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Recipe: An Impromptu Feast - Final Part

Posted on Wednesday July 20th, 2022 @ 6:11am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Stan More & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi

3,291 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: USS Poseidon: Mess Hall
Timeline: In Transit: Cardassian refugees on board



Galoe stood in the corridor outside the mess hall and looked in. The Starfleeters were putting out their dishes but it was the glass of K’Hava wine that drew his attention. Then he gave a deep sigh as he remembered the last time. He had encountered that wine.

It had been at his uncle's funeral. The look of complete and utter disgust in his sisters eyes. Because Galoe had refused to join the Obsidian order and continue his legacy. That would lead to his expulsion from the family after her death. His family blamed him because she would never of joined if he had instead. He thought about going back in there and explaining . But his legs would not move.

Oscar approached from behind and noticed the Cardassion looking in. He cautiously moved closer, making sure he was visible so as to not startle. He had moved out of the room briefly to handle some Security Affairs, and as such wore his uniform. He had been coming back to the event to attend to his food.

"Mr. Galoe," he greeted, his russian accent thick with a jovial tone. "It is a pleasure to see you again. How are you enjoying your stay on the Poseidon?"

“ They sent you out here didn’t they? Isn’t it enough you Starfleet have won? Go away.” Galoe said

"No, Mr. Galoe," Oscar denied politely. "I was on my way back from a security call. As you can see, I'm now in uniform. I stumbled upon you."

The Security Officer took a moment to gauge the Cardassian before he continued.

"We changed the entire theme of our competition," Oscar stated. "Once we saw you and the condition of the other refugees, we wanted to do something that would cheer you up. At least, that was my suggestion, and I think others spoke the same thing. Perhaps....perhaps can come and dine with us?"

“ No. I don’t think so. Rejoice in your victory Starfleet. Tomorrow you won’t be so lucky if I decided to challenge you again. For even as I exited the mess hall. I could smell that your offerings were not as good as mine.” Galoe said

Kicil stepped into the corridor just in time to hear Galoe's statement to Lieutenant Oscar. She snapped at Galoe in Cardassian "Quit your insolence, these beings are trying to be good host." With that she turned to Lieutenant Oscar, "Please forgive my intrusion, but could you please give Galoe and myself a moment?"

Galoe looked at the doctor ignoring the human as if he had just left them. Speaking in his native Cardassian he said.

“ Your intrusion is not forgiven.”

Kicil looked at Galoe for a second, "I care not if you do not 'forgive' my intrusion; I was merely being polite, unlike you have been."

Leaving the statement in the open, Oscar noted when Kicil entered. He gave a polite note, smiling to Galoe as well before departing into the room.

Kicik looked at Galoe as Lieutenant Oscar left them, speaking in Cardassian she berated him, "Is this how a Cardassian acts towards their host? Was I taught incorrectly? You claim to be the 'superior' chef and yet when these fine beings try to make a banquet of foods in a 'friendly' competition, you act like spoiled child. Tell me what it is that so upset you? Is it the K'Hava wine? I can promise it is the genuine deal, not synthesized. Also, you know damn well it is the wine to serve in this situation." She stood glaring at him waiting for his explanation for his behavior.

“ An explanation. Tell me. Do you have good contacts with your family?” He asked

Kicil looked at Galoe, "With my adoptive parents and family, yes. They were not thrilled I choose Starfleet medical over other options as they felt I would have a difficult and prejudiced life but accepted it. As for my Cardassian family they were slaughtered by the Obsidian Order, the very same Obsidian Order that has brought Cardassia low and caused so much harm to our people. Yet I can find it in myself to forgive the members of that order, they thought they were doing what was best for Cardassia. Perhaps they were right, I have been given a wonderful life and the Cardassian people may be able to actually develop a better way of life."

