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The Cheater - Part 1

Posted on Monday July 25th, 2022 @ 9:53pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Serran & Commodore Gregory Paladin

3,175 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Deck 02; Boardroom
Timeline: Current
Tags: Cheater, Shenanigans, Trail, Inquiry Part 1


==Shenanigans: The Cheater Part 1...==

Perkins had been on his way to the meeting when he ran into Ensign Stuart.

“ Oh no you don’t sir.” Perkins said blocking his way. Just as two red faced security guards rushed up to them.

“ Can you keep hold of this until it’s called for.” He said.

They nodded and dragged Stewart off to a side room.

Then Sam walked in and took his seat.

Hirsch had a plenary of information to address. After all, the assembled parties have come. Ensign Stuart was seated in a secondary room to the main room as Captain Johnson was called.

“Capt. Johnson, Sir.” Hirsch stood up and offered an acknowledgment of his presence. “I ask you here, along with standard Federation legal protocols in these matters. I have taken historical format and legal precedence in setting up this hierarchy. An impartial investigation will be held into an allegation of cheater onboard.” Hirsch quietly eyed Ensign Stuart, who was outside the conference room doors.

“I have, invited the Cultural Division, Chief Cultural Officer Lieutenant Serran and Lieutenant Nicholas Coleman, Assistant Chief Cultural Officer, with your guidance Capt. I will require they preside and offers input was deemed necessary in your Arbitration and Indictment. Again, all facts are to be presented and discussed openly.” Hirsch was pulling out all stops to ensure he didn’t step over anyone’s toes in this process.

“Starfleet Penal Code Sec. D. R Vs. Vigoli, is set as arbitration guide directly in your hands, Sir. I will provide the evidence. Your conviction or non-conviction is appreciated in this matter.”

The table was set. The information, no matter how nitty-gritty, was for all plain to see. The cadets face in the terminal, accessing on multiple occasions.

The Ensign, dragged to the meeting kicking and screaming, admitted his guilt. Having had formerly collapsed on the floor of the Cadet deck, crying and whining that his life was ruined. The evidence.

The evidence was computer-generated according to legal aid software and Federation rules-based guidelines. “Captain Johnson. There has been accessing to prior rubric cubes of grading. The cadet analytic computer was breached to grade and update documents relating to the accused on grades. Terminal access points shared the picture of the unsightly cadet tampering with an L3-811 computational score index. Red-handed.

“As you are aware legal representation will be provided for the accused and have their chance to prove otherwise.”

At the meeting, already seated around the conference table were Commodore Paladin of Civilian Affairs, Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine of Academic Teaching Officer, Chief Intelligence Officer Lieutenant Commander T'Pri.

“The trial will take no less than two standard shifts, so please adjust your calendars accordingly. You have all the necessary options to opt-in or out of the trial for approval to be given by Capt. Franklin Johnson, or Commodore Gregory Paladin, the highest-ranking officer on board.”

“Ensign Stuart's grades have been tampered with access to view other Cadets’ records. No changes were made to other cadet records or grading scores. However, I do not know the extent of the damages at this stage that Ensign Stuart may have influenced his Cadet peers.”

“The evidence will be impartial to processes,” Calvin stated. He felt he needed a sip of his coffee as he indulged and then set the coffee back down gently.

“I now open the floor to questions, comments, concerns.” Hirsch set his brief aside as all others had their briefs of information, the allegations, the facts for a speedy trial.

"I would like to start the questioning process. That on Stardate 239606.04 Ensign Stuart did will wilfully access an illegal terminal for the process of adjusting his grades. This fact is not in dispute, what I would like to know is why. Could this have been a prank? Some sort of initiation to enter one of the many secret societies that are part of Starfleet tradition?" LCdr T'pri asked.

The Captain gave a brief nod to Calvin before he settled in. He didn't say anything - it wasn't required - and he only gave a brief glimpse to Commodore Paladin in the corner - whom had elected to be standing during the initial proceedings. The two had serious expressions, and merely gave one another a nod of acknowledgement before both retrained their attention around the table.

“ I dunno.” Stewart said.” It seemed like a good idea at time. I like old Perkins he teaches good. But all those words on the exam made my eyes itch. I thinks I answered them correctly. But the computers said no.”

Coleman sat back and watched as the charges were read out against the young man, who couldn't be much older than 22 years old. He appeared to be fresh out of the Academy and had his entire life ahead of him. The question that kept bugging Coleman was the fact that Ensign Stuart was able to get past the various command and Academy lockouts that were in place.

After Stuart answered the question for T'Pri, Coleman asked the next question for him. "Ensign, I just want to know how in the universe itself were you able to get past the command level lockouts that we have in place throughout the Federation? There has to be a number of levels you would have had to get through to be able to change the grades you were looking to change. So, my question for you, Ensign, is how did you manage to get past all the lockouts?"

“ That was easy…..but I ain’t telling.” Stewart said

"I advise you to start talking," Commodore Paladin said from the corner. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, and his expression was anything but happy.

