Lieutenant Nicholas Coleman

Name Nicholas Alexander Coleman

Position Academic Teaching Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 6 Mission Posts

Last Post

Monday April 24th, 2023 @ 11:57pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/El-Aurian
Age 195

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Nicholas was on the taller side of the average humanoid, coming in around 6’ tall. He was also rather muscular, mainly from training from various marathons around the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, as well as from swimming on a daily basis.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Noonien Coleman
Mother Elizabeth Coleman
Brother(s) Eric Coleman, Noonien Coleman II
Sister(s) None
Other Family Various aunts, uncles, cousins, and other family members throughout the quadrant that were displaced after the destruction of the El-Aurian homeworld

Personality & Traits

General Overview Nicholas was born on Earth several decades before the destruction of the El-Aurian Homeworld at the hands of the Borg. While he was a bit older when his homeworld was destroyed by the Borg, he never had the chance to make it home before the Borg was destroyed. This drove Nick to become more involved with Science and Diplomacy because he knew that Science could figure out any problem that the Borg might pose and Diplomacy would bring people together instead of separating them in the time that the Borg would eventually come.

Nick started his Starfleet career in History and Stellar Cartography before moving onward to the Diplomatic Corp.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths-Great Listener, Physical Strength, Easy to get along with, Quick Learner

Weaknesses-Distaste for the Borg and Nanotechnology, bullheaded, temper when someone tries to harm those that he loves
Ambitions One of the biggest ambitions that Nick has was to become a Starfleet Admiral before he turns 300 years old. Nick’s mother was an Admiral in the time of Kirk and crew, but she was one of the youngest Starfleet Admirals in Starfleet History at the time for an El-Aurian. It pushed Nick to work harder to get where he is within life.

Another ambition that Nick had was to never stop learning. Nick felt as though that if one stopped learning, one could never truly learn from one’s mistakes and thus, never grow from those mistakes. Many of the El-Aurians that were able to get away from their homeworld became bitter and Nick never wanted to become that. Continuing to learn would make sure he never became bitter.

One final major ambition was to win a Klingon Martial Arts competition, whether or not it was with one of their ceremonial weapons or not.
Hobbies & Interests Klingon Martial Arts
Culture and History

Personal History Nick was born to Noonien and Elizabeth Coleman on Earth in 2200. His mother, Elizabeth, was an El-Aurian living on Earth and passing as a human being. She was approximately 150 years old when she arrived on Earth in 2191, where she wanted to study the ways that Humans were progressing after the founding of the United Federation of Planets.

Upon her arrival to Earth in 2191, Elizabeth met a human named Noonien Coleman, who was a theoretical warp engineer for Starfleet. He was working with Starfleet and the Federation on creating a new Warp Engine that could surpass the engines that Starfleet was currently using. They had managed to get warp tests up to Warp 9 and slightly past that.

Noonien and Elizabeth started dating in 2193, two years after Elizabeth’s arrival to Earth and before long, got married in Paris, France. The pair began having children in the years that followed their marriage, starting with Jonathan Coleman being born in 2195 and Nick in 2200.

Nick didn’t get to know much of his father, however. When Nick was only five years old, his father, Noonien, was onboard the USS Colombia when the ship was testing a new type of warp engine design. The ship was testing their engines in Sector 12, not far off from Andoria, when the Andorian Fleet registered an Antimatter explosion coming from where Colombia was doing their tests. The Andorian fleet warped into sector 12 to check on Colombia and found debris only.

Elizabeth was devastated. However, she decided to stay on Earth with her children, since that was the only world that they ever knew. Not only that, but she decided to follow in her late husband’s footsteps and join Starfleet at the age of 160. She decided to join Starfleet Medical and quickly rose through the ranks before reaching the rank of Rear Admiral.

Nick watched his mother throughout the years and decided that Starfleet was for him. In 2218, he joined Starfleet and went off to the Academy, studying History, Alien Archeology/Anthropology, and Stellar Cartography. Growing up, he felt a strong connection to the sciences, especially the historical sciences, and wanted to study the history of the universe in whichever way he could.

Two years into his Academy track, Nick was fast tracked into the Cadet Cruises due to his high marks from his professors. Since all cadets had to go through the physicals before joining a crew, Nick went through his at Starfleet Medical on Earth. Nick appeared Human, but once he completed his physicals, something came through that baffled the various doctors.

Since Nick’s mother was a doctor at Starfleet Medical, the professionals at Starfleet Medical quickly got in touch with her and found out the truth. She was an alien that had come from a far off planet in the Milky Way Galaxy, but she wouldn’t give much more information than that. She had fudged her own results of the physical by bypassing the computers on Earth to show her own makeup as human throughout the years.

However, since Nick was a hybrid of both Human and El-Aurian, his biological makeup was a bit different and harder to cover up. Thus, it finally clicked for Nick why he felt like a bit of an outsider, even before joining Starfleet.

The doctors cleared him for his Cadet Cruise and Nick was assigned to the USS Saratoga as an Alien Archeology/Anthropology Cadet. This was still the early days of the Federation and thus, took several days to get from one parsec to another. So, it gave Nick the chance to really brush up on his alien cultures and allowed him time to really take everything in while he was onboard the Saratoga.

