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The Cheater - Part 2

Posted on Saturday August 13th, 2022 @ 7:30pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Serran & Commodore Gregory Paladin

2,842 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Deck 02; Boardroom
Timeline: Current
Tags: Cheater, Shenanigans, Trail, Inquiry Part 1


==Shenanigans: The Cheater Part II==

:: Previously...::

"I have a suggestion," Serran spoke up. "I could do a mind meld with him."

Hirsch would be open to a mind-meld at this time. This would clear up a lot of issues. "Lieutenant. Have you had experience with mind melds recently? What psychological damages could occur? For both Ensign Stuart and yourself. Mind melds have been used in Starfleet precedence cases of determining guilt and faculty of the mind." Hirsch breached the offer with skepticism. "This could work..."

"Of course, we would need the sign-off on the Captain and Commodore to do so." He turned with his padd to the ranking officers. Legal obligations and rights of the accused needed to adhere to. This was something that they could theoretically achieve, within guidelines and practically now. "If Ensign Stuart agrees. I would be in favor of a mind-meld…

Commodore Paladin took the PADD, sharing it with the Captain as the two briefly looked it over. They both gave each other a nod before resuming their rather stoic and harsh expressions. Gregory handed the signed pad back to Hirsch.

"What if the mind-meld doesn't work? What if whatever is causing the change in Stuart is caused by something external?" Coleman asked, wanting to think of all possible outcomes and the various problems that might arise with the Vulcan Mind Meld.

"The mind-meld would work except that nothing in a mind-meld can be used as evidence, the accused has a right not to incriminate himself and the mind-meld would take that right away for him," T'Pri stated cooly.

Sam had been listening and now was the time to speak.

“ That’s not a good idea. Stewart could make a claim you placed thoughts in his head. Could I interview him, please? I have an idea that just might work.” Perkins said

"The mind-meld would answer questions. Even if the thoughts were planted by someone else, or if it's external, the meld would reveal that. Maybe not the details, but it would at least point us in the right direction." Serran replied, "But if you want to do an interview, I would have no objections."

"This is let me remind all attending here at this meeting. It is up to the commandant of Starfleet Academy to expel the cadet ... It's academic, not criminal.

"I am therefore referring to the commandant's decision." Hirsch clasped his hands. "I am referring this matter to them and put the cadet on a shuttle." Calvin then shook his head, this trial was getting to him. Breathed inward he nodded in deference to the committee brass. "That is on record."

oO Does he have to be inside the shuttle? Why not tie a rope to his leg and drag him through space. Oo Sam thought

"Let Mr. Perkins interview him first I am curious as to his designs," T'Pri suggested.

Nodding Perkins walked up to Stewart.

“ Ensign Stewart. Why did you not say anything to me about you having trouble in class?” Sam asked

“ Um…Cos you would have shouted.” The Rascal replied

“ Did I shout at Cadet Cohen when she asked for help?” Perkins replied

“ No, you helped her,” Stewart said

“ How about Krill when his science project blew up?” Perkins inquired

“ No. You helped to collect all the pieces from his hand. Then helped him to sickbay to get them reattached.” Stewart said

“ Or Ensign Brady when he needed help?” Perkins asked

“ No, you are always a good teacher who never shouts,” Stewart said

“ Aha! I put it to you, sir. You see science as an easy dodge. So you can attend parties and meet girls. Then as a pickup line, you tell them you're a science officer. Oh yes, you passed the original tests at the academy. But then you decided to treat the Poseidon and her science department as an easy ride. Except you forgot one thing. You can only qualify to be a full Starfleet officer. Once you have finished a full training course on a starship! When the tests came up you knew you were sunk. So you got a couple of friends to hack into the computer and cheat for you.” Perkins said pointing a finger

“ Yes…..I mean no…I dunno Yes…….no……” Stewart said

“ I rest my case,” Perkins said walking away.

“ David and Henry it is their fault!! They said old Jerkins wouldn’t find out! They are to blame not me…” Stewart cried.

Both the Captain and Commodore shared glances. Gregory's disposition was still visibly livid. He merely made a visual attempt to refrain from speaking as he looked back to the cadet. It was increasingly obvious he had already made up his mind, and the only reason the cadet wasn't out of the airlock by this point - metaphorically - was because of the Captain. Franklin, for his part and merit, maintained a more stoic and neutral appearance. Inwardly, however, he was equally fuming.

"What now Gentlemen"? T'Pri inquired.

“ I vote he is dragged through the corridors of the Poseidon naked. With Kord ringing a bell shouting shame.” Sam fumed

"Perhaps dismissal would be more appropriate," T'Pri stated.