"You will answer your superior officers. Might I remind you that you chose to enter Starfleet Academy, which comes with itself a list of rules and regulations. Among which are the articles of court martial and judicial justice. A list of these violations you have already broken. This affair is light compared to what I intended you to undertake. You may thank your Captain for this mercy, but should you refuse to comply I will take you into my hands myself."

Captain Johnson merely glanced over to the Commodore. It was an unspoken promise; Paladin would overstep the Captain in the name of Starfleet security. It was one of the few instances where this had happened, but in this situation even the Captain didn't believe it was warranted. His eyes trained on the Cadet, still just a lad in his youth. Right there could be potential and intelligence. The Captain didn't show any further expression as he kept his eyes trained on the accused.

Hirsch felt very confident in the capabilities of the upper levels Command Staff questioning Ensign Stuart. He remained to sit back and watch as the information from the Ensign finally, easily began to flow once he had seen how much trouble he could be facing.

The Ensign’s very attitude adjustment was well received by Commodore Paladin, Captain Johnson, and Lt. Commander T’Pri. Hirsch sat as almost a secondary notary to the back-and-forth question and information gathered. Everything was above Federation board.

He kept up with the information and then entered it into the main viewers, to follow along with the line of the questioning. At any moment the defendant with the Federation council could intercede, but Ensign Stuart had chosen to blurt out whatever he so wished.

“Ensign Stuart. Let me remind you if at any moment you need a break to collect your thoughts, and recollections this is granted to you.” Albeit a short 10-minute break of a glass of water or whatever he needed to be comfortable.

“ Yes please sirs and madams” The cadet replied

As they were talking to Ensign Stuart, Coleman pulled up some information on his PADD, since Stuart appeared he wasn't going to corporate easily. Watching the interactions between Stuart made Coleman wonder what was truly going on because he seemed...too smug for someone having been caught of something so serious.

Sam rubbed his chin in thought. Why was Stuart acting like this was all some kind of joke? Someone had obviously spoken to him before the inquiry. Perhaps they had advised him to play stupid and get a lighter punishment. Perkins knew that was pretending to be stupid would not work here. Cadets Henry Smith and Davi Burrows tried that and failed. After their computer prank went horribly wrong. That was it!

Perkins typed a message to Hirsch saying: “ Ask him about Cadets Henry Smith and David Burrows. They were expelled for an appalling prank they played on me. Were they made me think the science computer had been taken over by an alien force. I think they may of had a hand in this.” He then sent the message to his friend PADD.

The Commodore merely adjusted his position against the wall after the Cadet had begun to spill the beans. He gave a sly grin toward Franklin, with a wink. The Captain, when no one was looking, rolled his eyes in return. After which both senior officers remained silent as their subordinates took over the leadership of the proceedings.

"I would like to hear his side of the story" T'Pri requested.

All this time, Kana had remained silent, having sat close to the Captain as she merely observed the interactions between Ensign Stuart and the rest of the panel. She could see through his coy attitude and could sense his nervousness, even his shame; she could tell that there was a part of him that didn't even necessarily want to cheat, but either through some form of desperation or spite he felt it was his only course of action. She also pondered on Lieutenant Coleman's question of exactly how he had managed to crack the computer's passcodes. For now, she would continue to observe the conversation.

“ I need a glass of water please?” Stuart asked.

Hirsch nodded at Stuart. While he was under the eyes of the committee, he felt for the Ensign. Perhaps there were some home-life issues he was dealing with, and they could have the counsellor chime in at one point on Ensign’s mental health status.

“Here you are, Stuart.” He gently set the glass aside. Hirsch also handed a PADD to Stuart if he needed to explain himself by taking notes, as well. Now…” He turned to Lt. Commander T’Pri’s prior statement.

“The Commander did ask you a question, Ensign,” Cal spoke gently.

Hirsch on the side pal and had replied to Sam =/\= Thank you, Sam. That is… Interesting. We will let Stuart answer the Commander and then possibly bring it up. Hold on. =/\= He typed to Sam without looking his way.

T'Pri as always waited patiently.

“ I am a little slow at getting things. The test had me all confused. Then I remembered when old Perkins nearly pooed his pants. Hee hee hee hee.” Stuart said

“ Grow up you idiot….” Sam said under his breath.

“ You got all scared….hee hee hee,” Stuart said,

Humans, Serran decided certainly had a strange sense of humour. "This is a serious issue," he said, "at least I'm assuming it is with a gathering of nor officers like we have. Perhaps we should remember that."

“ I don’t want to get my friends in trouble. They where trying to help me. I like it here but the pass grade level to stay on the Poseidon is so high. I could only get to 45% and the pass is 90% minimum. I needed help or I would be back to me families kelp farm on Earth. I don’t like the ocean it’s all salty.” The cadet said

The Commodore glared at the cadet. He was two seconds away from booting him off the ship here and now, but a look from the Captain had stayed his hand. Apparently he wanted to see how his crew and officers would handle this. Fine. But if they didn't? Gregory continued to glare.

Sam could tell that the Commodore was on the verge of getting very very angry. If it had been Sam Ensign Stuart would be bouncing off the outer hull of the Poseidon. Dressed in a EVA suit with a label saying Idiot glued on.

