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Party Time

Posted on Tuesday October 3rd, 2023 @ 3:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Ambassador Eiban Destrek

3,132 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part One
Location: Various/Earth - Retro Club
Timeline: Current
Tags: 2395, Character, Off Duty


After all her engineering duties had been done and the test she had run had proven fruitful she researched the type of outfits for women in the 60s on the party scene, the styles and images she saw amazed her, as did the hairstyles for the time, she looked through them, she had created a holoprogram which depicted a luxury vintage bathroom, with a bathtub and all that came with it, she had some presentable clothes with her to put on, but here she was soaking in a bath, due to the essence of the holodeck mechanics, the water was for the moment genuine and so was the bubble bath bubbles, she was laying back reading the Padd, she wish ships could have natural water and baths on them instead of sonic showers.

Rachel could not understand why modern starships did not have showers like the NX01 did, okay Only the Captain, and First Officer, had real showers in their quarters, yet now it was mainly sonic, She sighed and looked over at the time and cursed, she later, she selected and outfit and sent it to the ships industrial replicator, stood up, wrapped a towel around her and got out of the tub it was when she was dry and wearing clothes did she deactivate the holodeck and head to the industrial replicator to collect her items for the party she would be going to, she knew it would not be easy to style her hair for the activity.

Rachel stood over the industrial replicator and looked at the items, there was a large checkered Black and Pink Mini Dress, with a hat, some black stockings and pink gogo boots, there were also some appropriate jewellery including big pink earrings and a booklet with all the various hairstyles for those with long hair, looking dubious at the boots Rachel picked them up and left the room with them. Some minutes later she arrived at her quarters and laid out the items, She would need old-style underwear, that her normal replicator could manage, She researched the makeup style too and sighed.

- Retro Club - (Exterior)

Rachel in her getup arrived at her destination on earth, She almost lost her balance a few times as she was not used to such boots, she could walk in heels, but the gogo boots were a different story, As she approached the main door, she bumped into a tall someone and in a panic stepped back and looked at the person she bumped into, her heart jumped up to her throat, she felt all sweaty in the cool night air, and she felt her knees tremble as she looked at the man she bumped into.

Turning Eiban saw who was there and she looked in barest. "Miss Williams?" Eiban said at first more of a question than a statement. "It is you, How is it going?" Ambassador asked. Eiban was wearing a white shirt with striped pants the strips running up and down with many flavours of colours. a fuzzy fur-looking scarf draped over his neck that hung down his chest. with white shoes a silver necklace with a peace symbol and with pair of glasses.

Finally recovering both her balance and person "Yes I am Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams chief Engineer on the Poseidon, not been called Miss Williams in a long time, sir have the upper hand, and who is this hunk... Ahem" *Blushes furiously* "Apologies, to whom did I bump into? I have not yet many on the ship"

"Well you're about to meet more than me," warned Eiban almost in a joking manner. "I am nobody of any real consequence on the ship, Federation Ambassador Eiban Destrek at your service," replied Eiban with a comforting smile. "Well, Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams, Chief Engineer. Can I call you Rachel? I don't like formalities outside of work or off duty unless you are uncomfortable about that." requested Eiban his expression even more relaxed his body language casual.

Eiban was trying to put Rachel at ease and noticed the blush as she talked. This must be a bit awkward for her what are the chances of us meeting here or any of the crew was probably slim? With his partner in crime about to show this would be a most interesting encounter or night with Rachel.

"Yes, you may call me Rachel," she said with a smile, recovering her balance "Who is your Partner in Crime, Elban, I can call you Elban, yes?" Williams responded she was wondering who this partner in crime was.

"Here Elban is fine" replied Destrek. "For my Partner and long-time friend....." Elban stopped talking and shook his head.

Rachel could feel someone behind her whoever it was just seemed to emerge from the crowd it felt like out of nowhere. The voice was familiar.

"Commander Williams, I hope Elban is not bothering you." Commented Trensu. He was dressed in brown pants black European-style jacket. multi-coloured shirt with some patterns on it, looking vary 60's.

Giving a smile" I see you made it Trensu. I told you this place is lively." said Elban looking at the two.

She looked around at the voice, She kept the smile on her face but her inside voice cursed a blue streak, Her first encounter with Trensu was strained, and now here he was in a '60s outfit, he summed up the men of that era with the style not suiting him, but she said nothing "hello Commander Trensu, this is a surprise!" Williams said.

Cracking a smile Trensu to Williams "Yes it is, I was told there probably would not be anyone here from the crew" explained Trensu looking at Elban with a stern look.

Elban gave a chuckal. "Trensu, drop the commander title this was to show you how to act of duty. Rachel here must have a great mind much like mine to think of a place like this," commented Elban.