“ My uncle was very high up in the Obsidian order. When he was killed I was expected to take his place. But I saw how everyone feared them and with good cause. I refused point blank to be part of that. So my sister joined them instead. She was killed and my family blamed me and I was expelled from the family. That’s how I got into cooking. When you gave me that K’Hava wine it brought back memories of my sister. Before the Obsidian order corrupted her. I am sorry.” Galoe said

Kicil looked at Galoe and replied "You do not have to be sorry; your reaction can be forgiven. Have you thought of talking to the ship's counselor about this, if not I am available? You need to confront your feelings around this. In the meantime, I would recommend pulling yourself together and going in there and at least sample the foods put out. You may be surprised by them."

“ Unless the ships counsellor is a Cardassian I would not feel comfortable speaking with them. If there is time then yes. I would care to speak with you. Yes. Could you please escort me back in there?” Galoe asked.

"Very well then, if there is time you may come see me, I promise to keep it all confidential and between us only. Come then and let us partake in the feast laid out in your honor." With that Kicil guided Galoe back into the mess hall.

“ Very well. In the mean time lead the way.” Galoe said


Sam looked at the dish he had prepared.

“ Is this Mac and cheese safe for non Cardassians to eat?” He asked.

"Well, it looks like we have all our prior ingredients placed on our placards." The placards next to the dishes did explain ingredients and processes, and in the culinary guidelines of the Federation Food Preparatory Acts, there were indeed any allergens or contra-species indicators for foods to be avoided all from the Starfleet database.

"Smells great Sam. May I have a taste?" Hirsch walked to Sam's delicious dish. It looked like it was baked with all the homey goodness and care that Sam would put into a project, something he had cared to share, something that was special to him. "This smells wonderful Sam. As does everyone." Hirsch nodded to the people showing up amongst the crew now. "Are we open yet to the crew?" Hirsch saw many people outside.

“ Yes. Why not. But before you tuck into my dish. Check the placard for the recipe first.” Sam advised

Kicil looked to where Galoe went off to, "I will go and speak to Galoe" she said. "He may be more open to talking to me than others. As a reminder to you all, be cautious of the Yamok sauce and the Kamoy syrup, try just a small bit of it before globbing it on. Please enjoy the wine and the meal, I'll be back shortly, hopefully with Galoe in tow." With that she turned and made her way after Galoe.

T'Pri noted that most of the Cardassian dietary palette was meat based. She would try the Mac and cheese, it might be an addition to her Ploomeek soup. There was an expression that her Human colleagues referred to as "Quite a spread." Unfortunately T'Pri did not eat meat. if she found some she would quietly pick it out or eat around it.

Sam looked at Kicil.

“ That might be a good idea Doctor. We don’t want him at a later date claiming we cheated.” Perkins said

"ultimately, cheaters never prosper." T'Pri iterated.

Oscar entered formally, returning from an assignment and began to prepare his dish with placard. He smiled at the others as he worked, making sure his simple yet delicious dish was presented well.

Calvin watched on as an interloper in the room. Between his dish being represented in the room, having prior set it out. He watched and then checked in on his Security padd. There was work he was still completing in between his time off.

Hirsch paused, and then set down his padd. He then walked over to his counterpart. “Mr. Vladinchi. Your dish, well done.” Hirsch nodded. He paused. “Might I ask? What is it?” Cal only jested.

"Oh, yes!" Oscar replied jovially, happy to show off the dish of his parents and family. "It is traditional Russian dish, dish of my family. Kasha, with a side of Borscht and Khleb. It is basically porridge, beet soup, and rye bread. Very delicious and I made it exactly the way my mother did with the special herbs and spices she used, which growing up was minimal but I believe it adds extensive taste."

Sam looked at Oscars dish.

“ I have always wondered what’s in Borscht?” He asked.

"Is there any meat in it?" T'Pri asked.

Oscar looked to T'Pri. "Traditionally, yes, but I've been considerate of the crew this time around. It's mainly just beets and other dietary friendly ingredients."

"I have tried Borscht. It is an acquired taste, but very tasty with spices and would be phenomenal with Rye Bread. Might I have some?" Hisrch smiled.

"Of course!" Oscar said, jovially. "Food is cooked to be eaten by many people. It is an honor to have you taste it first, Sam."

The Security Officer prepared a plate for the Chief Science Officer, before gently handing the dish over and pointing out his previous inquiry.

"Borscht traditionally is a sour beetroot dish in my home country," Oscar explained. "My mother, however, prepared it more conservatively and with special spices. It should be very well prepared for a traditional palate."

"I would like to try your Borscht," T'Pri said.

"Of course, Lieutenant Commander," Oscar replied to T'Pri's request by providing a dish specifically for her. He handed it to her gently as he observed her enjoyment of his food.

T'Pri tasted it. and was pleasantly surprised. The dish actually made her tongue tingle pleasantly. The flavor was also agreeable.

"I am enjoying this. Well done Oscar." T'Pri said.

“ It contains Beetroot….ok why not. It sure sounds tasty.” Sam said

Sam took a bite and made a thumbs-up sign.

“ Delicious!!” He said

Oscar gave a wide smile back in return, giving a thumbs-up sign of his own. He was very happy and pleased that others enjoyed his cooking.

Kicil stepped up to the banquet table, with Galoe in tow. She smiled and said, "Well that dish smells wonderful Lieutenant Vladinchi, what is it called, and may I try some?" She continued to peruse the table and turned to Galoe, "What do you say Galoe, any particular dishes you would like to try after all this was set up to honor you?"

"Of course!" Oscar replied, for what felt like the hundredth time in the span of fifteen minutes. If this kept up he'd have to make more! He prepared a dish just in case, setting it close to Kicil and Galoe for easy grabbing. "It is beet soup, essentially. Very dietary friendly. Some secret family recipes involved but I assure you it is all very friendly to human and Cardassian stomachs."

Galoe stopped dead and sniffed. He had not smelt that smell since he was a child. He moved towards the Mac and Cheese.

“ Cheesy tubes….please may I have some?” Galoe asked

Oscar watched as Galoe decided to sniff closer to the mac and cheese. He was not hurt or offended, merely nodding as he went back to serving others. Honestly, the mac and cheese did smell delicious and it was the dish they all suspected he'd enjoy the most!

Hirsch had decided to be cheeky and then help himself with Oscar's dish. Perhaps he didn't hear him ask the first time around. Calvin asked again. "I would like to try some of the Borscht. I have had family members make it, very nice." Calvin added to Oscar.

"Of course, Lieutenant!" Oscar said to his direct Superior. "My apologies, I thought I hard you ask earlier but wasn't sure. Everyone has been crowding around my dish!"

He prepared a dish for the Chief Security Officer, presenting it to him, before going back and bringing some more bowls of his food to replace the ones already empty. He hadn't expected this much popularity! His mother's cooking was just as excellent as he remembered it, and apparently, everyone thought so too! It warmed his heart very much.

Hirsch had been used to crowded mess and kitchens many times. It didn’t phase him that he wasn’t ‘heard.’ It was an offering from Oscar of his own making; it was delicious. “Excellent, Oscar.” Hirsch smiled. With his spoon in the dish, “Very nice spices Oscar.” Cal nodded.

"Thank you, sir!" Oscar replied genuinely happy with the compliment.

Memories of happier times swam before Galoe’s eyes as he tasted the Mac & Cheese. He was once again that little boy growing up on Cardassia Prime. Playing with his sister in the hot springs. Racing her home to the delicious smell of his mother's cooking. She always made his favorite Mac & Cheese Cardassian style. The last time he had seen his mother. She had spat at him before declaring him dead to her.

A feeling of shame came over him. He had hated the way they had treated him and he had done exactly the same thing, to these Starfleet officers. Who had taken him and his fellow refugees in? Well. It was time to behave like a man.

“ This is incredible. I have a confession to make. As many of you know family is very important to Cardassians. Mine turned on me for refusing to join the Obsidian order. When my sister join them instead and was killed. I hide my pain with arrogance. This was wrong of me. I wish to apologize to you all. These dishes you have prepared are really very good.” Galoe said.

T'Pri nodded. "Apology accepted, Galoe."

Kicil smiled at Galoe as she got a small portion from each of the dishes presented. She looked at Galoe and nodded. "The duck is delicious, you are most definitely a master at your craft."

