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Continuing the Cadet Cruise: Onward to Andoria

Posted on Saturday April 6th, 2024 @ 11:32pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Crewman Eradaar Ezazzan & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn & Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Albino "Viper" Jackson & Cadet Senior Grade Lexi Mcintyre

3,739 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge/Various
Timeline: The Grand Tour
Tags: 2396, Character Development


A day had passed following the conclusion of the staff meeting. The Captain felt that all things were for the departure and had already informed the station ahead of time of his intentions to leave. The time neared for his scheduled departure, so when his shift started, he was quick to get things in motion. He pressed the shipwide comms on his Captain's Chair as he sat on the bridge.

=/\= Attention all hands, this is the Captain speaking. We will be departing Tellar within the next twenty minutes. Please finalize all business you are conducting and make preparations for departure. After we enter warp, resume standard operation procedures. I wish to also extend a very happy new year to all on board. Welcome to 2396. That is all. =/\=

After a moment to let the words settle, Franklin looked to get things in order.

"Operations, have the ship prepared for flight. Helm, make preparations for mooring separation and undocking," ordered the Captain.

T'Pri was at her bridge post, she was anxious to leave Tellar Prime. The atmosphere tickled her nose a bit. Andoria, though cold, would be a refreshing change. She checked for the latest intelligence updates and then transferred the classified messages to her office on a secure channel. She would work up a report to the Captain if necessary.

Cadet First Class Lexi McIntrye was at the Ops console, this was her first time (Active Duty) at the Ops console on a Federation starship, though she was more than qualified to operate it. She had over 300 simulated runs under her belt.

Lexi made the proper adjustments and then sent the order to prepare for departure, soon her board was green.

"Aye Captain, All stations report prepared for departure," Lexi reported. "Personnel gangway retracted, Sir."

"Thank you, Cadet McIntrye," Franklin said, nodding at the Ops console. He examined the bridge, giving a nod to T'Pri at her station. While small and quaint, the bridge of the Poseidon still had plenty of room to offer.

Crewman Eradaar Ezazzan had taken over a shift at one of the Engineering Consoles in the back of the bridge. She worked diligently to check the systems once over.

"Engineering is reporting ready for flight," the Gorn reported, hoping she wasn't out of line.

The Captain turned briefly, nodding at the female Gorn. "Thank you, Crewman Ezazzan," he replied before focusing back on the viewscreen.

Kicil was in her office when she heard the announcement. She hit a button on her desk "Nurse De Hart is the sick bay locked down and ready for departure? If so, please notify the bridge." Nurse De Hart replied "Sick Bay is in order and ready for departure, sir. I am notifying Bridge now."

=/\=Bridge, Sick Bay; we are in order and ready for departure. The current patient load is zero.=/\=

The Captain pressed a button on his armchair to reply to the communication.

=/\= Very good, Doctor. Thank you for the update. Bridge, out. =/\=

Drauc was at the auxiliary engineer monitoring station in engineering, he was carefully watching the cadet engineers go about the duties of preparing for departure. He stood stoically, his newly regenerated skin was itching horribly, and he was using a Vulcan meditative method to reduce the distraction of the itching. Seeing one of the cadets having an issue at their station Drauc pulled up their station data to his main station, a minor issue with decupling one of the port side mooring cables. "Cadet Klipsch, you will find that the port side moorings go clockwise from the mooring disconnect, not counterclockwise. Please make the appropriate commands. When your shift is over, I wish to see you and your instructor." He said to the young female Tellarite in the flat tone Vulcans use when speaking. "Aye sir," replied Cadet Klipsch, knowing better than to argue with the assistant chief engineer.

Ky'La was at her helm station, checking over the coordinates. Satisfied that everything was 5 by 5, "Helm ready sir", she said smiling.

"Very good, Helm, take us out," ordered the Captain.

"Aye sir, 1/4 impulse ahead", Ky'La said moving the Poseidon out of spacedock.

The Captain sat pleased in his chair as the old Miranda-class starship sailed effortlessly away from spacedock around Tellar, heading into the dark expanse of the unknown again. His hopes, however, were slowly slashed as he felt an odd rocking vibration through his chair.

Sam arrived on the Bridge a bit late. This was mainly due to a recent visit to sickbay.

“ Hello, Captain. Sorry, I am late had to visit the sickbay following the meeting. But thanks to our exceptional medical staff I am firing on all thrusters, as they say.” Sam replied.

"Ah, Mr. Perkins, welcome to the party!" Franklin greeted, smiling.

"Captain, rerouting power from weapons to emergency power. I will keep some power for shields just in case. I have nothing on scanners at this time that would be a threat." reported Trensu. Trensu watched as the weapon's power transferred to emergency power. He still had a backup plan in mind if things got bad.

