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Awards, Recognitions, and Promotions; PART 1

Posted on Monday August 17th, 2020 @ 1:36pm by Commodore Gregory Paladin & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord & Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Commander Karn Karn & Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim & Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas & Lieutenant Shalmira Heddan & Lieutenant Damian Kane & Gunnery Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim & Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne
Edited on on Monday August 24th, 2020 @ 2:40pm

5,848 words; about a 29 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon; Recreation Lounge, Deck 5
Timeline: A few days after docking to Starbase 47


Upon arriving to Starbase 47 and after the Commander had departed his post to rest, Commodore Gregory Paladin had made sure to notify selective individuals of an upcoming award and recognition celebration to take place on Deck 5 in the rec lounge. He gave the date and time, and after a few days to allow the crew to adjust and attend the inevitable funeral processions from their lost crew, the day came.

The Recreation Lounge on the portside of Deck 5 was arranged politely, normally looking like a standard bar and lounge that you'd find on old Earth, now looking professional and kept with a cleanliness that even the Commodore admired. He stood on the stage to the south of the lounge, sitting on the edge of it as he sipped quietly on a questionable looking beverage. He was in full uniform, and while no one else but him was present in the lounge, he looked all the while as if he expected a party.

Damian Kane walked in and saw the Commodore. Kane was wearing his dress uniform. Something that he actually wore more then most officers. He walked up to the Paladin. "Hello Sir." He said.

"Good Morning, Chaplain," greeted Gregory with a smile. "Take a seat will ya? Bars open if you need it. By that I mean the replicator, of course." He gave a wink at the suggested undertone, being playful.

Following not long behind, the Chief Counsellor and Executive Officer was the next to arrive. In the past few days she and the Counselling Offices had been inundated with work, counselling the grieving and the shaken. Kana herself had also required at least a day of rest; a minor concussion and tiny skull fracture from the initial explosion. Now however she was back in full swing, and glad for it. Noticing the Chaplin conversing with the Commodore at the south end of the Lounge, she approached confidently.

"Commodore, Lieutenant." She greeted them both with a warm smile and a nod. She seemed particularly happy to see the Chaplin; his immediate actions in the face of the Battle of the Bright Nebula, as it was coming to be known on-board, reflected well on his character. He had undoubtedly saved lives that day, and since had - alongside her and her team - provided services for the crew as they grieved their losses and recovered.

T'Pri strode in wearing her dress uniform and started mingling.

T'Pri went over a grabbed some water and then went back over to the Commodore,

"Commodore Paladin it is agreeable to see you again". T'Pri said,

The Commodore greeted the new faces with a beaming smile. "Kanaka! T'Pri! Glad to see you both. I have to say that during the battle, I had cast thoughts your way as to not having seen you both after the fact. When I read over the reports and saw your status, I was much relieved."

"Yes, thank you Sir, with planning we got lucky." T'Pri replied.

He gave a chuckle, glancing back at the Chaplain. "And here's the man of the hour, why I suggested the bar matter-of-fact. Those same reports praised you, Mr. Kane. Very highly. Matter of fact several of the security and medical officers named you personally as the one responsible for saving a lot of lives."

"I only did my job sir. Nothing more." Kane said sounding like someone who was speaking with a heavy heart. "I want to ask the Captain if I could possibly do a service for those who fell and were wounded in the skirmish. Maybe have it broadcasted throughout the ship?" He asked.

Neteri strode through the door in her dress whites. Seeing the gathering, she headed to them, "Evening all! Some get up hey?" she said, smiling. Nodding at all, she began to relax with her fellow crew mates. It was a good feeling to finally prove to herself that she still maintained her edge and didn't fold under pressure especially after the death of Paven. She thought it would end her career but she prevailed and she overcame the problem thanks to the counselor's help.

Her mind still on the curious meeting earlier that day, Freya came into the lounge. In quite the departure to her usual Terran uniform, she was actually wearing her Federation-issue dress whites, complete with red department colouring. Smartly, she made her way to the main gathering, quickly pausing to rather awkwardly wipe her glasses with the cuff of one of her sleeves. "Good evening, Commodore, everyone," she greeted the group, wondering what the true reason for the event was.