Hirsch knew the situation was tense. He could sense it. However, he saw the captain hold his hand.

Despite the Commodore wanting a quick answer and end to this, it wasn’t so cut and dry. At least from Starfleet Security, Starfleet Intelligence, Starfleet Academic Standards, and one last Department. Starfleet Counselling and Psychology.

“Ensign Stuart.” Hirsch lent a calm, collected look at the Commodore. “You are afforded council for a Psychological Assessment if you so wish. We might have a better understanding of what is troubling you.”

“ Don’t understand?” Stuart said

In retrospect, this was the standard Federation academic gridlocks all interconnecting. It is why the Cadet Program was so vital and sought after. It held to the precedence of prior cases. In previous cases in these situations, cheating was not a ‘shotgun trial.’

“This will help us understand the Ensign’s current frame of mind. If the Ensign was aware of what his actions would succumb.”

“ Don’t understand?” Stuart repeated

Hirsch paused once more. There was something that caught his attention. “Stuart.” As was the case, he did his best to be on the Ensign’s side because he was quickly losing patience with Federation Brass. “What do you mean by helping others? What Academic help had you offered, and was this cheating? Did you cheat with others?” Hirsch opened the word cheat to elicit a response that Ensign himself had used.

“ I like to find out how things work. But my brain does not always take things in at first. I is clever but it takes me while to understand. There was plenty of time at the academy. But here it’s all rush rush rush. One week to read up for big exam. I also have a problem concentrating. I got side tracked and before I knew the exam was in two days. They said they could help me. They said it was not cheating. As I had learnt it all but could not take it in.” He explained.

This was not cut and dry. Calvin held firm despite the need to wrap up a simple meeting. This was the Ensigns career on the line.

"I can conduct a psychological evaluation of Ensign Stuart, if deemed necessary by the assembled officers, and I hope the Ensign himself would be willing to comply." Kana spoke up. Hirsch was right that the young man, as all his peers, was entitled to counsel during times of duress. It did certainly seem that something was off about his current demeanour.

Pulling Hirsch aside for a moment, Coleman looked back at Stuart and back at Hirsch for a moment and asked, "Did his demeanour just change? Something doesn't feel quite right with Stuart, like something is influencing him. Did you pick up on that by any chance?"

Hearing them talking Sam typed out a message on his PADD and sent it to them.

“Was Ensign Stuart searched before this hearing?” He typed.

The question prompted a quick reply from Chief of Security Lt. Hirsch. "The Ensign was scanned and found to have no weaponry on him. He had a PADD with him, but the PADD was found to be all standard form. There was no hidden sub routines with names, lists, anything that might keep a tally or a roster on subjects. If that was his purposes." Hirsch had quickly typed.

I'm "Calling a 10-minute recess to collect ourselves and get the input of Counselling." Hirsch addressed the room. He looked to the Captain and Commodore. "Any objections." There was none, as he then stood up and saw the Ensign out of the room.

Franklin and Gregory departed together to the corner and began discussing amongst themselves. The Commodore was extremely livid and, while hushed, their words were sharp.

"Lieutenant Perkins. What information do you have to share with us, it seems you have stirred between the Ensign's recollections, or rather, stories." He held the PADD they were typing across as a gesture.

Sam looked at the PADD and gulped. Hirsch had left out the Commander section of his rank. Was he going to be blamed for all this and demoted?

“The way he is speaking. One minute he’s acting like a fool then the next he's behaving like he has a brain. It could be possible he’s wearing something that got past the scanners.” Sam typed.

All in all, they needed to determine what level of mind this Ensign is in, and if he did this knowingly, intentionally, and wanted to benefit from it. A Simple garbled confession of "my life over... and crying will not suffice for me to end this Man's career." Hirsch concluded.

Both the Captain and the Commodore left the privacy of the corner red-faced and with looks of frustration. Something had been said between the two and it wasn't pretty. They resumed their seats, not looking at the other for a short time as they prepared for things to resume.

"I have a suggestion," Serran spoke up. "I could do a mind-meld with him."

Hirsch would be open to a mind-meld at this time. This would clear up a lot of issues. "Lieutenant. Have you had experience with mind melds recently? What psychological damages could occur? For both Ensign Stuart and yourself. Mind melds have been used in Starfleet precedence cases of determining guilt and faculty of the mind." Hirsch breached the offer with scepticism. "This could work..."

"Of course, we would need the sign-off on the Captain and Commodore to do so." He turned with his attaché to the ranking officers. Legal obligations and rights of the accused needed to be adhered to. This was something that they could theoretically achieve, within guidelines and practically now. "If Ensign Stuart agrees. I would be in favour of a mind-meld."

Kana had not been party to most of the conversation as she had kept her focus primarily on Ensign Stuart, trying to puzzle together what could be going through the young man's mind. Yet when she overheard the mention of a mind-meld, she turned her head and eyed the group of Hirsch, Perkins and Serran. Such a suggestion, to her, was quite extreme.



A Post by:

Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Ensign Stewart Stuart ( NPC Perkins )
Science Cadet
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Nicholas Coleman
Assistant Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Serran
Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


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