staff and their little 'contest' that resulted in a Chinese restaurant, she shook her head, the senior officers should have known better, and Lieutenant Kord should have known better that Gorn had reactions to Terran spices; especially those based off of Terran Capsicum family plants. The Gorn was damn lucky the allergic reaction did not result in anaphylaxis; she made another note to ensure the ship had a supply of Gorn-based epinephrine. As she was finishing up her review of the state of the medical health of the crew, she heard Captain Johnson come across the ship-wide comm system. She sat back and smiled; another adventure was about to begin. and the young cadets would find out what it truly meant to serve Starfleet in deep space exploration.


T'Pri made her way to the bridge, she always liked to participate in the launching ceremonies of any starship departure, even though she didn't have a regular bridge post. She did serve as 3rd shift watch officer 4 days a week, but it wasn't the same. The Poseidon had been docked for quite a while, and though she was loath to admit it she was excited to finally be getting back not deep space.

"Welcome to the bridge, Mrs. T'Pri!" greeted the Captain upon her arrival. He was happy to see most of his senior staff appearing.

[Assistant CIO Office]

Jason was at his desk, nursing a hangover. He'd been called to a private gathering the night before where it had slipped out he was shortlisted to be on staff with the incoming Deputy Director of intelligence, but that a decision hadn't been made official, as the new DDI hadn't been announced, but his name had popped up in several conversations in the last few days, that rumour had gained fuel when he'd been contacted by newly promoted Commodore Darren Stevens, who was soon to be confirmed that he was to be the new DDI. Jason looked at the message again, it wasn't official, but in the next six weeks, it was expected. Jason had until then to decide his future, not that he had much going on these days.


Karina sat at the navigation console and started to plot their flight path. "I'm charting our flight path now Captain," she reported with a smile as she kept her eyes on the console.

"Very good, Mrs. Sakaguchi," Franklin replied, an equal smile on his as he observed the bridge. All around him, his crew was preparing for their upcoming adventure. It was a thrill to experience each departure, never knowing the true adventure, always anticipating what lay on the horizon.

Franklin tapped the key for the internship com. =/\= Engineering, Commander Williams, how's my ship for flight?=/\=

Phoebe walked out of the turbolift onto the bridge as the Captain called for engineering. She rounded the bridge and sat next to the Captain, bringing up a ship readiness report on her PADD. As this generated she turned and nodded her acknowledgement towards Franklin.

"Number One!" Franklin greeted, smiling as he took the readiness report and read it. "I hope your time on spacedock as well?"

Phoebe nodded. "It was. It was nice to catch up with some old friends and to take some time off to chill out. How was yours?" She asked, smiling.

Sam felt his face as he rushed up towards the bridge. Due to his pet plants, Norman and Susan decided to at the very moment he was supposed to be on the bridge. Have a massive lovers tiff and start throwing anything they could reach with their tentacles, at each other. Perkins managed to calm them down but it took a long time.

Finally, with a face as red as a baboon's rear end, he arrived on the bridge.

" Sorry I am late Captain had a couple of urgent problems in the Lab that had to be dealt with," Sam said.


Rachel was rushing around like a headless chicken and jumped a little when her Commbadge went off, she tapped it =/\= She will fly Captain, all systems are in the green, might I speak to you the XO and Commander Trensu? It is in regards to those weapon and defensive upgrades =/\= Williams asked

=/\= Absolutely, Mrs. Williams. Do you need to talk now or after the launch? =/\=

=/\= After launch Captain will do, my office in engineering if possible? =/\= Williams responded.

=/\= That will be most suitable, Mr. Williams. Captain Johnson, out. =/\=


Trensu was about to go into the long-winded report then stopped himself. "Captain, Security is at the ready, offensive and defensive systems are on standby," reported Trensu from the security station. Tresnu had heard the request from Williams when talking to the Captain. If the Captain looked at him he would give a nod of yes. Trensu could see the new upgrades on the security panel. This ship was not a battleship but it could hold its one thought Trensu. The new system was definitely more efficient. Trensu would give a big thank you to the XO and Rachel as he now knows her. The time at the club flashed through his mind. It was a time he won't forget.

Captain Johnson did in fact look to Trensu, his Chief Security and Tactical Officer, for confirmation. Once he saw the nod, he gave one back, his attention then taken by the arrival of the ships Morale and Diplomatic Officer.