"I'm not sure what Starfleet regulation are on using shipwide communications for sermons of any sort," remarked the Commodore softly to Damian. "I'll make sure Franklin hears about it so we can go over some ideas. Maybe make it a voluntary service down in the old chapel area?"

"Neteri, Ms. Mannerheim! Welcome!" greeted the Commodore to the two.

Shalmira raised an eyebrow as she walked into the Rec Lounge as a few officers present were wearing dazzling full dress whites. Her own dress uniform was still packed away somewhere forgotten in storage between points X and Y in deep space. She usually disliked pomp and ceremony though, at the last moment, had decided to attend so to honour the fallen of her new ship. She shrugged as there was nothing she could do about the dress code now and approached the Commodore whom she knew only from a recorded transfer message and had never actually met personally.

"Good day, Commodore. Lt Shalmira Heddan" she introduced herself.

Gregory's eyes widened as he noticed Shalmira approach, an equal expression of joy filling the surprise upon seeing her presence. He opened his arms in a familiar fashion as he spoke, almost too loudly, "Ms. Heddan, there you are!" before approaching her and extending a hand to shake. "I've waited so very long to meet you. How are you acclimating on the ship?"

Shalmira smiled thinly as she accepted the Commodore's outstretched hand. "Well it's been, how do you say, an... interesting first voyage on the USS Poseidon. Been more action in the last couple of days than I saw in two years aboard the old Genymede". She paused to accept a drink off a young Andoran Ensign who wafted past with a loaded tray.

At the conclusion of the handshake between Shalmira and Gregory, Commander Franklin Johnson entered the room. Gregory turned then, giving a friendly wave and smile. The Commander returned the smile genuinely. As he approached, Franklin exchanged a brief shake with the Commodore, then turned his attention to Shalmira after exchanging a wave with everyone else present currently.

"Ms. Heddan!" greeted Franklin to his newest Chief Science Officer, "How have you been? My apologies for recent events, but I am pleased to see you made it out well and fine."

"I'm good, thank you Commander" Shalmira replied, though she felt a bit weird to be the center of attention all of a sudden. "Though I'm sure recent events were not of your creation. I didn't do much during the encounter except cover battle damage control on the Bridge" she explained mainly for the Commodore's benefit. "I must get better acquainted with we the ship's systems and layout if we're to expect more action in the future"

"I'll make sure to see that happens," Franklin said with a nod. As he said that, he turned to watch Oscar Vladinchi and the big reptilian Gorn, Lazarus Kord walk in with uniforms on. Franklin politely turned to those present around him, offering an, "If you'll excuse me," as he drifted to meet the two.

About that time the doors open and in strolled the Lurian security officer Lieutenant Karn. He had forgone his normal Lurian Royal Navy uniform for a standard Starfleet uniform. It didn't quite fit the same way as his Lurian uniform. It was a bit constraining compared to the flowing overcoat of his native world.

The swagger remained though.

At Karn's entrance, Gregory was the one to greet him. He had excused himself politely from his brief introductions, waddled through the crowd now forming in the recreation lounge, approaching the Lurian with a smile.

"Mr. Karn! Fine job you did during the battle, excellent job!" Gregory said as he gave the Chief of Security a pat on the shoulder. "Also, when did you get a starfleet uniform? I thought you were under an exchange."

"Ah, mon capitan, they had issued me one when I first arrived - but I couldn't deny livening up the bridge with my Lurian style! But! As this is a Federation ceremony, I thought I'd wear the Federation... oh how you say... jumpsuit? Span..dex? Whatever this... interesting... fabric is."

"We do occasionally call them Jumpsuits, Mr. Karn," Franklin affirmed as he adjusted his own. He wore the more formal variant of the two-piece duty uniform. It had a more professional collar and no cuffs, making the Captain look very crisp and duty-presented. "However this variant is simply known as our duty uniforms, so either works depending."

