Ambassador Eiban Destrek

Name Ambassador Eiban Destrek

Position Diplomatic Officer

Second Position Morale Officer


  • 5 Mission Posts

Last Post

Friday October 20th, 2023 @ 12:29am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human / Betazoid
Age Looks 40s

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2" feet
Weight 190
Hair Color Brown with streaks of gray
Eye Color His eyes are blue
Physical Description He looks human. He is of medium stature. Standing at 6 feet and 190 pounds he is in good shape. His brown hair is starting to gray and has blue eyes.

Distinguishing mark(s): none


Spouse Kal-nar, a half Human, Half Klingon woman House of PaCh PIn'a'(claw master)
Children None
Father Elivi Destrek Retired Star Fleet
Mother Mary Destrek Retired Star Fleet
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview He has become Ambassador he wanted to be. Ambassador Destrek strives to be the best He can be. He tends to make sure that everything He does He does for a reason. Ambassador Destrek still has a lot to learn about negotiations with other governments. He tends to go carefully into all situations. If he is in disagreement with someone diplomacy is his answer. He hates incompetents, it was his parents that motivated him in to want to be The Representative of the federation. traveling around the galaxy has had an awe-inspiring effect on Him. He knows that he has a long road ahead of him

Ambassador Destrek is the all-around man in charge. He’s the responsible person who, even if he isn’t the leader, thinks like one. He’s always thinking about the federation’s goals and how to implement them, the safety of his colleague, the strategy of the negotiations, and so forth. He may be a reluctant leader at times. People look to him for direction. Naturally, if Ambassador Destrek is to make the effort to do all that thinking and planning and is willing to be responsible for others and negotiations.

In Combat Situation Ambassador Destrek whether he wants to or not is always thinking in combat and trying to direct his allies’ activities. He makes sure that there’s a good mix of Intelligence and diplomatic strategies, and that everything they need they have. When a colleague falls there’s someone to drag him behind the lines and another to take his place.

Ambassador Destrek is a very responsible person, but beyond that, there is no limitation on the way he should deal with situations. He may be grim or humorous, straightforward or deceitful, arrogant or modest, he acts as needed. Ambassador Destrek is often the negotiator for his colleague, but this isn’t required of him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Likes: Fresh fruit and a good Ale.
Dislikes: Close-minded people
Strength(s): Talent for sensing people for who they are, calm in a tense situation.
Limitation(s): He has had an outburst of hatred towards people that are close-minded, and likes to yell at them He works hard to keep his feelings in check it has made him low in the past.
Ambitions To become the top Ambassador for negotiations of the Federation.
Hobbies & Interests Likes: Fresh fruit and a good Ale. Having a good time with friends. Playing Cello some say he is quite good at it.

Personal History Ambassador Destrek traveled on many Star Ships he learned more about the races of the alpha and delta quadrant with his experience he was known quickly for his abilities on ships during diplomacy and business missions. This is where he got his real experience about getting to know the alpha and delta quadrant. He was on a mission when the ship he was on was attacked. Ambassador Destrek and others were held as prisoners some say he held his position outnumbered and injured, Ambassador Destrek negotiated and resolved the situation. The ship’s Captain put a letter of commendation for his actions.
After his actions, he was promoted and made an Ambassador for the Federation. He had to prove himself loyal to the Federation. With everything he has done, he was found a new position as head of regional negotiations for the Federation. Being assigned as Regional Ambassadors Office. The tour did not have its problems as well he at times was a little overbearing when dealing with some races. He wanted more from life. After an application as an Ambassador, he was accepted to a Vulcan Academy for Interplanetary Affairs and Interplanetary Business and took other courses to help his career He graduated with honors. After leaving the Academy he was promoted and assigned to the Federation outpost. On one of the missions the team was led into a trap, his actions allowed the team to be released. He was the only one captured he was held for six months until he was rescued.

After a stay, He recovered and was sent to Federation Academy for Training in Interplanetary Affairs and Interplanetary Business earning a master’s and doctorate graduating with honors he spent some time on Vacation and was then assigned to DS3 as a Representative for the civilian population to the Federation. After the disappearance of DS3, He was assigned to USS Oberon as a Federation Ambassador. He waits to see what it has in store for him.
Service Record Education:
Primary & Secondary Education
Tertiary Education
Vulcan Academy: Interplanetary Affairs, Interplanetary business
Federation Academy: Dr. Interplanetary Affairs, Interplanetary Business,
Masters in Interplanetary Business Law and Star Fleet intelligence operations.

2359 -2371 Primary & Secondary Education
2371 –2375 Regional Ambassadors Office Assistant
2375 – 2382 Vulcan Academy for Interplanetary Affairs
2382 - 2383 Vulcan Regional Ambassadors Office
2383 – 2391 Joined Star Fleet Academy
2391 - 2393 NCC Deliverance-72888
2393 - 2394 Federation Ambassador Deep Space 3
2395 - Present: Federation Ambassador U.S.S. Poseidon