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Command Staff Roulette

Posted on Monday April 29th, 2024 @ 4:12pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Steven Ryan

1,137 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge, Captains Ready Room
Timeline: The Grand Tour - Arriving at Andoria
Tags: 2396, Character Development


=/\= Lieutenant Commanders Stevens, T'Pri, and Ryan please see me in my Captain's Ready Room as soon as possible. Captain Johnson, out. =/\=

Franklin ended the communique without giving an opening for a reply. They would either take this as a serious event where they would be punished or something equally important. The Captain sat back at his desk and drank his Romulan-styled tea, a hallmark harkening back to an old friend no longer around. He sighed. It was hard losing people. Commander Perkins had recently been recalled, however long the duration, to Starfleet Command and Franklin hoped it had been for additional training. Though he hadn't been informed except at the last minute, Commodore Paladin ensured the news had been shared. This had left a critical gap in the command structure of the ship. He aimed to rectify that now.

Steven had barely gotten settled when he heard the page over the intercom, he grabbed a pad and started to walk to the nearest turbolift, his initial thoughts about being assigned to Poseidon were mixed as he was half hoping to be able to spend an extra day with his wife before taking off on this assignment, the corridors were relatively quiet compared to what he expected, he had a few short seconds with his predecessor most of which was class planning, he didn't get a chance to talk otherwise, as the lift came to a halt he looked out on the small bridge of the aging Miranda class ship, he paused to take it all in then started to walk over to the ready room pressing the door chime.

Micheal had been checking the stores to ensure everything was in order when he heard his name called out over the Com channel, He thought to himself oO I wonder what the Captain wants? OO as he exited the Storeroom and headed towards the nearest turbolift. As he turned round the corner the lift doors opened and a few officers exited he entered the Lift, He said " Bridge"

By the time that Michael and Steven had arrived, the Captain had been entertaining himself with ship reports. After inviting both in, he stood and walked around the desk he sat behind.

"We're still waiting on T'Pri, but Mr. Steven and Mr. Michael? We have a bit of a situation on this ship," Franklin said, putting his hands behind his back after straightening his uniform. "You may be aware of him, Michael, but Stevens may not. Commander Perkins has been recalled by Starfleet and it has left this ship with a power vacuum that I desperately need to fill."

He waited for the responses of the two following his revelation.

Steven's eyes quickly shifted, "I'm hoping we can solve the problem quickly."

Micheal looked back at the Captain as he knew that he was due for gamma shift on the bridge as 4th XO, he asked "Do you know when he will return Sir?" posing the question to the Captain as he knew something was about to change.

"Unfortunately not," Franklin said, a dejected expression. "The Commodore laid the news on me at a late hour and by the time I managed to find out, Sam had been shuttled off the ship. As such, we must prepare for this drastic change to our vessel up to and including finding a new CSO. That said, you both received word of your promotions to command. Mr. Stevens, you're now promoted to Ships 3rd Officer. Mr. Ryan, due to your experience, you're promoted to Ships 4th Officer. As Michael knows, Mr. Ryan your responsibilities are to assist the command and the ship with proper functions as well as any necessary secondary obligations. Any questions?"

Steven had to pause, the rush of a new assignment was one thing, but this was something completely different, "Not at the moment." was all he could say as he tried to process.

Micheal was shocked only being told of his promotion to 4th XO, but now 3rd XO and the responsibility that went with it, he had to change his sleep pattern to accommodate his new role and also had to Tell Ky'la of the promotion and how pleased she would be on that front.

"Very good, you're both dismissed for the time being. I'll wait here for Ms. T'Pri," Franklin said, nodding to both. "I've already made the promotions official in your records."

Steven spoke "Yes sir." and turned to exit, he had a few things to talk about when he talked with his wife later on.

Micheal replied "Thank you, Sir," giving a nod to his Commanding officer, then turned on his heel exited the Office, and headed back to his sheared quarters to break the news to his wife.

"Sorry I was delayed Captain, How can I be of service Sir?" T'Pri said.

"Thank you for coming as soon as possible," Franklin said, smiling and greeting his new Second Officer. He then spent the next five minutes catching her up on the previous conversation with Steven and Micheal on the departure of Commander Perkins and the gap in command.

"And that's why you are hereby promoted to Second Officer," the Captain concluded. "Any questions?"

"Yes Sir, Is Mr Perkins going to be alright?" T'Pri asked.

"I sincerely hope he will," Franklin said, giving a smile, but with a hint of concern. "It seemed rather urgent, so perhaps in time we'll know. When I know more, I promise I'll relay that to you and everyone else."

He gave a moments paused, then tilted his head ever so slight. "You do understand your rank and role now, correct? Is there any specific questions about that?"

"I do understand my new position Captain. unless there are additional responsibilities you want to give me. I still report to you and the 1st Officer, I am now responsible for gamma shift on the bridge, Whether aboard a starship or a space station, a second officer assumes command when both the captain and first officer are unavailable. It is common for a second officer on a Star Fleet vessel or other installation to hold the rank of lieutenant commander, which I already do. The second officer is a department head first, and a second officer second. They are rarely involved in the day-to-day command of the starship or starbase the same way the captain or first officer is. It is also standard procedure for the second officer to accompany away teams. Is that about it Captain?" T'Pri said.

Impressed, Franklin nodded. "That's all, T'Pri. I appreciate it. You're dismissed."


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon
LT Cmdr Micheal Stevens
Chief Operations Officer/3rd XO
USS Poseidon
Lt Cmdr Steven Ryan
Ass't Chief intelligence Officer/4XO
USS Poseidon
Lt Cmdr T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Office/2XO
USS Poseidon


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