Franklin took a moment to take in his Chief of Security, giving an approving nod. "You do look good in that, though, Mr. Karn!" he said with genuine appreciation, before turning his head to glimpse the new arrival whom he had almost entirely missed.

T'vek skulked in with little in the way of greetings, something of a minor feat given his height and presence, seemingly amplified by deep hollows under his eyes and gaunter than usual complexion, he had had perhaps 3 hours sleep in as many days, Sickbay had been a veritable warzone with the combatants being life and death. Extensive Surgeries and triaging had been the order of the day with several arriving far too late for much else to be done, much to the wailing and gnashing of teeth of several of the trainee's and cadets who had yet to experience such things.

The Recreation Lounge was an entirely new setting for him but he wasted little time in finding a corner to be out of the way, weighing up whether indeed he should have asked to be excused of whatever frivolities were planned, he had ill liked having to have left sickbay in the care of the hologram while the rest of the staff got some much needed rest, he knew he himself was nearing his limits, but for now he would continue, he would do no less, and would sooner die than admit weakness, especially while abroad.

He had settled merely for clean standard dress, the quartermaster had yet to arrange for formal wear, and he somehow doubted anybody would have been enthused if he had worn his Romulan Dress Uniform, the thought of such reactions brought some warmth, though he was careful to hide both any sign of it physical or otherwise, much preferring his barriers as he leaned back gently in a chair, ramrod straight and keen eyed despite fatigue.

Watching his Chief Medical Officer skulk away alone, the Commander excused himself politely from his Chief of Security and made his way over. He appreciated his Romulan counterpart, the two having grown some form of acquaintanceship - he liked to hope - over T'veks duration here so far. The Romulan was also an excellent and determined medical professional; lives saved during the Battle of the Bright Nebula a testament to his resolve to his station. Approaching the Romulan, he made sure to stay a few steps off to give room as he gave a wave.

"Very happy to see you here, Mr. T'vek," Franklin greeted. "You did a helluva job during the battle. You saved dozens of lives, you and your team. I genuinely don't know what we would have done without you here."

"I am curious as to that you intend with this pageant Captain," T'vek drawled idly, although extremely exhausted his keen mind was as of yet undiminished although the darkened hollows under his eyes seemed deeper still up close, "I merely did my duty no more no less, as did my team, their performance was exemplary, they deserve their rest now more than ever." He eyed up the steadily growing gathering with a practised eye, "Perhaps when it's convenient we can have another catch-up, it wouldn't do after all for the captain to be seen publicly conspiring with the Romulan," he finished with a mild smirk and a long almost glare at onlookers.

While Kanaka had her back turned to both Franklin and T'vek, she was close enough to overhear their conversation, and decided to make a mental note of the Chief Medical Officer's remarks.

Hibiki, the ships resident Andorian entered the room. She never liked the Starfleet dress uniform, but it was necessary. She looked around briefly before heading over to Karn.

"Nice to see you here chief. Although..." she smirked. "One of my bond mates dabbles in needlework if you want her to alter the uniform?" She asked quietly trying not to sound rude.

"I KNEW IT! I just knew it. This uniform is no good. No, how you say... NO FLOW!", Karn said in a huff. He then shurgged his shoulders.

"C'est la vie, let's get a drink." he remarked.

Then, in walked Master Chief Charles Payne. He opted to wear his Dress uniform with his full ribbon rack. He gave a slight smile to all as he quietly walked into the room.

Freya returned from a quick dash to the replicator, with a glass of Lamb's spiced navy rum in her hand. This was going to be a dry, formal affair, the mused, so some lubrication was definitely going to be needed. Taking a sip, she thought back on the battle, and how it had obviously been a Terran ship that had saved their necks. Soon, she felt, she would have to reveal her secret to the Commander - but not yet. She took a sip from her rum and walked over to Franklin. "Commander," she said, with a smile. "It is good to see you have recovered from our little ordeal."

"Ms. Mannerheim!" Franklin replied with a smile, "You as well, you did some awesome piloting."

Freya smiled. "That was pure instinct, sir. I knew I had to get us out of there."

Staff Sergeant Max Pfaffenheim entered shortly after. He had elected to wear his dress uniform, in accordance with Marine regulation. Observing the room for a minute, he quickly identified the Captain, talking to Lt. Commander Mannerheim. Putting on his best parade ground look, he checked his uniform again, before walking over. He wondered if he maybe had chosen something else, given everyone seemed to be behaving much more informally, making small talk and eating snacks. It was his first Fleet awards ceremony, and it seemed to be quite different of how things worked in the Marines. However, almost everyone seemed to be wearing dress, so he discarded the thought. Arriving at where the Captain and Mannerheim were conversing, he waited for a pause in their conversation to appear, then saluted sharply. "Staff Sergeant Pfaffeheim reporting, sir!"

"At ease, Staff Sergeant!" Captain Johnson said in reply quickly, taking the welcomed interruption in stride. "Very nice of you to join us. You're a hero, you know, you and all your Marines. You did a heck of a job."

Maximilian, not resting at ease, couldn't help but smile a little, although he managed to subdue it and go back to his normal, serious expression quickly enough. "Oorah, sir!", he answered. "We did what we were supposed to." His stomach chose this opportunity to remind him that he hadn't eaten in some time. "If you'll excuse me, I will see what refreshments are available."


============ Thirty Minutes Later ============

The sound of a spoon clinking on glass was amplified in the Recreation Lounge. Heads would turn towards the direction of the dais at the end of the Lounge, where the Commodore himself stood with glass and spoon in hand. Not feeling the least bit guilty about distracting possibly dozens of conversations, he handed the glass and silverware back to an Ensign to his side, of which the two exchanged quick courtesies before the Ensign departed.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, and all Crew of the Poseidon present," Gregory began, his voice amplified thanks to the computer seemlessly working to provide the audio experience relevant to his authority. "We have enough crew present to begin the ceremonies proper. Anyone who comes after will be given a datapad to catch up on events so as to not be left out. However, I do believe most of you have guessed to the intentions of the invitations your command staff have sent your way. I'm here to say that you're all - probably - right about your assumptions."

The area with the dias was not a particularly fancy area of the Recreational Lounge. Typically, it was sparsely decorated, giving only an inviting impression to the crew who would typically use the area to show off their skills with whatever musical instrument their cultures provided. Usually there'd always be someone here during their off time, providing the service of a gentle background musical undertone for the Lounge Manager during almost all times of the day. When no one would be present, holograms were used, one of many slight and sneaky upgrades established through the Poseidon's many overhauls - much like the EMS system in Medical.

Presently, the dais area was decorated with two flags. One on the right with the emblem for the Poseidon, then one on the left for Starfleet. Behind that, along the wall structure for the dais, was a few more decorations that added a simplistic flair to the event rather than took away from it. The Commodore cleared his throat as he continued, having taken a drink of water that had previously been set to the side on a provided stool nearest to him.

"This ceremony marks the celebration of the service of the crew of the Poseidon during the Battle of the Bright Nebula," Gregory continued. "It is also a service to recognise and promote those of us who went above and beyond the call of duty, and also to those whose promotions are surely overdue. I'd like to remark that in the next few days, we will be having the Remembrance Ceremony for the fallen, for those cadets and crew that died during those horrible first few moments and the rest of the battle. I know most of you already attended the funeral services provided by the Starbase with the remains being handed over, but I feel this service is also sorely needed, so please keep that in mind as we plan a shipwide communication on the affair."

Noticing all eyes were on him and understood, the Commodore continued. He stayed still at the centre of the dais, apparently unaffected by the attention of the crowd. He had done this hundreds of times and was in his element. His expression turned sombre in that moment as he looked down, then back up to the crowd. His next words reflected his change of expression.

"Before we continue, I'd request a moment of silence from you all, so that we may remember those fallen. They gave the ultimate sacrifice, most of them unwillingly, so that we could be here to celebrate the life that was stolen from then. Let us take the time to thank them, then, and then I'll continue."