"is it a real duck or replicated, if it's real where did you find one?" T'Pri asked.

Kicil looked at Oscar "The Borscht is good, but I am going to add some Yamok sauce and a bit of Kamoy syrup to make it great" she teased.

Oscar gave an eye roll followed by a playful smile to Kicil. "Whatever easier on your tongue," he jested with a chuckle. "It does not offend me," he added, smiling.

“ That sounds fantastic. The mix of different spices combined with the Beetroot.I would not mind a taste may I join you?” Galoe asked

"Of course!" Oscar welcomed GALOE enthusiastically. He prepared a dish for him, handing it over. "Please, eat with us! A lot of the crew seem to love my mother's cooking! I hope you do too. It was her recipe that I configured just gently enough. I do hope you like it."

"And yes," Oscar added, speaking more personally to Galoe as he leaned closer, "all is forgiven my friend. We knew you were having hard times. It makes us all happy to see you smile. Enjoy it, for we love your company."

A pat on the shoulder was given from Oscar to Galoe before Oscar resumed handing dishes out and giving thanks and praises.

"This really is quite palatable, Mr. Vlandinchi. I am both pleased and delighted," T'Pri said.

"Thank you," Oscar said, smiling toward T'Pri before resuming caretaking his food fishes.

“Would anyone care for my simple caramel apple pie? I made it with whole ingredients.” Hirsch felt he should speak up to have more people try his dish as well.

Slices of caramel and apple were then passed around to the crew for their thoughts.

Galoe took a bite and closed his eyes.

“ Nectar pure nectar. The sweetness of the caramel merges with the taste of the apple. You can feel the textures on your tongue. This is truly amazing why it even tops my strawberry pavlova.”Galoe said

T'Pri took some of the apples. Again they were delicious.

Kicil was happy to see that Galoe seemed to actually be enjoying himself. She was enjoying the company of her new crewmates and the food. Kicil tried the carmel apple pie; it was simply divine. "Are you trying to make me fat?" Kicil joked, "The food is delicious, and the pie is just divine."

Oscar tried some of the pie and gave a thumbs up. It was delicious!

Galoe still felt a little guilty for his past comments. These people really knew how to cook! Which was amazing considering most of them were never trained as chefs. He imagined what the dishes would be like if they had been fully trained in the culinary arts. The food would be out of this world. But what did that matter as it was extremely delicious now?

“ You know it’s amazing. Tell me. None of you have had any formal training in the culinary arts correct?” Galoe asked

"That is correct Mr. Galoe," T'Pri said.

Kicil replied "No, I am what the Terrans call a 'foodie' and I practice gourmet cooking, but no formal training. Most of my time was spent on becoming a medical doctor."

"Just whatever training my mother gave me," Oscar replied to Galoe, motioning towards his dishes, "proof presented," he added with a smirk.

"See no formal training just inspired raw talent. Have you had formal training Mr. Galoe?" T'Pri asked.

“ Yes. I have always had an interest in food and the way it can be cooked. When I fled Cardassia Prime. I decided to follow my passion and studied at the London Academy of Food and wine. Before moving on to Paris in France to study with the top chefs of their crafts. Then I moved back to England where I worked for a time at the International hotel kitchens. Before returning home on hearing my mother had died. But that reunion ended in a way….That I would rather not talk about. Other things happened and I am ending up in the predicament you see me now.” Galoe replied

Oscar nodded at Galoe's words, handing out some dishes to some other crew as they passed close. Galoe's words left a lot to ponder and be thankful for.

Perkins shook his head. It was truly amazing the complete character change of Galoe. Now Sam understood and felt a little ashamed. He of all people should know that you should never be quick to judge someone. Because there was always more to someone deep down.

“ I am sorry Galoe. I misjudged you and that was wrong.” Sam said

“ Easy to do my new friend. I was behaving like a pompous ass.” Galoe said.


A Post by:

Lieutenant Micheal Stevens
Chief Operations
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Stan More ( NPC Perkins )
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Kicil Priadden
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS poseidon


Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


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