Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams

Name Rachel Anne Williams

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Second Position Computer Systems Specialist

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 21 Mission Posts

Last Post

Saturday June 8th, 2024 @ 12:40pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft 9in
Weight 8 st
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Average height, Medium Build


Spouse None
Children None
Father Gavin Williams
Mother Jennifer Anne Smithson
Brother(s) Older Brother Ian Williams
Sister(s) Younger Sister Kerry Anne Williams
Other Family Earth & Alpha Centauri

Personality & Traits

General Overview Her mental Disposition:

Rachel is sometimes a headstrong young woman, who despite things is quite efficient in what she does. She has a dual role on the ship. Like most people she has moods, but no one can ever positively pin down what her mood will be next. Her temper is very nasty when really upset or at certain times of the month, but she is easy to get on with in general she is not judgemental but she is forthright and blunt.
Strengths & Weaknesses Stengths

+ Smart
+ Loyal
+ Tactically Minded
+ Clever
+ Brave


- Stubborn
- Overthinks
- Alpha Type Personality
- Blunt
- Sarcastic and Dry Humour
Ambitions To be a good officer
Hobbies & Interests Reading, Rock Climbing, Orbital skydiving, holo programs


+ Fine Dining
+ Vintage Wine
+ Pizza, Salads
+ Retro Music and clothes
+ Fantasy and Fiction Books


- Extreme Spicy dishes
- Opera
- Horror movies
- Idiots, traitors

Personal History Bio

Rachel Anne Williams was born in the Eurasian Territories on Stardate: 235608.23 (23/08/2356) to Starfleet Career Officers, her father was a Starfleet Marine her Mother a Science Officer, Rachel was a child prodigy and excelled in what she took part in. As she grew up she quickly made lots of friends, having a cheery disposition, during her Junior Year at a girl's school she got the news that her mother had been killed on an away mission, here her attitude changed and she became headstrong and clinical and efficient in what she did, this change did not sit well with most of her friends and those that remained became her inner circle, these were ones she relied upon. After leaving finishing School she joined Starfleet her Father was very proud of her but did not quite understand why she chose the fleet and not the Marines. From Primary School up to the start of her college years, she had shown great aptitude in most areas and this was noted by Starfleet Intelligence and Security, even the Marines were interested in different aspects of what she could do. When college time came around she had made a host of new friends and these were children of good families, at one point she got into trouble with the authorities when one of her new friends led her astray, needless to say, they got more in trouble than she did, after paying a fine she was released from detention and returned to her family, she did finish her college term but with the issue of her misdemeanour shadowing her for the rest of her life and at eighteen years old she entered Starfleet Academy in 2374 much to the disappointment of the other Branches, but she wanted to be strong in body as well as the mind...

Skin: Fair
Scars: None


Martial Arts:-

Tae Kwon Do (Black Belt)
Ninjitsu (Black Belt)
Karate (Brown Belt 5th Dan)

Other Skills

Starfleet Basic Unarmed Combat
Advanced Marksman Badge and Trophy at the Academy
Twin Spatha blades
Advanced Quarterstaff
Vintage Pistol Qualified
TR-116 Cleared
Trained as Security/Tactical Bridge Officer
Computer Systems Engineering and Programming

Linguistic Skills

Welsh Gaelic
Federation Standard

Rachel has an average knack for picking up languages, but only if she is really interested in learning them.
Service Record |Cadet Years not shown

237901.01: - Assigned to Deep Space 5 as Security Officer at the rank of Ensign
238510.15: - Defended Deep Space 5 from True Way forces promoted to Lieutenant Jg
238702.01: - Attended engineering training and made full Lieutenant
238901.12: - Completed Specialist Engineering training
238901.20: - Relaxed engineering studies
239002.01: - Assigned as Engineering Officer on the USS Albany
239103.16: - Made DCEO on Albany when current DCEO was killed in a border skirmish
239203.01: - Assigned to the USS Honchu as DCEO
239501.01: - Assigned to the USS Gettysburg as CEO at the rank of Lt Cmdr
239505.01: - Took over as CEO of the USS Poseidon at the request of Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe