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Fabulous News

Posted on Friday July 29th, 2022 @ 11:00am by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe

862 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Sharpe's Quarters
Timeline: Prior to Current Mission - Poseidon


- Sharpe's Quarters - Present Day -

Sharpe was brought out of his reverie as his communications unit pinged, sighing heavily he put the wedding images down and walked over to the terminal and opened up the requested secure channel, he was surprised to see his Sister-in-law Karyn Somers.

=/\= Hey Paul, how are things with you? =/\= Karyn began sounding very cheerful...

Looking at his sister in Law he smiled "hey Karyn, why so cheerful and what the hell is going on in the background with you there on the Leto?" Sharpe asked.

She looked back and then returned her attention to the screen before her =/\= Oh, the Rifles are getting rowdy, probably because they are stuck on the ship, it seems the Security are getting much-needed operational experience =/\= Karyn said.

"You okay with that, being stuck on the ship?" Sharpe asked a little concerned as it was the rule of thumb that not one of the Somers sisters or the family for that matter liked to sit still for too long.

=/\= Yes, it is allowing me to catch up on some needed paperwork so to speak, as to why I am so happy I have been promoted to Marine Captain and officially made MCO here on the Leto =/\= Karyn said happily.

"That is excellent news Lass, congratulations" Paul responded, he was genuinely happy for her, it was a little alarming as she was following her sister was rising through the ranks and was concerned.

=/\= how did it go with this Commander Shakura after, I heard you tried to use humour ?=/\= Karyn asked curious, stuck on the ship she was eager for any type of news.

"Oh, it is a rocky situation I am treading carefully around the First Officer, but it is clear, a diplomatic officer I would not make" Paul responded a little dejectedly.

=/\= You will try humour on the wrong people Paul, usually you wait till you get to know someone before you try being funny, why change up? =/\= Karyn asked another question.

"I do not know, it just came out, it was funny in my head but when I said it the XO kinda went nuclear, she did make one mistake though, she chewed me out on the bridge in front of junior officers. I deserved the chewing out, but it should have been done in private, but I got a feeling that she was making a point to the other males on the bridge" Paul said and shrugged.

Smiling ruefully =/\= you and Alex are well matched, but unlike you, she has some restraint on what she says and how she says it, but honestly on the bridge in front of everyone, Paul what were you thinking?=/\= Karyn asked restraining a laugh.

Sharpe grumbled in the back of his throat, too quiet for Karyn to hear his low growl, but she was correct sadly, this he knew all too well and was never a fan of it being pointed out to him.

=/\= Do you think that the both of you will get onto friendly terms, both on and off duty? =/\= Karyn asked.

"I honestly do not know Karyn, I hope so but that event made clear why I am never interested in going for command, and usually happy in security or engineering, less hassle for me" he responded.

=/\= Yes, you were never one for crowds were you Paul? =/\= she asked and he shook his head no,

"You have spoken to your sister and given her the good news? and how is my dear wife?" he asked.

=/\= I told her and she was happy like you and she seems well, Command seems to agree with her, but she never speaks about her Academy courses =/\= Karyn said.

Looking at her "well from what I know, her studies are aimed around ship command and if and when she passes she will be required to change departments from Marine to Fleet if you noticed there are fewer and fewer Marine officers in command of ships these days. With no conflict going Starfleet has all but reverted to using fleet-based officers instead of marines, hence why all senior officer marines who wish to have a permanent command or go for one are allowed to attend the Academy for re-training" Paul paused.

"This is merged with them doing actual on-the-job command training, hence why Alex has been covering for Jasmine a lot and not just a fact that Jasmine is still recovering from her ordeal" Paul finished.

Karyn nodded finally understanding and then more noise could be heard =/\= why those noisy $%^%$^ I am going to whup them upside the head=/\= she said looking back, Paul had to hide a laugh at her reactions.

She turned back to face him =/\= I have to go, Paul, it was great speaking to you, now I need to deal with these idiots, speak soon=/\= Karyn said with a tight-lipped smile before closing the link.

"Those poor Rifles, angering a Somers!" he said to himself mentally shuddering as he rose to get himself another mug of tea from the replicator.


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon

MCapt Karyn Lynne Somers
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Leto


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