"Very good Mr. Trensu," Franklin replied, nodding.

"Captain, I do have a plan if we need more power one that I suggested before if we need it will not give us warp. but give us everything else possible," suggested Trensu as his hands moved across his panel calculating what his plan could do for the ship.

Franklin nodded again.

"Hopefully we won't need it," he said, heaving a somewhat cautious sigh. "But if we do, we'll improvise."


Rachel had been in Engineering when the Captain spoke over the communications, a slight rocking was felt as the SIF was slow to keep up but it told her the ship was moving, she was standing there arms folded and hair in a ponytail watching in satisfaction, then the Alarms went off, cursing a blue streak, she rushed to the Warp Core and cursed, she adjusted something and the alarms stopped, the overload had been diverted, but the issue was not resolved she opened a panel and crawled in to have a look and sighed, she tapped her Commbadge =/\= Williams to Captain Johnson =/\= She said.

=/\= This is the Captain. Go ahead, Mr Williams. What's the issue? =/\=

=/\= Those Tellerite nanites you mentioned in the briefing have affected the warp core, I am going to have to switch over to the ship emergency backup as such we only have full Impulse available, I will be deactivating the core shortly and switching to battery power I recommend all non-essential operations that are not needed be deactivated to save power, I and my team will get to work immediately =/\= William's said.

Drauc looked at his station as another alarm went off. What had one of the cadets missed this time? An overload in the warp core. With a patient sigh, Drauc began to move toward the warp core but saw that Lieutenant Commander Williams was on top of the situation. "Do you require assistance commander," he asked in the annoyingly calm Vulcan voice.

She jumped a little as she had not heard the Vulcan approach, and she faced him "dammit Lieutenant we need to stick a bell on you" she joked "As for assistance, yes I need you to take a maintenance team and see if these dammed Nanites gotten into something besides the warp core, let's get on top of this Lieutnenat being stuck in space at full impulse is not good, especially with no defences or weapons" Williams said.

Drauc looked at Lieutenant Commander Williams impassively and in a toneless, at least to humans, the voice replied "I do not see how applying a bell will be a helpful commander." He then did a complete about-face and began to move off like a wraith, a slight twitch of a smile on his face,

=/\= Very Good Mr Williams =/\= the Captain replied after a pause. =/\= Go ahead and initiate what repairs you can, I am consulting with Mr. Trensu on something that could assist.

As Druac walked away to get that team assembled she realised he had made a rejoinder as she looked at him "wise guy" she said to herself =/\= Acknowledged Captain, Williams out =/\= she responded and closed the link.

Drauc called out three cadets "Cadet Tuwi, Cadet Hammerstein, and Cadet Christian, follow me." He observed all three cadets jump, the young Tallarite and two humans looking at each other before following Druac into one of the access passageways that lead toward the impulse drives. Drauc spoke as they crawled forward "Open the access panels and ensure that the systems are working, also look for and scan for any nanonites."


"Mr. Trensu? That idea?" Franklin said, turning in his chair to look at the Chief of Security. "Can you elaborate on what it could do to help us in our current situation?"

Trensu thought for a moment doing the last of the calculations. "Sir, If we use the Type 11 warp cores, sir. I would prefer runabouts but the type-11 shuttles will work. The Poseidon can charge them well reverse the flow and charge the ship I already did some work on this a while back I know it will work. we hook up four shuttles in tandem maybe just three. It will strain the shuttle cores and will need to be watched maybe the fighter personnel can do that. It might even give enough power for low warp but not for long." explained Trensu confidently.

Looking at his panel Tresnu looked up "It will take time to hook everything up. Tactical can help, Sir," remarked Trensu looking back down at the panel.

Franklin thought a moment. Remembering Pavan, he pointed a stern finger at Trensu. "All automated," he ordered. "No one on board. Approved. Get on it."

Giving a nod "Aye Sir, understood."

=/\= Trensu to tactical team Power Brovo shuttle bay. =/\=

Trensu has his station a lieutenant who walks in off the turbo lift.

walking into the turbo lift and leaving the bridge.

Following Trensu's reply, he tapped his comm badge.

=/\= Captain Johnson to Lieutenant Commander Williams. Mr Williams, Trensu, and Security will be utilizing our shuttle complement via computer-automated control to put in tandem their warp cores to stabilize and redirect our flow. Do you think you can do anything to assist? =/\=

How did Tellarite Nanites get into the warp core,? Lexi wondered at Ops.

Tapping her Coimmbadge she was under the warp core =/\=negative Captain, these nanites are a hardy entity, and that idea while good, will not work until we can purge the infection, I am sorry Captain but we are stuck at Impulse, I have switched all essential systems to Battery power, and disconnected the core, I will have to eject the warp plasma from the core, and reset systems before returning warp plasma to the core and reinitializing it, I have Druac with a team checking for any more infections, I advise securing Sickbay, now if you will pardon me Captain I have to get back to doing this so we can go to warp =/\= Williams said.

