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A Prestigious Award; Part One, Major Graydon

Posted on Saturday August 13th, 2022 @ 5:35pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon

507 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge, Captains Ready Room
Timeline: In Transit; Cardassian Refugees on board
Tags: Award, 2395


Captain Franklin Johnson set down his tea after drinking the rest of the contents of the replicated glass cup. It had been a relatively quiet day on board the Poseidon, despite the Cardassian Refugees being on board and despite several minor instances of possible complaints. Overall, their transit had been without much issue, and the Captain had utilized this downtime to push his command staff to better themselves.

And better themselves they had.

A report had come in from Commodore Paladin that the two command officers he had assigned to the academy to start and finish their Executive Officers courses had completed them with outstanding results. The Captain was greatly impressed, and wanted to initially have a get-together between them both but ship scheduling had made that near impossible. Instead, he opted for the more individual approach.

Standing up to dispose of the replicated glass into the replicator, he moved towards the door to the Ready Room as the bell chimed.

"Enter!" he invited.

Phoebe walked into the room, a small smile on her face. "Captain, so good to see you again so soon, I hope you are well?" She asked, the smile on her face growing

The Captain smiled back to his Second Officer.

"I'm doing fine, Phoebe!" he replied enthusiastically. "I heard some good things about you recently. You and Lt. Commander T'Pri to be specific. You both performed outstandingly in the recent assignments I tasked you with. Specifically, your Executive Officer courses. Commodore Paladin was impressed and I am too. I wanted you here today to hand you an award!"

He quickly went to his desk and procured the award medal box, return to Phoebe and opening it.

"It's a Captain's Merit Award, in recognition of your best efforts and wonderful contributions," Franklin said with a smile as he offered it to Phoebe. "You've done an outstanding job and I am extremely proud of you, and very lucky to have you on board this ship."

Phoebe nodded appreciatively. "Thank you Captain, it was a very educating course. I would like your permission, if I may to complete the commanding officers course as well. Rest assured i'm not going anywhere, however I feel it would help me to further my knowledge from here." She said, accepting the box with a smile.

"Absolutely, Phoebe." Franklin smiled, nodding in approval. "I think it'll do you a lot of good. You'll have my approval this evening."

"Thank you Captain, I will make sure the appropriate paperwork is squared away." She stood as the PADD in her hand lit up with a message. "If you'll excuse me Captain, my attention is needed elsewhere. Thank you for everything though." She said, snapping off a quick salute, before spinning on the balls of her feet and heading for the door.

The Captain gave a crisp salute back to show respect. He watched her go and then resumed his work, thinking proudly on his crew.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Major Phoebe Graydon
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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