Lieutenant Serran

Name Serran

Position Academic Teaching Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 9 Mission Posts

Last Post

Monday April 24th, 2023 @ 11:57pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 185
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Serran has a somewhat atypical look for a Vulcan, both because his hair is blonde, an almost unheard of phenomenon, and he wears it long, past his shoulders. He does, however, have the upswept eyebrows, almond-shaped eyes, and a slightly green-tinged complexion. His hair is the golden blond of Terran wheatfields and his eyes are a bright electric blue.

He is equally at ease wearing traditional ceremonial robes or Terran jeans and polo shirts, though normally, when not in uniform, he favors Vulcan clothing. He works out regularly and this becomes more clear when he goes shirtless.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Sorek 78
Mother T’ Ria 59
Brother(s) S’Jens 40
Sister(s) T’janikrel 33, T’Lar 27
Other Family Various aunts, uncles, and cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Serran’s mother was an ambassador, and his father was an instructor at Starfleet Academy. So, Serran grew up on Earth far away from Vulcan. Aside from his family and a few of their friends and colleagues, Serran did not have a lot of interaction with Vulcans growing up. So while he still is very much a Vulcan, he is not as stoic as many of his race. Logic does of course play a very important part in his life, it does not, however, rule his life entirely. There are emotions there, usually under the surface, but sometimes the emotions come out.

He accepts that, as just part of who he is. He doesn’t see the need for logic to control one hundred percent of his life, but he does struggle with balancing logic and emotions.

There were no great tragedies as he was growing; no deaths, no debilitating or long-term illness or disease, and there was no fear of his parents separating. That did not mean that his family life was perfect. His parents, especially his father, were very conservative and wanted their children to follow in their footsteps, not just professionally but in their philosophy and the traditional discipline of their homeworld. They saw anything that deviated from what they considered to be the true path as a personal affront. So, Serran would let any emotion through put a distance between him and his father, especially as he got older.

In addition to the issues surrounding logic, his parents found it difficult to comprehend when he told them he was gay. Though they say they have come to terms with both anomalies, there is still some, albeit underlying, estrangement and standoffishness.

He would rather talk his way out of a situation, than fight. He does not believe in violence and force. He is for all intents and purposes he is a pacifist. Only under dire circumstances, in self-defense will he use force, and even then he will only use that which is necessary and equal to the force he is facing. He understands that sometimes force and violence are needed, and he doesn’t judge others who find it necessary to use force in their profession, like security and marines.

Perhaps the most important area where logic comes into play for him is his ability to at least look as if he is cool under pressure and in tense situations.

Like most Vulcans, he is primarily a vegetarian by choice. He would only break from his diet to preserve his life.
Strengths & Weaknesses Serran is a Vulcan with their physical attributes and weaknesses. Even though he is fully Vulcan, his spending so much time around Humans and other emotionally charged races have made him less stoic than others in his family and their colleagues and so he has been subject to mild rejection, just like he might if he was bi-species. In addition, he sometimes finds it difficult to balance his emotional and logical sides. Being a pacifist, or at least reluctant to use violence, limits his career choices in Starfleet. He is loyal to his friends but doesn’t make friends easily.

He and his family have formed a truce, but they do not have the best relationship with them. his father an older man finds both Serran’s sexuality and more importantly his "abandonment of logic" troubling, so in recent years there has been some estrangement and even though it is relatively minor it is troubling to the young Vulcan.

He does have a strong moral compass, but he doesn’t always color inside the lines.

Ambitions On a professional level, he has what Terrans would call his dream job., now he wants to build on that foundation and run the best shipboard cadet training program in the sector.

On a personal level, he would he wants to continue to blend logic and emotions and find true love.
Hobbies & Interests He plays the Vulcan Harp and has a decent singing voice. He likes to play Parrises Square, enjoys time in the holodeck, is a helpless romantic. (picnics, surprise dinners, and getaways, etc) He enjoys reading and games of chance, especially poker. He also took up an ancient Terran hobby of juggling and is quite good at it. He has a saltwater aquarium

Personal History Personal History: Sorek like many of his race has a scientific mind. He became a Starfleet Officer and rose to the rank of Commander He was the Chief Science Officer on the Yorktown where he met his first wife, a quiet unassuming woman. She was killed on an Away Team that he commanded. He was not found negligent, but he requested to be reassigned as an instructor at the Academy. T’ Ria was a Vulcan diplomat to Earth They met when she attended one of his classes. They became a committed couple and reasoned that it would be beneficial and logical for them to be married and form a family.

