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Initializing the EMH - Bridge

Posted on Saturday August 13th, 2022 @ 7:39pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon

3,340 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Various
Tags: EMH, Sharpe, Kana, The Bridge, Confrontation


After realising that Medical was in a bad state of disrepair the initializing of the EMH in Medical would have to be deferred till a later date, he was surprised that the ship was still flying with such damage to medical, engineering, and science was okay and not as damaged his team repaired things that quickly broke so Sharpe headed out of Science and to the nearest turbo lift, as he entered and the doors closed her was checking things on his Padd "Bridge" he said and felt the slight lag before the lift began to move to take him to his requested destination.


As the doors opened onto the bridge he was subconsciously aware that the bridge had fallen silent for a fraction before normal noise resumed, he looked up "hello Captain, Commander, how are things on the bridge?" Sharpe asked but also knowing that they would want to know why their Chief Engineer was on the bridge at this time.

"Mr Sharpe!" Greeted the Captain jovially as he turned in his Command Chair to greet the CEO. "Very happy to see you. What brings you to our corner of the ship today? Nothing else broken has it?"

Looking up "hello Captain, only Medical which looks like my dorm room when I was at the Academy, I was so lucky I lived off Campus" he said with a chuckle "apart from medical being a shambles, nothing, I am here to align and initialize the EMH access to the bridge" Sharpe said to the Captain "hello Commander Shakura, you are well I hope?" He asked the First Officer.

The Captain chuckles at Sharpe's take on the situation in medical. It was in shambles and Mr T'vek was having a time getting it reorganized.

"If you need anything let me know," Franklin said as he moves out of the Chief Engineers' way.

Shakura was present on the Bridge giving her daily morning report to the Captain when the Chief Engineer had arrived unscheduled. "Ah, hello Sharpe. I am doing well, thank you. I trust that you are as well?"

"I am thank you, Commander, I am here to make sure the holo emitters on the bridge are working just fine, I have already done engineering and Science I have the shuttlebay and Medical left, although Medical will have to be deferred till a later date, for the most part, the EMH is working on essential decks," Sharpe said with a smile.

On his mention of both initializing an Emergency Medical Hologram and the current state of Medbay, she was content that this was probably a wise course of action. As it happens, she had just begun to explain to the Captain how limited Starfleet had been in its initial response to requests for material support following the sabotage of the Medbay.

The Captain turned to his XO. Her explanation of the situation in Medical had been worrying and something to fret about. Typically, the Commodore has been able to acquire any number of resources that were reasonably requested. Recently, however, things had been quite different. He scratched his chin as he looked at Kanaka and heard her unspoken comment.

"Fortuitous change of circumstances we have here," he remarked. "The very fact Mr Sharpe had this up his sleeve is extremely beneficial. Do you think we should install it throughout the ship?"

"Knowing Lieutenant Commander Sharpe, sir, I imagine he has already been in the process of doing that," Kana remarked, a closer inspection of the Chief Engineering Officer showing clear signs of the work he had already done. While he always had a rather rugged appearance, she had grown accustomed to it enough by now to recognise subtle changes.

Looks sheepishly "Captain, you knew sorting out the ships EMH was in the works months ago, I can only do so much in one day, however, engineering is fully operational and I have teams doing some emergency repairs to Medical, but a Starbase will still be needed proper repair. I must warn you that the EMH has chosen to look female with Blonde hair and blue or green eyes, while the original EMH mark 1 programming is in there, I have added a few sub-routines to make the EMH more congenial, than what the original was if you will permit me, Captain?" Sharpe asked as he stepped into the middle of the bridge tapping something on his Padd, he was making sure the emitters were operational.

"I recall briefly about it," remarked Franklin. "I guess with all that's happened it fell under my radar! My apologies, Mr Sharpe. But by all means, give us a demonstration."

The Captain smiled as he took a step back and watched.

"If I may, Sharpe..." Kana arched an eyebrow, "What is the need for a warning that the Emergency Medical Hologram choosing the appearance of a woman with blonde hair and blue or green eyes?" She asked whimsically, quoting his words back at him. It was mostly in a tone suggesting playfulness, though it did seem as though he forgot another woman was present during the conversation.

At the question posed by his XO, Franklin looked away. He hadn't thought about that and felt slightly ashamed, but at the same time almost amused that Kanaka had backed his CEO into a corner - metaphorically. He looked back to listen to the response with some amusement visible but wisely kept quiet.

Looking at the Captain "understandable that it slipped your mind Captain you are a busy man after all" he paused as he registered what the First Officer said, he looked at her his face a neutral mask, and he raised an eyebrow in a manner worthy of a Vulcan "if I may Commander, I thought that someone as attractive as you might want some prior warning that she may have some competition in the looks department" he said deadpanned void of emotion, the First Officers question may have backed him into a corner, but it did not phase him.

"Commander Shakura, I am married to a Marine Officer, so such questions will not faze me in the slightest, but kudos on your attempt to put me on the spot, valiant try," he said now actually giving the Commander a friendly smile to show he was using humour.

