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Meeting the XO

Posted on Monday May 29th, 2023 @ 1:28am by Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon

1,908 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: USS Poseidon XO's office Security
Timeline: Just before shore leave ends, 2395
Tags: Just before shore leave ends, 2395, Character Development


Trensu was looking over the Padds on his desk this would be the third time in his career that he was to show up as Assistant Chief Security and Tactical. and turns out to be promoted to Chief Security and Tactical. This then turns into a race to get up to speed and to make it more challenging to deal with a class of cadets. Trensu has never been a Chief Security and Tactical and an instructor for cadets. Being on a class ship that he remembers when it was launched for the first time. Trensu looked at the time. He had set up a meeting with the XO. her being the XO and Marine commander put Trensu in an awkward position when dealing with shared responsibility.

Trensu gave a good tug on his uniform looking in the mirror. Desterk had told him Lieutenant Colonel Graydon was nice and professional, not too bad looking either. Trensu hated that when Desterk did that this was not a social visit, trensu did not think so. walking out of his office and walking down the corridor to the XOs office. Sergeant Sharpe was there standing up from his desk "Lieutenant Commander Trensu, Sir, Lieutenant Colonel Graydon is expecting you".

Sergeant Sharpe smiled briefly. He had been expecting Trenus, but he was pleasantly surprised, Trensu was not a minute before or after his time to meet the XO. He could now just send them through. "Ma'am, Lieutenant Commander Trensu." He said with a smile. "Lieutenant Colonel Graydon will see you in her office. This way please." He said as he lead the way toward the office, and once they arrived, The door was open and Trensu walked in "Colonel Graydon I am glad you could meet with me on the role of Security, tactical, and the Marines." Trensu stood rigid at the position of attention in front of her desk.

Phoebe sat behind her desk in her office. "Lieutenant Commander Trensu. A pleasure to meet you, I had heard you were coming onboard." She looked at the PADD in front of her. "So, Chief of Security and Tactical. We'll be working together a lot in more than one way I assume. Can I get you anything to drink?" She asked, gesturing to the chair on the other side of the desk.

Trensu sat in the chair. "Vulcan green tea if you would Ma'am." requested trensu.

"Thank you for seeing me Ma'am and it is good to meet you too." Started Trensu with a smile. She surprised Trensu with some he thought she would be a lot more rigid in her mannerisms and speech. She was fit-looking as to be expected talked with confidence and pleasing to the eyes as well. "I would like to think we would be working together closely. I hope our departments do as well. He placed a Padd on her desk for her. I would in time like to conduct joint training. As well as form an SRT team mixed between the Marines and Security. A special operations team of sorts with our best for those missions that don't fit in the box. Leadership will be shared depending on the mission is who will lead." Explained Trensu getting right to business.

Phoebe stood from her desk and walked over to the replicator next to her desk. "Vulcan Green Tea, Hot and Hot Chocolate, White, Warm." She said. As the drinks appeared in front of her she picked them up and placed them down on the desk. "There you go. And yes, I am in agreement, we had actually already planned some training exercises with your predecessor. I would be more than happy for those to continue. With regards to the Spec Ops team, that can definitely be looked at. I'm sure Sergeant Sharpe, who you've already met, would be very interested in that. I recall he lead a team previously." She said with a smile. "Get me a list of your people and I'll get a list of mine and we can put something together. Apart from that how are you settling in onboard the ship?" She asked, taking a sip from her drink.

Trensu pick up the tea "Thank you ma'am for the tea" Trensu smiled for a moment. "Settling on the ship, Yes I will have to admit this is my third assignment where I arrive with orders for Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer and end up being the Chief on day one. This ship has a great crew which makes it easier to adjust to the new ship. To be honest a crew with the skill I have seen I think deserves a newer ship but reading our mission parameters it will suit us fine." said trensu he had read over the command records and was impressed with them all. Trensu knows if it was not for Commodore Paladin he would be stuck on Earth in the classroom or in some distant Deep Space Station. Losing a ship and Command with a slap on the wrist was extremely fortunate. "So how does a Marine become an executive officer of a ship? that I have not seen before have heard of it but never actually been on a ship with a Marine XO," asked Trensu

"Ah, the age old question. Well, there's two reasons. The first is that I attended Starfleet Academy, as well as SFMC Command Academy, and passed both. The other reason is that the brass wanted this to be a joint training ship between the Marines and Starfleet, so they decided they wanted a marine on the command team somewhere. And that brings us to here. And we do appreciate you stepping up to the Chief role again. I know it's not entirely orthodox to switch positions on your first day, but with your experience and record, and our need for a new chief, we thought you'd fit in perfectly." She said, leaning back in her chair.