"Thank you, Mister Trensu," the Captain replied swiftly and kindly before returning to watch the newest arrival to the bridge.

Ambassador Destrek walked onto the bridge not too far behind Lieutenant Commander Perkins to watch all the fanfare. Destrek stood in the back out of the way and was always fascinated with the ship's operations. Wondered himself sometimes if he should have been a Captain running an Ambassador's office can seem that way. He likes ships for that only him and an aid to deal with. The backing of a ship and its crew is all he could ask for. It's not bad for the Captain either. Not a lot of jumping around sometimes in a diplomatic crisis. Destrek would not have to look for a ship crew if he were to go somewhere a win-win in his book.

The Captain eyed appraisingly Ambassador Elbun Destrek. He was a rather tall Human/Betazoid mixed Starfleet Officer, with several outstanding commendations and postings to his career including Deep Space 3. Most of his career had been at highly prestigious Federation academic institutions, including the highly sought Vulcan Academy. Ambassador Destrek had been among the few officers who had been reassigned by Starfleet from the now-retired USS Oberon to the currently serving USS Poseidon. The transfer had been a hallmark for Poseidon with the arrival of so many veteran officers, but ever since that arrival, Franklin realized he had never formally introduced himself.

"Ambassador Destrek!" Franklin greeted jovially. "Thank you for joining us on this departure! Would you mind if you and I met afterwards in my ready room to catch up? I'd very much love to be formally introduced."

"Yes Captain" replied Destrek his tone was almost like one of the crew addressing their captain. Then the Ambassador looked embarrassed."Forgive me Captain somehow that was overlooked during my duties." Destrek said apologizing. Destrek felt about an inch high. How could the Captain be overlooked he should have been first on his list. He had better get his best before arriving.

"Not at all, Mr. Destrek," smiled Franklin in reply, "Not at all. Please, enjoy the view."

Not far behind Ambassador Destrek was Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi, the Chief Cultural Officer. Unlike the Ambassador, the Poseidon was Erika's first shipboard assignment since the USS Halcyon disaster, having spent the time between then and the present as a security instructor at Starfleet Academy. Normally, Commander Itsumi preferred to watch departures from her office, but every now and then it was worth coming up to the bridge to watch on the main viewscreen.

Erika had enjoyed having the opportunity to spend time on Earth catching up with her family and the cadets she used to teach. Some of them had recently been assigned to the Poseidon in the crew rotations and were looking forward to serving alongside her.

Stepping onto the bridge, before assuming an out-of-the-way position to view the departure, Erika made her way toward the command pit.

"Captain," Erika said, stopping in front of the captain's chair. "You'll be pleased to know that everything in our cultural division and shipboard Academy operations are in order and are ready for departure."

"That is excellent to hear, Mrs. Itsumi!" Franklin replied jovially. "I am very pleased to hear this. It's been a real struggle with the Cultural Department so I am earnestly hoping your improvements to it continue to progress. I congratulate you on your successes so far."

After a moment to give a warm smile to Erika, he turned toward Navigation.

"Mrs. Sakaguchi, what is our status?"

Before the Lieutenant could reply, Commander Shakura made an appearance on the bridge. Her arrival was greeted by the Captain as he gave her a smile and wave. Taking a position to the side, Kanaka watched eagerly as the viewscreen of the Poseidon shifted angles as it prepared for departure.

"Nice to have you on the bridge, Commander," smiled Franklin.

"Docking clamps are set to be released and our course is plotted and approved by Spacedock," Karina reported from her console after the arrival of Kanaka, giving her a brief nod before turning to Franklin. "Awaiting your orders, Captain."

"Very good," Franklin replied, he then examined the bridge briefly before giving a nod to Karina. "Take us out, Lieutenant."

[USS Poseidon - Earth Spacedock]

The small, almost non-threatening presence of the Miranda-class spacecraft drifted with purpose towards the exit of Earth Spacedock and into space. Dwarfed by most of the current and more modern Federation spacecraft, she held her own simply by her history and prestige alone. After a time of drifting on light impulse a safe distance away from Earth Spacedock, the USS Poseidon accelerated forward. In an instant she had entered warp, on her way to her new destination.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Kanaka Shakura
Chief Counselor
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Kicil Priadden
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Karina Sakaguchi
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi
Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon


Ambassador Eiban Destrek
Diplomatic Officer
USS Poseidon


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