“ Sorry, T’Pri. I let that idiot get to me. Yes, dismissal would be appropriate.” Sam said blushing.

Both the Commodore and the Captain looked oddly at the Chief Science Officer over his comment on the ship's local and only Gorn, Lazarus Kord. The Captain more so giving a smirk while Gregory simply rolled his eyes. When the conversation centred on a point, the Captain opined.

"I believe it is the position of the Commodore and myself that the student is quite lost in most affairs," Franklin remarked. "We will however wait till all have had a say in their positions before we release our verdict."

"Captain, I would like to wait until he has had the session with the Counselling Division. There's just something that seems a little off if that makes sense? Like, he appears to be a stereotypical washout, maybe? But, he's protecting something or someone, like those other cadets. There's just something more that needs to be dug into and while expulsion from Starfleet might be the final verdict, he didn't act alone and I wanted to know everything before final judgment is passed," Coleman said, scratching his chin as he watched the cadet from afar.

"Respectfully, I agree with Mr. Coleman, Sir," T'Pri added.

"Yeah, just wait until Counselling does their assessment. Then, we can see if this was a once-off event or if we need to go further into this," Coleman said, looking back at the group.

“Personally I feel we have seen enough. This is a classic case of a cheater being caught. No more no less. Plus we must act quickly to punish the Ensign. If anything to stop others from doing the same. Otherwise, we will end up with a serious problem. Cadets who are not interested in learning just partying.” Perkins warned.

"Who hasn't partied once or twice while they were in the Academy. But, there was something more with Stuart. He'll get his punishment, but if we don't act fairly either, then we could lose the cadets that way too. They'll think that we just jump on them for anything without a second thought. Plus, if we wish to catch his conspirators, then we need to be humble in our approach. We just need to be careful in our approach," Coleman said, looking towards the Captain and Commodore for answers.

The Commodore gave Nicholas Coleman a long look. His expression turned from stern to receptive as he pondered the words, nodding slowly.

"Sound advice," he finally admitted.

Franklin and Gregory shared a glance briefly before resuming observing the trail.

Hirsch kept the records in his PADD and then watched what his orders would be, if any, from the Captain and Commodore to investigate this cheating incident further. Was it isolated?

Stewart watched them. He was going to get away with this. Otherwise, by now they would have acted. Blaming his friends had been a good idea. The high-ups would go chasing after them. All he had to do was continue to play the dumb nice but dim Cadet. Who was only trying to stay on? When in truth it was all down to him. He had found the back door into the ship's computer. Altered his grades so he would be top of the class. As he had always said. Why work your head off when you can cheat to the top. Science was the only department where they did not double-check everything. Usually, that is. Except for old Jerkins who watched everything like a hawk. Stewart had not planned for him. But by the looks of things he was about to be overruled. So Stewart sat there playing the nice but dim card.

"Master Stewart is blaming others for his actions," Serran said. I believe this approach is illogical. Even if others encouraged him in his behaviour, which I'm not sure I believe, he still chose to act himself. Their guilt or innocence is a matter for another day. The matter today is Mr. Stewart's guilt or innocence and I think the evidence is overwhelming against him."

Further, he has shown no remorse for his actions."

"That is a logical observation," T'Pri said. "Now all that remains is to find out how he did it," T'Pri added.

“ Well at the moment all our questions have failed to discover how. However, there may be a way but…it’s tilting towards the unethical.” Perkins said.

Reviewing his federation ethical guidelines, Calvin indicated that there were countless breaches that the Ensign committed. He could be tried and charged with whatever the Captain and Commodore decreed. The time was coming soon.

Hirsch looked toward Lt. Commander T’Pri. She had sound advice.

"Logic dictates there must have been a backdoor into the Academic system. We should have the Operations department look into it," T'Pri suggested.

“ I was thinking of giving him a good scare. Pretend well going to have a forced mild meld on him. To see into his personal faults. I know it’s tilting wildly towards a ticket to Captain Johnson’s ready room. For a good telling off. But as we are only going to pretend. It cannot do any harm.” Sam said

"It could do tremendous harm, Lieutenant Commander Perkins." Kana had chosen to remain silent for the longest time, seeing this whole affair as a chance to observe not only the reactions of the Ensign under question but also, the attitudes and reactions of the officers of the Poseidon. In some cases, she was reassured by their sound judgment and temperament. In other cases, such as in this moment, she was noticeably discontent.