Taking a sip of his tea and then setting it down. "You can do both academies? I think I have been lied to," he remarked with a smile. "I was accepted to both and could attend either. I chose Star Fleet because I want to command a ship and travel around the galaxy. I was almost there. I am sure you read the reports. I made a decision and still think it was the right one. But getting to learn more under you and the Captian I will find the price less" said Trensu looking into her eyes they were beautiful big blue eyes like pools of water he thought.

"It's an often missed opportunity in my opinion. Of course, you can't undertake both academies at the same time, but there's nothing to stop people from doing them back to back, one after the other. Or even in some cases one, then some time in the field, and then back to the other after a few months or years. I have learnt immeasurable things from both, and I still learn new things every day. It's amazing." She replied. "Do you think you'd ever consider going back to SFMC Academy?" She asked.

He paused thinking then answered. "I would I could start with some correspondence courses. "Trensu grinds at the thought. "If I could find a Marine officer to sponsor me and look over my courses and test me as I go. I could work on it on this ship." Trensu looked excited at the idea and saw what the XO might say about that. "SFMC Academy, Klingon Academy, I would go to any Academy Star Fleet would let me go to," said Trensu The XO had got his attention and found his weakness.

"Well conveniently enough you happen to be sitting with a Marine Officer. I would happily sponsor you and mentor you if you'd like that. Alternatively, i'm sure the Sergeant would happily take you under his wing as well, and I just look over your exams and the like." She said offering a smile. "How does that sound?" She asked.

That would be splined, Colonel. It will be great looking at stuff from a Marine point of view. Though I have read some of their manuals and work with them from time to time. Never had the chance to be on a ship with them and work with them or you this close. I have a Doctorates in Military Science so I know that won't go any higher but a Masters's in marine operations and tactics would be very nice. I will put my request to Star Fleet tonight and I will use you and your Sargents names if you don't mind." stated Trensu.

"Of course not! More than happy to help!" Phoebe replied with a large smile. I'm sure Sergeant Sharpe would be more than happy to arrange some drills for you as well." She said, giving a wink.

"I will look forward to that Colonel. I would like to shadow you when you drill with the Marines and or Security to see how you do things. I think we both can learn a lot together. As well as our departments or Companies and Detachments." said Trensu he did not show any facial excitement
he was almost Valcon but his eyes gave him away when they lit up.

"Of course! I believe we have some drills set up with Security in the next few weeks, so definitely tag along and we can get you all sorted out!" Phoebe replied.

"Thank you, Colonel, ah... and Cadets though I will be running drills and classes with mine. I do not mind if they attended the training I would think it invaluable for both Marine and Security cadets to work on a few projects or Drills together," suggested Trensu.

"I do need, inform you that the Ambassitor like to get the command together for a drink when we leave space dock. It is a tradition of his or yours for luck on the mission," informed Tresnu with a smile.

Phoebe nodded. "I had heard, I look forward to it." She said with a smile.

Trensu appears to drift for a moment. "Sorry, Colonel, I was lost for a moment. Time has a habit of ketching up now and then." commented trensu looking a bit tired. "It's always a good time with Destrek." said trensu trying to recover and regain his focus.

"You look tired Lieutenant Commander. Maybe some rest is in order?" She asked, feeling a prang of sympathy for the new officer.

Trensu smiled "Someone once told me sleep is a crutch You get plenty of it when you're dead." He said jokingly. "No, I just realized I did not do that tradition with my last command we were prest for time. I am not a superstitious man but makes me wonder." explained trensu. "Not that some sleep would be nice," Trensu said with a grin.

"Well, you may consider yourself reported in, so you are free to go whenever you wish," Phoebe replied, stifling a yawn herself.

Trensu gave a nod in reply "Don't yawn it is contagious," Trensu said yawning himself." Then He stood to his feet "Lieutenant Colonel Graydon, You have a great evening Colonel." said Trensu as he walk out of the Colonel's office.


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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