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Green Light

Posted on Sunday May 28th, 2023 @ 6:12pm by Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Steven Ryan & Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol & Lieutenant Karina Sakaguchi

1,334 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Bridge- USS Poseidon
Timeline: Start of Grand Tour
Tags: The Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development


It had been a week since Micheal had come aboard the refitted Poseidon and had started to make sure that all the replicators were stocked and Medical had everything they had requested, he also had spent time meeting his Cadets and assigning them their duties, now here he was on the bridge making final checks before handing the report and Captain Johnson and giving the green light. It had been tough the last few days with calls to the bases Quartermaster finishing off gathering the previous supplies.

Micheal sat in the command chair taking in his first bridge duty shift after he had been promoted to fourth Officer and placed on the fast track in command to gain his subsequent promotion to reach full Commander, with over the last two years of teaching Cadets, Micheal had come to love this little ship as it was where he had met his wife. Just then a young Cadet approached him and said, “Sir, Starbase control has just contacted us and we have a green light,”

“Thank you, Cadet,” replied Micheal as he opened a channel, =/\= This Lieutenant Commander Stevens to Commander Graydon,=/\= as he looked at the sight of the young Cadets buzzing around the bridge, he continued, =/\= I have just been informed Sir, that we have clearance to leave Spacedock,=/\=

=/\= Thank you, Mr. Stevens, I will be on the bridge with you momentarily.=/\= Phoebe replied on the commbadge.

T'Pri arrived on the bridge as Mr Stevens was informing the captain. She took her station accordingly. She punched up the latest intelligence briefings for the sector they were in.

"Michael, did you enjoy your time on Risa"? T'Pri asked.

" We did thank you, Commander," replied Micheal as he took another PADD from another Cadet, he continued "How was your time on Risa?"

"Very well," T'Pri replied briskly.

Ky'La stepped from the lift just as the Poseidon was given her clearance to depart. Taking her station, she turned to look at her husband, "Helm ready sir," she said smiling.

"Thank you, Commander," replied Micheal as he opened a channel =/\= Stevens to Engineering, Status report please,=/\= as he wanted all departments ready to move out.

Tapping her Commbadge oO Not the Captain's voice Oo Rachel thought to herself =/\= all systems ready, impulse and warp at one-hundred per cent Captain =/\= she reported

After speaking with Engineering he kept the channel open =/\= Stevens to Medical, are you ready to go?=/\= asking the question to the Chief Medical officer, as Micheal knew that by going through the pre-flight checks now was the best thing that he could do and have them ready to depart on time.

=/\= Everything here is installed and working, we are ready for anything =/\= Ysabeau said looking around her new modified sickbay. All her staff was busy either with patients or their assigned tasks. The new medical replicators were working as per their specs and the new trauma biobeds would help save lives she was sure of that.

Sam stepped onto the bridge after giving the centre seat his usual polite nod. Perkins took up his position at the science console.

“ Everything in the science department is ready to go,” Perkins reported.

It should have been Ensign Penny McTaggart here instead of Perkins. But she had come down with a stomach complaint. So he had to step in.

The Captain was in his Ready Room, resting on the provided fold-out bed that they Captain's Ready Room provided during the off-hours of shift work. Usually, he'd go to his private quarters a deck lower, but the old ships of the line provided their Captains with ways to counter the rigours of shift work. Right now his 4th Officer was in command and he was expected to be resting. So resting he was.

Phoebe rode the turbolift up to the Bridge. She had been resting in her quarters but had requested a wake-up call when they had clearance to depart. She stepped out onto the bridge, looking around at the hive of activity that was the bridge. She walked over to stand behind the Captain's Chair. "I'm just here to observe Mr Stevens. She's all yours to command." She said.

Knowing that he was being watched, Micheal said, Mr Trensu, Status report please," as he wanted the final reports before starting departure procedures. As he waited for the response, Micheal hoped that this being his first launch was going to go smoothly and not damage the ship.

Trensu and Cadet Roho Louis had been looking over the Security and Tactical console. Trensu's fingers danced across the console as status started to appear. "Sir, security teams deployed throughout the ship's tactical are at the ready, we have a full complement of torpedoes, and ship tactical systems on standby. Security and tactical stands ready.

"Thank you Mr Trensu," replied Micheal, He continued "Mr Wright, detach all Moorings and umbilical," with his first official command of the mission, he finished " and one-quarter impulse power to star-dock doors,"

The young Cadet replied " Aye Sir,"

Erika had been watching the departure from her office, as Cultural didn't have a station on the bridge, and she would just be hogging of science station if she had been there. She had been listening to the chatter over the coms and decided to take her turn reporting to the bridge that her department was ready.

=/\=Itsumi to bridge;=/\= She reported. =/\= Everything is in order here with the cultural division, and we're ready for departure.=/\=

Phoebe watched the viewscreen as the ship started to move out of the dock, standing with her hands behind her back. She had requested a few marine teams to patrol the corridors. Most of them wore off-duty clothes, although she had requested a team of engineers to be in engineering, just in case they needed any assistance.

Although Karina was a pilot and much preferred being at the helm, she took her other position at the adjacent navigation console. The older ships like the Poseidon still had the traditional helm and Navigation split between two consoles and as she wasn't piloting she could plot courses and navigate instead.

With everyone in place, Phoebe took a step forward and removed a PADD from her trouser pocket. She offered the PADD to Michael. "Our new course. I thought you might like to do the honours." She said with a smile, taking a step back to her original position as the PADD was taken.

Upon looking at the PADD, Micheal noticed that they had to return to Earth, he said " Helm set course for Earth, warp 3," as he issued the command to the Cadet at the helm station.

"Course plotted," Karina reported glancing over at Commander De'Lenn.

"Engage" replied Micheal as now they were starting off this tour of duty and the cadet's first-ever time.

Jason stood next to a viewport with a cup of coffee, watching the events unfold, he looked over his shoulder to hear the rumbling of a small group of cadets pass by, he was hoping for a quiet cruise, but he felt the small pad rub his thigh in his pants pocket. It was a letter that he had been working on and one that he wasn't sure if he was going to submit.

"Well, let's get this puppy moving," Ky'La said.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
First Officer/Marine Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Micheal Stevens
Chief Ops
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Karina Sakaguchi
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Intelligence Officer/History Instructor
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol
USS Poseidon.


Lt Cmdr Rachel Williams
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi
Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon


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