Franklin couldn't help but laugh. He placed a hand over his mouth and looked away briefly as he regained his composure. His Chief Engineer was a trip! He turned back after a moment and wiped the smile away, replaced by a receptive expression.

"So are we going to see this EMH or what?" He asked to break up whatever tension or momentum the conversation had. "I'm eager to see what our good Mr Sharpe has for us!"

"Just a moment, Captain."

Kana had visibly raised her hand in a sudden fashion as to immediately silence the conversation. Everyone who looked at her at that moment would acknowledge a certain level of coldness that she had never expressed before, and for the moment, it was directed deep into the eyes of Poseidon's Chief Engineer. Perhaps in the aftermath, Kana would be able to accept that perhaps she had put the wrong foot first by being playful in her original tone, perhaps inviting Sharpe's own mistaken comments in return. Even so, his superior officer did not feel that such remarks were appropriate, either to herself or in the presence of much more junior members of staff of all sexes.

She could sense how all the boys were amused by the exchange, almost emboldened. The girls and all those of a non-masculine inclination were more notably uncomfortable. As someone who took it upon herself to ensure the welfare of the crew, Kana could not allow that to stand - let alone the perhaps unintentional derogatory compliment to her own person - and so had to respond in a strict manner.

"Do you believe women in Starfleet compete with their looks, Sharpe?" She asked him directly, taking one step forward. The silence that fell on the bridge was almost deafening as everyone turned to watch. "Or do you find it amusing the idea that a servant hologram took a feminine appearance?" She continued to ask questions, taking another step closer to him each time she did so. The questions weren't designed to allow him any chance to respond, merely to make the situation more uncomfortable.

"Perhaps such weak attempts at humour would get a laugh out of James Tiberius Kirk, Lieutenant Commander, but this is not the Enterprise of his day, nor is this Poseidon the ship of our predecessors either. Need I remind you that you are not only here to act as Chief Engineer but you also serve as an Instructor to Starfleet Cadets who are meant to look to you as an example. If you neglect to set an acceptable one, then rest assured I will make an acceptable one of you."

By now, Commander Shakura had come well within the Lieutenant Commander's own personal space. Her arms were still kept behind her back in the manner which she always held them when acting officially, but that made her posture no less threatening. At that moment, she was the living embodiment of "five feet of fury".

She then lent forwards as she looked directly up at him, her deep dark eyes unflinching. "I may not be your wife, Sharpe, but I am your superior officer. She may have committed the rest of her life to you, but my commitment to you - and your place on this ship - is entirely at my discretion. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

While everyone else would only be able to feel the suspense and tension in the room, Kana could feel the young men losing that emboldened sense of entitlement and understanding of the weight of the Commander's words. The women and non-masculine crewmembers are safer and more secure. For that, Kana was satisfied with her actions, even if it would knock Sharpe's professional confidence a little.

The Captain, observing the exchange, decided to merely take a step back. He looked between Sharpe and Kanaka briefly, then redirected his attention elsewhere for a moment before looking back. It felt almost intensely awkward for those brief moments as he awaited the reply from the Chief Engineer, unaware even of his original crime against his XO but not interfering regardless.

Not moving a muscle and his face as bland as a Vulcan's was he simply raised his left eyebrow "I apologise Commander for my rash words, nothing insulting or nasty was meant by them, if they seemed that way I am truly sorry and I will not make that mistake again" he said in a Vulcan-like emotionless voice.

It was at times like this that Paul always fell back on his emotional control lessons from his schooling days on Vulcan, they left an impression on him. While he knew he was in the wrong he knew that telling the XO that she was not as intimidating as she thought, his wife was more intimidating, but speaking of this would only make matters worse so he controlled his emotions and gave a sincere answer which he meant. He had a job to do and it would be pointless to antagonise the First Officer any further, he was in the wrong and he admitted it to himself and to the Commander, he was also aware that his calm cool response may not sit well with the First Officer.

There was a momentary pause while Shakura kept her iron gaze on Sharpe. She didn't expect him to react or show any emotion - she knew of his Vulcan schooling and how much he seemed to pride himself on it - nor did she want him to. He'd already shown the limitations of his schooling and the reality of his humanity through the 'joke' that he had made, and the reprimand - whether he appreciated it or not - was more significant for those present than it was for him. Shakura didn't need nor want Sharpe to be afraid of her, but he would respect her, and that was a lesson he had definitely learned.

"Very good, Lieutenant Commander." Kana's composure returned to her original state. "You and I will speak again privately at your next briefing. For now, please continue as you were."

He looked at the Commander "I have sincerely apologised Commander and it was meant" he added still showing no emotion finally, he moved around the Commander to stand close to the Captain he simply gave the Captain a raised left eyebrow in the wake of his telling off "Computer activate the EMH" Sharpe said and the EMH appeared off to the right of the Captain... oO Next briefing, in the name of the gods is she on about? Oo he thought to himself.