They both rose in their chosen professions and became leaders in their respective fields and among the Vulcan community on Earth.

Their firstborn child, S’jens was the spitting image of his father both in appearance and temperament. (laid back, reserved, and very driven by logic). T’janikrel was their next born and while she looked more like her maternal grandmother than either of her parents. She was however outgoing and gregarious like her mother, perhaps even more so. Though of course she was still governed by logic.

Serran was the next born. No one quite knows why he was born with blonde hair, an almost unheard-of anomaly with Vulcans, but it happened. Other than his unusual colored hair, his appearance is an even mixture of the features of his mom and dad. The youngest member of the family was T’lar who was as spoiled as a Vulcan child could be.

Even from an early age, Serran had an immense curiosity He wanted to know everything about everything. He was a voracious reader and was an above-average student in the majority of his classes. Much to his father’s chagrin, the one area where he did not excel was the sciences.,

Of all the members of his family, he could be described as the least Vulcan, the most Human. More stoic than humans, but less than most Vulcans. This set him apart at school, not always in a good way. Some kids didn’t get it so he was something of a loner.

From an early age, he knew there was something beyond his blond hair and difficulty in balancing his emotion and logical sides that was different about him. It took him a few years to figure things out. But by the time he reached puberty he was able to connect the dots. He was only interested in girls as friends. He was emotionally and physically attracted to boys.

Coming out to friends was easy, especially the human ones. His siblings were understanding and supportive, his mother was at least understanding. Homosexuality was still rare among Vulcans and his father was somewhat old-fashioned. Being Vulcan there was never a real display of anger, or raised voices, but he did withdraw even further from Serran.

Primarily looking for an escape Serran applied for early admission to the Academy and was accepted.

After a pickup game of Parrises Square Serran was crossing the Quad and chanced upon a human boy roughly his age who was wearing an Academy tee shirt. They struck up a conversation and found that they had a lot in common, especially as it related to distant fathers.

Their friendship grew in spite of the fact, or perhaps because of it, that they were also very different from each other. The adage that opposites attract was clearly true in their case. They made each other stronger. Serran helped Finn mature and calm down. Helped him to get a better grip on his emotions. Finn drew Serran out of his shell and his penchant for being a loner. Serran’s original intent was to be an intelligence analyst. But thanks to Finn’s encouragement and influence he found himself becoming more comfortable with other people.

Finn chose to play to his strength and trained as a pilot. The two boys grew even closer together during their time at the Academy. They became roommates and lovers. They matured, becoming, at least in their own eyes, men instead of boys. Things went smoothly for them their first three years there, though not without incident. They once borrowed an Academy shuttlecraft, there was an incident with an Admiral’s son, that involved a lot of drinking and a pretty graphic display of public affection. There was also an unproven accusation that Serran had effectively hacked into the school’s computer system. It was a mostly harmless prank that reset every clock on campus to different and wrong times.

Fingers pointed to Serran who certainly had the skills to do so, but there were multiple suspects including Finn. In the end, since no real harm was done and there were too many potential culprits, the school closed the investigation.

In the summer after their junior year, Serran took Finn to meet his family and they made no secret of their relationship. While his father remained somewhat distant, he was at least a little less so. Finn wanted to return the favor when his father returned unexpectedly to Earth, but that attempt backfired when Finn learned a disturbing truth. He was ready to leave the Academy, but Serram was able to talk him out of it and they planned to finish their Academy career and join a ship together.

Serran was secretly planning to propose to the boy he had grown to love, but then Finn was suddenly sent to a hospital ship to act as their flight control officer. They chose to make the best of it and maintain a long-distance relationship. The separation was actually good for them as individuals and their relationship. They stayed in communications via subspace radio and managed to get their leaves to coincide so they could spend them with each other.

They found an unlikely posting that needed both a diplomat and a support craft pilot, a marine base.

As time went on the differences that had once made them close, pulled them apart. They never wed, which, in the long run, turned out to be a good thing.

It has been more than five years since they were together and Serran still misses him, but he has set that pain and separation aside and has prospered in his career.

He has become quite accomplished because of his skills in both diplomacy and organization and has steadily risen in ranks.

When he saw the posting of the opening, he applied immediately

Service Record 2378-2382 Starfleet Academy
2382-2384 USS Hood
2384-2389 Marine Base Zulu
2389-2393 USS T'Pol
2393-2395 USS Relevant
2395- Present USS Poseidon