Trensu gave a semi-smile. "Elban, do I look dumb? I know Williams has a great mind or she would not be a head engineer. She looks more attractive than I do in this clothing style." replied Trensu now it looks like he feels out of place.

Elban gave a disappointed look to Trensu. "See again work, avoid work titles. Tell Rachel what you think really, Trensu" instructed Elban

Trensu cleared his throat."May I call you Rachel?" asked Trensu. "You can call me Trensu or Ahkhsu I know my first name can be hard to peruse that is why most people call me Just Trensu," explained Trensu moving with the line.

Willing to give the Security Chief the benefit of the doubt, especially in light of the nice thing he said "Yes you may call me Rachel, I will use your second name as I fear I will butcher your first one when we get back to the ship I have a surprise for you, the Captain and First Officer" she said "you look fine Trensu, the 60s were better for style for females than males anyway, but for reference, the styles only got worse for both genders in the 1970s, look it up" she smiled as they moved down the line.

Elban smiled "See was that hard Trensu," commented Elban.

"Thank you, Rachel" replied Trensu then looked at Elban with a strained look at his comment. "Rachel a Suprise from the Captain and First Officer?" asked Trensu. He was a bit nervous something he rarely is. He would rather face 10 Klingon warriors than be in this situation. Tresnu has an attractive woman in front of him and that's all he could get out. They were getting close to the entrance now. Trensu started to get a few beads of sweat on his forehead. He inhaled deeply and let it out slowly. "So have you been here before?" asked Trensu trying to relax.

Chuckling Elban just shook his head.

*Looks between the pair* oO They are as thick as thieves Oo she thought to herself as she accompanied both men into the club, When they entered 60 music was playing and it was loud. Rachel wanted to dance, so she separated from the two men not knowing if they were surprised by this and went to the dance floor and began to dance.

waiting and admiring Rachel's dancing. Elban and Trensu looked at either. "So what are you waiting for for her to ask? get out there and live a little don't tell me in 150 years you never danced?" Elban said sarcastically.

There was an if looks could kill, from Trensu. "Sure, I don't want to be annoying," replied Trensu with a sigh.

Elban laughed "If you were that she would have told you by now, now go." said Elban giving Trensu a push that caught Trensu off guard. He stumbled out onto the dance floor almost right next to Rachel.

- Retro Club - (Interior)

Trensu flushed red some looking at Rachel she was a hot attractive woman Trensu thought. Trensu never felt that way about other senior officers on the ship. He tried his best to just copy others and try to make Rachel look good but still put his style on his moves. "It is OK if I dance with you, Rachel?" asked Trensu just over the noise of people and music.

Lost in the music, but not so as she did not notice Trensu stumbling onto the dancefloor, she smiled at him an affirming smile, then managed to get into sync with Trensu, she wondered why Elbun did not join her, but as the music played, all her cares melted away.

Trensu relaxed some but still appeared to be very aware of his surroundings. Rachel's reaction told Trensu he was okay and not intruding. That put Trensu at ease. Not that Trensu could not dance and did some practice before coming. It is still something he did not do often. "Do you normally come to places like this to get away from the ship?" inquired Trensu with a captivating smile and captivated by Rachel's green eyes.

Having a big smile Elban was pleased with what he had done. He then walked out onto the dance floor and joined them. His dancing was not the greatest but he was having fun. It could be easily seen in his moves and the look on his face.

Looking at Trensu "This is my first time, but I did always prefer the old stuff, but I was let onto this by the ship's last CEO's wife, it seems that Commander Sharpe's wife is retro mad, so it was suggested I try out one of these clubs and here I am" Rachel responded then looked at Elbun and a playful smile "you may look attractive Elbun, but you cannot dance to save your life!" she said amused "but it is admirable you are trying" she said as the music stopped as the DJ announced there was a break while he went for a testimonial.

Giving a grin at Rachel's comment about Elbun Trensu had not taken his eyes off Rachel and then felt embarrassed realizing he was gazing at her and her nice curves. Trensu was a male and could not help himself with her in that dress. "It's the Klingon's influence on Elbun, but you are right he can not dance," commented Trensu half joking. Trensu realized that she gave no compliment to him or even teased him. It is all good, have fun and see what happens with everything tonight thought Trensu.

Rolling his eyes Elbun remarked joking, "I guess looks do not get me everything."

*Smiling at the pair and their responses* "Excuse me, gents, I need to get a drink" she said and headed to the bar leaving the two guys standing there

With Trensu and Elbun left on the dance floor, they looked at each other "She has the right idea." suggested Trensu.

giving a chuckle "Let us go Trensu." replied Elbun.

Trensu walked up near Rachel and ordered a whiskey and coke drink. He turned to look at Rachel then an Andorian guy stepped between them and ordered a drink. while waiting he turned to Rachel looking her over "Wow, I hope you are alone. because you are hot and in the dress." commented the Andorian.

*Smiling politely* "Thank you, and I am with those two gentlemen," Rachel said pointing to Trensu and Elbun, then looked at the bartender "Whisky double, the real stuff, not that synthol stuff," she said the bartender gave her a look that said I only serve real drinks, but he nodded and proceeded to get her order. She turned to the Andorian I am honoured, but I must decline" she said diplomatically.

Trensu eyes widened when he heard real stuff. As for the Andorian Trensu knew she could handle herself there was no reason to get in the middle of that right now. Trensu was thinking if she did need some assistance nice to have the chief of security nearby. having Elbun there would keep Trensu out of trouble if he got carried away.

The Andorian smiled back "Too bad" he looked at Trensu sizing him up and then realized that Elbun who was on the other side of her smiled at the Andorian. Shaking his head the Andorian just walked off to talk to another group of ladies.

"I would like the real stuff too." requested Trensu. "Rachel, I was glad we could help you out there," said Trensu with a smile.

Elbun gave a warm smile. "Just to make it clear Rachel. You are not tied down to us I will not stop you if you want to go dance or even leave with someone else," said Elbun politely. "Now that fact you choose to stay around Me and Tresnu" Elbun explained, "especially with Trensu" he added in a sarcastic tone trying to be funny. "I think it is great Rachel," Elbun said taking a sip of his drink.

Rachel took a healthy drink of her whisky, downing it all in one, and she plonked the empty glass onto the bar "Another" she said and looked at the pair and smiled "I know I am not tied to your pair, it is just good to have two buff guys around in a place like this as it tends to drive away unwanted advances" Rachel said and nodded as another whiskey double was placed on the counter, she picked it up and knocked it back in one gulp. "Enjoy your drink boys, I am going to get one last dance before I down a few more drinks," she said feeling a bit of a buzz from the booze she just knocked back.

looking a little shocked at Rachel's drinking not that it was bad it just seemed funny to Trensu. "Hay Rachel, if you drink like that can't taste the whiskey." joked Trensu downing his own whiskey glass. "What up Rachel" downing another glass. Trensu followed her out to the dance floor.

Elbun Just got another bottle of whiskey. He stayed by the bar and got new whiskey glasses for everyone he poured double shots for Trensu and Rachel for their return. Elbun knew one of them had to have their head on straight and it would be Elbun he owed Trensu that much probably more. and he was happy that Trensu was dancing with a woman and a crew member it was about time Trensu started to live.

On the dance floor, Trensu was dancing and having fun with Rachel. "I see you have many talents dancing is one of them," said Trensu almost alluring way. His eyes were saying other things as he watched Rachel dance Trensu was feeling good now and relaxed.

Rachel was lost in the music and knew Trensu was saying something, she did not hear him, but she just smiled and continued to dance the night away, as time moved on the bartender called for last orders during a lull in the music, taking this time to get a last drink in, between the dancing, the alcohol she was buzzed, while she could handle her drink she was dreading hitting the fresh night air, but most of all she could not wait to take her gogo boots off.

She walked to the bar ordered a triple whiskey and paid up her bar tab, only having slight trouble with her coordination and not walking straight, but she made it to the bar sat on the stool and crossed her legs to protect her modesty as the dress was short, this triple she drank slowly and was halfway through it when Trensu and Elbun joined her, as she finished her drink and with slight slurring of words.

"Thank you for the company boys, it has been a pleasure, I need to geet meee shome sleethp" she said barely understanding, she slowly stood and had to steady herself "I will feel this in the morning," she said as others were slowly leaving the club, she drunkenly patted Trensu's shoulder "I will see you on duty Trensu *hic* *hic*," she said and picked up her purse.

When Rachel sways Trensu gently puts his hand on her shoulder to help her balance herself. He had a concerned look on his face "Rachel, I think I will help you back to the ship," Suggested Trensu. He was doing a little bit better than her but not by much. "And no is not an answer," said Trensu with a smile.

letting out a chuckle Elbun looked at the two. "I would hate to see you arrest Rachel for being drunk and disorderly in public," said Elbun sarcastically."Go you two meet you both back on the ship later," said Elbun with a smile.

Rachel was far too drunk to say no, so she accepted the help, as she was helped back to the ship she got a giggling fit, she just started to giggle for no apparent reason.

Helping Rachel back to the ship and to her quarters helped Rachel through the door and watched her walk in. Trensu stood at Rachel's door and waited another moment to make sure she was fine. Trensu then walked to his quarters. He walked in and landed face-first in his bed and then groaned. Thinking he was going to feel this too in the morning.

Elbun returned to the ship about 30 minutes later he inquired about Trensu and Rachel and if they made it after that he went to his quarters sat thinking about the night and fell asleep in his chair.


Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon

Eiban Destrek
Federation Ambassador
U.S.S. Poseidon


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