=/\= Copy That, Chief. Johnson, out. =/\=

Franklin sighed under his breath following the report, looking somewhat disappointed as he motioned forward idly at the viewscreen.

"Helm, steady as she goes at impulse."

"Steady at 1/4 impulse. We are going to be towed by the shuttles? If so, I'm going to have to make course corrections as they happen", Ky'La said.

T'Pri at her station was making a log entry about this incident wondering it if was a prank or possibly sabotage. She ordered 200 liters of starship-grade warp plasma from Tellar Prime., it would arrive by shuttle by the time the core was purged and scrubbed.

"Captain, I recommend a Baryon sweep as well to make sure the nanites are eliminated," T'Pri suggested.

Franklin looked to T'Pri and swiftly nodded. "Make it happen," he approved.

"Aye Captain. I will notify the yard". T'Pri advised.

Drauc and his small engineering team made their way deeper, panels were opened and scanned as they came to a juncture Cadet Tuwi called out "Sir, I have a small trace of dead nanites in the warp stream coil, I am tracing them now." Drauc turned around and made his way to Cadet Tuwi, he ran a scan of his own, confirming the cadet's find. =/\=Drauc to Commander Williams; we have found a small trace of dead nanonites within and around the warp stream coil. We are affecting repairs now. =/\=

Tapping her Commbadge to make the connection =/\=excellent Lieutenant, I will be deactivating the core and purging the warp plasma because the little suckers have infected it and mine are live ones, but keep looking for these nanites, if you find the source annihilate them with prejudice =/\= Williams said.

=/\=Acknowledged.=/\= replied Drauc. He looked at his small team, he could sense their apprehension. "We continue our sweep, as you have heard Commander Williams state find and destroy the nanites. This is what we do as engineers in Starfleet, so get to work." They continued and Drauc scanned the juncture and began to trace the nanonites down the left corridor. As he and his team moved down repeating the opening of panels and scanned finding dead nanites along the way. =/\=Drauc to Commander Williams, we are proceeding down juncture fifty-four Juliet. Every panel we open contain dead nanites along the warp and EPS conduits. Continuing our investigations. =/\=

=/\= Damn, they have penetrated deep, lucky you are finding dead ones, okay you may feel a little shaking I am about to eject the warp Plasma, report back when all sections are checked Lieutenant, Williams out =/\= With that she flushed the warp plasma directly aft and scanned the insides, the few live nanites she easily took care of, she took this time to check the parts that no one could reach while there were toxic chemicals in the section, she pulled the panel off and scanned it and nodded in satisfaction and put the cover back then closed the section up as she extricated herself from the tight space and closed the hatch and then replaced the panel and reinitialized the seals.

Her tricorder picked up some live nanite and put them into a sealed container ready to hand over to Security, putting the item in a pocket she started the process of putting in fresh chemicals to make the warp core work, it would take some time, so estimating the time she tapped her Commnadge.

Drauc and his team finished with their inspection, finding and cleaning up dead nanites as they went, remarkably none of the systems seemed to have been damaged. =/\=Drauc to Commander Williams, all sections have been swept and cleared of nanites. All systems appear to be functioning within parameters and undamaged. =/\=

=/\= Acknowledged Mr Druac, keep checking =/\= she said then tapped her Commbadge to disconnect from the Engineer and open a link to the Captain =/\= Williams to Johnson, we should be ready to switch to warp power in about an hour, until then we are stuck at impulse, I have however captured some live nanites for the Security Chief to use as evidence, it appears that it might have been sabotage or just simply lax containment procedures, either way not my area of expertise, would appreciate the Security Chief coming to engineering to collect the nanite samples. The engineering team has reported finding dead nanite in most areas, I hope it remains that way, will let you know when the full inspection has been completed =/\=

Dead nanites. This was the hallmark of the previous sabotage with the fire. He tapped his combadge to reply.

=/\= Very Well. Keep me updated as to your progress. Thank you for your efforts, all of you. Captain, out.=/\=


Arriving at shuddlebay one of the doors hissed open. Trensu walked through the doors. The deck officer walked up along with the chief petty officer of tactical walked up. A tall Andorian even for their standers Shrivah Zh'kirhit was a woman to get things done. " Lieutenant commander, how much power are we going with Sir," she asked. Most of the deck froze in place waiting for Trensu to give orders seeing walk in.

Alie walked in behind Tresnu and quietly observed the proceedings. Being CAG, part of her duties are also dealing with the shuttles as well as her fighters. She is always in contact with Ky'La up at the helm. Both handle the hanger duties in tandem.

