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reporting in Pt 1

Posted on Friday October 13th, 2023 @ 7:44am by Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Enlisted Cadet Jessica Stewart

720 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Captain's R & R Room

After her rest, Jessica beamed aboard the USS Poseidon a Miranda class vessel that she had read up on while she relaxed on the planet below, now Here she was reporting to the ship's executive officer who was a Lieutenant Colonel whom she also knew was a different branch of the service. as she tugged at her uniform to make sure that her attire was immaculate, she pressed the door chime and waited.

"Enter!" Called Phoebe. She sat behind her desk, finishing up some reports on their recent training exercises. She hadn't been expecting anyone, but with the number of new crew coming on board she'd had someone at her door most days, so it wasn't anything new. She looked up as the door opened in front of her.

As Jessica entered the room, she said " Cadet Jessica Stewart, Daughter of Eric of House Stewart, reporting in Ma'am" giving her full title, as she looked straight at the wall like her father had taught her, she hoped that she had done it right standing with her hands behind her back.

Phoebe was a little surprised at the stone-cold professionalism of the young cadet in front of her. "At ease Cadet. Have a seat, please. Can I get you anything to drink?" She asked, smiling.

"Thank you, Ma'am, replied Jessica taking the offered seat, She continued "A Fruit Juice please" Smiling at her now that the hard part was over, Jessica could relax a little as now it was time to tell the Commander about herself.

Phoebe ordered the drinks through the replicator. A Fruit juice for the Cadet, a Hot Chocolate for herself. She picked the glasses up and placed them on the desk, before retaking her seat, and picking up a PADD with the Cadet's name. "So, Jessica, Enlisted Cadet. I believe you're joining our Security Department. How do you feel about that?" She asked, giving a warm smile.

"I am looking forward to serving on this ship and proving myself with honor," replied Jessica taking the fruit juice, she said," Thank you," taking a sip of the cold beverage, " I made an oath to my family and I will make the same oath with you that I will defend this ship with my last breath," looking back at the lieutenant Colonel.

"Well, fingers crossed it won't come to that...but I like your spirit...have you met your department head yet?" She asked.

"No Sir, I have not yet and I haven't had my physical yet either," replied Jessica looking back at her senior officer,. "But as soon as I leave here that will be my next port of call," as she wanted to get settled in and familiarize herself with the ship.

Phoebe nodded. "Well, I've marked that you're onboard, you've been assigned quarters on deck 6. I believe you're in with another cadet so you'll have someone to talk to. Is there anything else you need?" She asked.

"May I ask who I am sharing with Sir?" asked Jessica as she kept looking at the senior officer as she needed to know the young person's name when she entered the room, Jessica understood the courtesy of knowing who she was to be rooming with.

"Let me have a look for you." She said, tapping back into the quarter's information. "Looks like you'll be rooming with a Freshman Cadet. Their name is Imogen Taylor." Phoebe said. "I believe they're a Security Cadet as well, so you should hopefully be able to find some common ground with them." She said with a smile.

"Thank you, Ma'am" replied Jessica as she knew that it was someone she could talk shop with while off duty, this made her feel more at home. She knew her next appointment would be sickbay and her Physical and the Security chief.

"Well if you don't have any more questions for me cadet then you are all good to go, and again, welcome aboard," Phoebe said, giving a warm smile.

"Thank you, Ma'am" As Jessica rose from her seat, she said " I will not let you down," she then turned and headed out the door and onto the next part of her schedule which was to meet the Security chief.


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Jessica Stewart
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


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