Nick graduated from the Academy two years later with high honors and the CO of the USS Saratoga, Captain Frederick, asked for Nick to join his crew by name as a junior Alien A/A Officer. Nick was beyond overjoyed to have been asked to join a crew so quickly after graduation and he accepted on the spot. It allowed him to make a seamless transition as well because it meant that he didn’t have to transfer ships so quickly after graduation.

However, in 2229, Nick was offered a promotion that he couldn’t refuse. The newly recommissioned USS Zander, a Daedalus-Class Starship, was about to set out from San Francisco Fleet yard in orbit of Earth. The CO was a friend of Nick’s mother and had been friends with her during their time at the Academy. Not only that, but the CO had heard about the various finds while he was serving aboard the USS Saratoga and wanted to have him onboard the Zander to figure out the mysterious parts of our universe.

Nick joined the Zander as the Assistant Chief Science Officer, after making such an impression with his interview with the Zander CO. Nick stayed onboard the Zander for several years and allowed him to work with several Starfleet Cadets while they surveyed the sectors around Earth, Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, and Alpha Centauri.

That allowed for the Vulcan Science Academy to see the talents of Nick and when they were looking for an Adjacent Professor of Alien Archeology and Anthropology, they offered him the position without having to interview. The Commandant of the Vulcan Science Academy had talked to several former cadets of Starfleet Academy, in particular Vulcan students, and they talked about how thorough he was within his field.

During his time at the Vulcan Science Academy, Nick took everything in and worked closely with several of the brightest minds on Vulcan. One of his fellow professors, T'Lana, had close associations with some of the greatest Vulcan minds of the previous century and passed along the knowledge onto Nick. One of the greatest bits of wisdom that was passed onto Nick during his decade in the Academy was to never stop pressing the boundaries of scientific inquiry and never stop asking questions.

However, after a decade of working closely with the Vulcans, Nick missed his home and being around a variety of species that the Federation comprised itself of. One of the newest starships being built at the time was the USS Revere, a Hermes-Class Starship being built at San Francisco Fleet Yards.

Captain Ran Armstrong, the CO of the Revere, was looking for an Assistant Chief Science Officer. Again, Nick’s name had been passed through the ranks and he was excited to rejoin Starfleet to explore the universe. Not only that, but while the Revere was a smaller vessel within Starfleet, it was exciting to be joining a Starship that was one of the most up and coming vessels within the fleet and use the newest, most exciting technology that the Federation had to offer.

Nick worked on the Revere for a good 15 years before getting tasked with another opportunity, which ended up saving his life. Starbase One, which was the Federation Starbase in orbit of Earth, was looking for a new head of Scientific Operations for the greater Sol Sector. Nick jumped at the chance when he heard of the opening when the Revere was back at port and talked to the Starbase Commander, Vice Admiral Jackson.

Jackson interviewed Nick while the Revere was in spacedock. Nick told Captain Hernandez, who was now in command of the Revere, that he was looking into a transfer into the position. That way, Nick could get a recommendation from her for the transfer to the post, which helped Nick obtain the posting.

Since Nick had a few more things to finish up before leaving the Revere, he finished them up on Starbase One while the Revere was still in spacedock. It made the transition between the Revere and Starbase One a bit better as well, as he didn’t feel as rushed to get all the information completed from one ship to the next.

Being the Chief of Scientific Operations for Sector 001 and Starbase 1, Nick loved his work and stayed onboard the base for approximately three decades. However, while he enjoyed the work that they were always working on, something started gnawing at Nick and he felt like he wanted a change when the talks between the Klingons and the Federation began happening on the Starbase.

Nick decided that he wanted to join the Diplomatic Corp and go through training in 2290. Since he had the basic coursework done from his Academy days, all Nick had to do was to complete the diplomatic coursework. Thus, in 2292, Nick graduated again and began working back on Starbase One as a Diplomatic Officer and stayed in that position until the Tomed Incident in 2311.

After the Tomed Incident with the Romulans, Nick worked as a Deputy Ambassador to the Romulans from 2311 until 2331, trying to help bridge the gap between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire. However, the Romulans became closed off from the rest of the galaxy and the posting slowly dragged on into a two decade posting that Nick almost regretted taking.

That was why Nick switched it up and took the next available posting to the Deputy Ambassador position on the Klingon Homeworld of Q’onos, or Kronos in typical English. This was rather drab as well and why Nick came back to Earth to be apart of the Judge Advocate General Office and where he has stayed until he joined the USS Poseidon.
Service Record 2220-2221: Cadet Cruise aboard the USS Saratoga (Antares-Class Cruiser)

2221-2229: Junior Alien A/A Officer, USS Saratoga (Antares-Class Cruiser)

2229-2232: Assistant Science Officer, USS Zander (Daedalus-Class Starship)

2232-2244: Adjacent Science Professor, Vulcan Science Academy (Planet Vulcan)

2245-2260: Assistant Chief Science Officer, USS Revere (Hermes-Class Starship)

2260-2290: Chief of Scientific Operations, Starbase One (Starbase)

2290-2292: Diplomatic Corp Training, Starfleet Academy (Earth)

2292-2311: Diplomatic Corps, Starbase One (Spacedock Starbase)

2311-2331: Deputy Ambassador to Romulus (Romulus)

2331-2344: Deputy Ambassador to the Klingon Empire (Q’onos/Kronos)

2344-2395: Judge Advocate General’s Office (Starbase One)

2395-Present: USS Poseidon (Assistant Chief Cultural Officer)