Alex appeared at the command of Paul and stood straight at attention next to the Captain. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency." She started her normal phrase, before coming to her senses and looking around the new room she had appeared in. Looking around she took in the consoles, faces and viewscreen. Her eyes came to rest on Paul. "Lieutenant Commander Sharpe, good to see you again. I am assuming this is the bridge that we are on currently?" She continued to look around past Paul and locked eyes with the two newcomers. She took in the figures in a millisecond before starting to talk again, the gap barely noticeable. "Judging by my records, you are Commander Kanaka Shakura, Ship Counsellor and Executive Officer." She looked at the other figure. "And you are the Captain, Captain Franklin Johnson. It is good to meet you both again." She looked between the two sets of people, noticing the slightly more than normal distance between the two. "I sense some tension between you. Is there anything I may do to assist?" She asked.

Finally smiling genuinely "no it is okay Alex, please walk around the bridge I need to test and calibrate the holo-emitters and yes you will have access to the bridge should all other organic life be incapacitated, I have set it up so that should all of us become incapacitated you will automatically activate and will have clearance to query the ship's computer for crew status, so if you could please take a stroll for me around the bridge," Sharpe said.

Kana, for her part, let out a very brief chuckle as the hologram known as Alex could observe the social dynamic in the room clearly more than her installer was. It did help lighten her mood a little. For now, though she merely continued to observe.

Alex nodded. She started to walk around the bridge area, making sure to get into every corner of the bridge to ensure there was full coverage of the emitters.

Sharpe watched the EMH walk around the bridge looking at things as he checked the readings, as he was doing this he walked over to Kana and stood next to her but at a respectable distance and loud enough for only her to hear him speak "the EMH was already in the system Commander, I updated some of her algorithms, added an adaption code which upgraded the already installed emotion package. This is how she could observe the tension between us this hologram while based on the EMH Mk 1 has a much-improved bedside manner than the original, she even chose the form she currently has I did offer her the choice. I say this as I noticed you chuckling at her observations Commander" Sharpe said with a smile.

"Very good, Lieutenant Commander." Kana politely acknowledged his comment, genuinely impressed by the advancement in the Emergency Medical Hologram's capacity since the last time she saw one used onboard the U.S.S. Ganymede. She also appreciated that Sharpe was likely doing his best to diffuse the tension, and that was appreciated. When he smiled at her, she did smile back, though her look also communicated that they would likely still need to talk more at some point.

Briefly, after their exchange, Alex returned to the two officers. "Everything appears to be normal Lieutenant Commander, except for one of the holo emitters over by the tactical station. There appears to be a slight power fluctuation at the emitter on the left side of that area." She said, pointing at the area in question.

Looking in the direction and walking over to it Sharpe put down the Padd and pulled out his tri corder and scanned it then moved the data to the nearest console. "Hmmm, an internal physical issue, I will get on it," he said returning to the center of the bridge and looking at the EMH "So Alex apart from that one emitter, everything is reporting five by five on all systems?" He asked the EMH.

Alex nodded. "Correct, everything is functioning within the acceptable parameters." She replied.

With that and a mental note to himself about the emitter he looks at the Captain "Captain Johnson Sir, would you like to do the honours and give the deactivation command?" He asked the Captain.

Franklin smiled and nodded, rather impressed with the progress that had been made. It was overall an extremely fascinating experience.

"Of course," he said with a nod to Sharpe. "Computer, deactivate EMH."

Now the EMH had been deactivated he looked at the Captain and First Officer "if you will excuse me, I will see to getting that holo-emitter sorted, but for the record, there are such emitters in selected places, Shuttle Bay should we need a triage area in an emergency, the Main Science Lab, Main engineering, Medical obviously and here on the bridge, the ship's systems have been upgraded to their max and as an engineer, this ships days are numbered I'm months, she is old Captain and there can be no more modifications done to her, I looked into that physical transverse bulkheads idea of mine and the structural alterations that would have to be made would not be advisable and would take five years tops to install" he paused.

"So the Emitter emplacements are the limit of the capabilities of this ship, apologies on that Captain, but for all the adaption a Miranda class can take five areas are the limit for their use, so now please excuse me I have to sort out that emitter" he finished.

"With all due respect, Sharpe," Franklin said while approaching the Chief Engineer and placing a hand on his shoulder, "You have done outstanding work on my ship. The fact alone we now have usage of an EMH in critical areas of our ship means everything to me. I am positive that with what you've managed to do, Starfleet will extend the service life of this ship. That's all thanks to you."

Kana said nothing, standing at her Captain's side. She observed his exchange with Sharpe and did not disagree - Sharpe had, through his many eccentricities - managed to bring the Poseidon up to as close to the highest of Starfleet standards as this legacy hardware could maintain. There was no doubt that he was probably one of the most skilled Chief Engineer's in the Pegasus Fleet.

With a final nod and smile, Sharpe headed back to the faulty emitter and got to work, he realised it was not as big of a job as he first thought, but still, it was amazing how the ships were coping so well with holo emitters that at most should only be in medical not at other locations on the ship, the Poseidon was a tough old bird, that was for sure.


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Alex (APB Puppy)
Emergency Medical Hologram
USS Poseidon


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