"Even if we were to "pretend" to carry out such a procedure on him, it would be highly unethical, let alone distressing. Your obsession with punishment is most concerning. While I don't deny that it is clear that the Ensign has done wrong and corrections must be made, if we wish for him to cooperate with us and learn from this experience, punishing him to the point of humiliation or harm - be it real or imagined - is just as much an indictment on us as it is him. Are we conducting this trial like Cardassians, or as Starfleet?" She paused for a moment to allow them all to ponder on her question before she continued.

oO He flouts the rules and cheats. Yet I am the one getting the dirty looks.Oo Sam thought

"I must object strongly to the real or 'pretend' suggestion of a mind-meld. As others have already correctly noted, such a procedure without his consent would be a direct violation of his person - something far more reprehensible than his actions and carrying far more consequences - let alone the real harm it could present to both parties if there is something more afoot. Before we consider such an action, a Counselling Assessment would be the most appropriate. Either I or one of my trainee Counsellors can carry it out if it pleases the Captain and the Commodore."

"I must also point out that any mind meld evidence would be inadmissible in a court of law," T'Pri added.

The Captain and the Commodore shared words briefly before Gregory spoke up for the two.

"As much as I'd like to push a hard decision on this issue, Captain Johnson and I are observers in this meeting. We'll back whatever decision you make, however as Commander Shakura and Lt. Commander T'Pri correctly stated, any procedure involving a person's mind must be undertaken through legal checks and balances and any attempt to circumvent that process is not only immoral but also inadmissible as evidence."

Hirsch listened. Was the Captain asking him to make a decision? This was not Federation law so he was at a loss. This was ethics and morals. Any institute of higher education's magistrate would handle students with grading issues back on Earth. "I have contacted Starfleet Academy and requested their guidance in the matter. For reporting purposes as well." Calvin added to the Captain and Commander's deliberations.

"I was not suggesting," Serran interjected, his usual calm tone, up half an active, defensively, to do a mind-meld without consent. I was merely offering it to mitigate the situation."

Coleman interjected too, replying, "Whatever we do, the longer that we wait, the more time that this young man will be able to think about either the punishment or the reward of getting off. He's going to want to get off and we need to make a decision sooner rather than later before he does something irrational."

Stewart looked around the room. He did not like the look of them. It was time to scarper he could pinch a shuttle or hide in the Jeffries tube. If a dumb plant could hide in them, so could he. Slowly he rose up and began to tiptoe towards the exit.

“ Where’s he going?” Sam asked

Hirsch literally rolled his eyes at the Ensign's attempt to 'escape' the Commander, Captain, and Commodore in the room. It was a pathetic sight. Simply on his PADD, he tapped in his security lockdown code for the actual reception room just outside the conference room. Any officer worth their uniform knew the security codes to each ship's door by heart. "Locked." Cal simply stated as he viewed the dodging Ensign. Hirsch stood up from his seat.

Stewart made it through the first door. Then he ran right into the reception room doors. Which held firm as he slammed into it. Dazed he staggered back into the conference room. Looking around at the faces around him. He lifted his hands and shouted.

“ OK IT WAS ALL ME I CHEATED CAUSE THAT IS WHAT I DO. CHEAT!” He said wobbling. Then he sat on the floor his arms outstretched.

Kana was admittedly a bit stunned by the quick change of temperament in the young Ensign. Right up until that moment he had been confident that he would be able to escape, even going so far as to think that simply trying to walk out the door would be successful; in plain view of some of the most senior officers on-board the ship. But as soon as a set of doors was locked in front of him, he crumbled. The Executive Officer could sense more clearly now that, underneath his earlier acts of nonchalance, there was a young man who was simply afraid of things outside of his control.

Looking at Hirsch, Perkins and the rest of the senior officers assembled, she gave her verdict. "I think it's safe to say, at the very least, that the Poseidon is not the right environment for Ensign Stuart to thrive in, though I don't believe he intended any ill in his actions. I suggest we begin the process of discharging him from the Poseidon. However..." She said, looking over at the Ensign. "I would still like to sit down and have a conversation with him, understand his motives. Perhaps, with the right support and the chance to correct his misdeeds, Ensign Stuart can find a better path forward."

“Agreed.” Calvin gave a nod of confidence to the Commander’s proposal. The more the Ensign presented a show, the easier it seemed to understand him. Immature, sure. Too neurotic for his own well-being, maybe.

"He's all yours," the Commodore remarked to Kanaka. He then stood with the Captain and the two left.



Ensign Stuart Stewart ( npc Perkins )
Science Cadet
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Serran
Chief Cultural Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Nicholas Coleman
Assistant Chief Cultural Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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