Tresnu looked around. "Everyone, four Type-11 shuttles in tandem hooked into the main power grid! Trensu yelled his voice reverberating off the walls. Treanu had years of how to make his voice carry in a room or in a hangar.

The two top NCOs started to yell out orders and with the efficacy seldom seen from a crew on a ship they started to execute their jobs like the experts they are. Trensu did not expect any less from them. the thing about being on a training ship is they run top-heavy with rank most permanent crew members are NCOs and not just any of the best in their field of expertise.

The shuttles looked like they were dancing as they manoeuvred around one another. The trainees look on with awe at the site of the crew working. Trensu walked by them as the shuttles were on their pads and others started to get the power conduits ready. "This is what you should expect on our first assignment this is what you strive for Nothing less," shouted Trensu over the noise of the shuttle bay as he talked to the trainees.

Trensu walked up to the people working on the relays between the shuttles "Have the shuttles on remote. Let the bridge or engineering have control. everything else on automatic with the safety in place." Trensu ordered.

"Commander Trensu, can I be of assistance? I am Lt. Cmdr. Albino "Viper" Jackson, Commander Air Group", Alie said.

"Jackson, glad you could help out," replied Trensu.

Trensu had only met Jackson in passing. Most of The staff met one another but he did not know her. Jackson was just over five and a half feet tall Blond hair eyes a Hazel Blue. She is reserved in her mannerisms Tresanu could tell. Cute, athletic build not bulky but more tile a swimmers build. Jackson has a reputation for being good on the mats hand-to-hand.

"Jackson, Watch the shuttles and their power conduits make sure they don't get feedback and overload, "Trensu asked with confidence. "I heard Williams has to flush the plasma coils so there will be no warp but we have the power to run everything else if something comes calling. You know like I do weapons and shields run through the warp core for focused power this will work for that," stated Trensu with a grin.

"I understand that all too well. Also, I have a proposal for you concerning the shuttle idea if you want to hear it", Alie said smiling.

Almost walking away Trensu froze in place. Running all the calculations through his mind again making sure he did not miss something. He would listen to Jackson she was the expert when it came to shuttles as far as Trensu was concerned. Tresnu turned back towards Jackson. "I will always listen to an expert like you," replied Tresnu his attention attentive to Jackson.

"When we launch the shuttle, I can take a team of 4 fighters out to visually monitor the shuttle's and their course. If anything does go wrong, you have someone out there to inform you fast ", Alie replied.

"Right, let us get this going" replied Commander Trensu.

Alie tapped her combadge, "Fighters 1-4 ready your fighters. We are going to fly escort for the towing shuttles. Lanch when ready and form up on me", she said. Nodding at Trensu, "I'll lead them out, then send out the shuttles when ready", she said, mounting "Ikran". Alie left first then 1-4 left quickly and formed up on her.

"Yes Sir, power up 2 mikes" replied Chief Petty Officer Shrivah.

=/\= Trensu to bridge two minutes to power transfer. =/\=

=/\= Trensu to engineering two minutes to power transfer. =/\=

Putting the final touches to completing the Nanite removal, she tapped her Commbadge to respond =/\= Warp core is still offline Commander Trensu, we are still on battery power, I am in the process of switching back, this type of thing cannot be rushed unless you want to blow us up =/\=

=/\= Roger, we are ready on our side for any power you need. It is on power conduit 14 from the Tactical power line. =/\=

On the bridge, Franklin looked extremely pleased. He swiftly tapped his comm badge to reply.

=/\= Excellent work, all of you. Very good news, Mr. Trensu, we're waiting on the bridge for the word. Captain Johnson, out. =/\=

Tapping her Commbadge as she begins the transfer process =/\= Williams to Captain, you have warp power back, but I recommend starting at warp One so I can monitor for any fluctuations, then five minutes after increase speed and the same amount of time after that, until we reach maximum warp =/\= Williams reported.

=/\= Excellent news, Rachel. Fantastic work. =/\=

Captain Johnson looked forward. "Helm, take us to Warp Factor 1. Slowly."

Ky'La responded, "Taking us to warp 1 slowly. Warp point two, warp point four, warp point six, warp point eight, finally warp one sir", she said smiling.

Lieutenant Drauc watched from the assistant engineer station as they prepared the power-up of the systems. He also calmly watched the young cadet engineers going about the process. Less concerned about the regular engineers going about the process.


Lieutenant Commander Ky'La De'Lenn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Posideon


Lieutenant Commander Albino "Viper" Jackson
Commander Air Group
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams
Chief Engineer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Drauc Kejail ie-Jia'anKahr
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Crewman Eradaar Ezazzan
Counselor's Aide
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet 1st Class Lexy McIntyre
Ops Officer Candidate
USS Poseidon


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