The Commodore stood there diligently, head slightly bowed as he himself thought on a few of those departed he'd never see again.

T'Pri bowed her head solemnly.

Neteri bowed her head as she fought back tears. Giving respect to her fallen companions.

Damian Kane bowed is head in reverence in a silent prayer for the fallen.

Charles Payne closed his eyes in remembrance of who was not here to celebrate this with us.

Shalmira bowed her head, hands clasped behind her back.

Karn was silent for once.

Freya silently stood to attention, and clenched her fist over her commbadge - the first half of the Terran salute. "Hail the victorious dead", she said, quietly.

Kana bowed her head solemnly and closed her eyes for a few seconds as she privately reflected on those they had lost. "May the Deities bring you all peace in the life beyond." She thought to herself, much in the same way as she had at the funeral.

Max Pfaffenheim stood at attention too, as was custom in the Marines.

The Commodore looked up from his remembrance, noting that almost everyone had their own looks of remembrance on their faces. Those that didn't seemed distant, perhaps in their own way remembering the fallen as well. He took in a soft breath, a noise that was gently echoed through the audience, a signal that he would continue speaking.

"Let us now concentrate on those that survived, to remember their deeds and to hear briefly of their stories," Gregory said as he spoke again. "For our first order of business, the Commander and I have discussed at length the worthy promotions warranted on this ship. While some of these promotions were addressed to all the upper Command Staff, a few were between Franklin and myself."

At this revelation the two senior officers glanced at each other. Franklin nodded and Gregory returned the gesture. The Commodore continued.

"First and foremost, Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura is to be called up to the podium."

The crowd would give a gentle applause at the name, most of the enlisted and cadet crew knowing Kanaka as their First Officer. Gregory stood awaiting Kanaka's arrival to his side as he took one step to the left to make room.

Neteri stood and clapped for Kanaka. She deserved this award after all of her hard work.

Kanaka stood at the calling of her name and turned to give a brief and polite acknowledgement of the room - flashing a thankful smile at Neteri as their eyes crossed paths - before steadily walking up to the dais and before the Commodore, waiting for his next few words and instruction.

After he allowed the applause to die down, the Commodore turned to his side as an Ensign approached and handed him two small black, rectangular boxes. They looked like medal holders - in fact, they were. He thanked the Ensign, then turned to face Kanaka.

"As the acting representative of Starfleet Command on the USS Poseidon, I, Commodore Gregory Paladin, do hereby award the following to Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura," Gregory began officially.

Opening one box first as he withdrew a set of Commanders pips. He carefully took off Kanaka's original pips and placed the Commander pips in their place. He then opened the second box and instead of taking the medal out, he handed it to her to hold.

"By the authority invested in me by Starfleet Command, I hereby promote Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura to the rank of Commander, effective immediately. Hereunto also she is to be awarded the Counseling Division Service Award and Command Services Division Award for gallantry in the line of duty."

Smiling at his work, he nodded to her, clasping her shoulder. He leaned in to whisper, "Congratulations, Commander. You've earned this."

Kana stood firmly with her hands clasped behind her back and shoulders tense as the Commodore placed her new Command pips on her neck. She was of course honoured to receive the promotion and the Division Award, though being both incredibly modest and not someone who had sought to find herself in this position in the first place, she was incredibly stiff when receiving such adulation. Even so, she managed to flash a smile.

"Thank you, Commodore." She whispered back to Gregory as she then turned to the crowd again and bowed her head respectfully. She also made sure to acknowledge Franklin, who she gave a warmer expression, before turning her attention back to the assembled crowd and the Commodore.

Franklin returned the respectful smile, while the Commodore allowed the moment to linger. Gregory replied with another pat to her shoulder, firm and polite, as he guided her then back off the stage in a polite fashion. He was very proud of her. Smiling at the audience, he raised his hand in an inviting gesture as he spoke again.

"Next I call up Lieutenant Freya Mannerheim!" Gregory announced.

Quietly, Freya moved to the stage, and stood to attention in front of the Commodore, resisting the urge to salute him. Ever since their heart-to-heart following her breakdown on the bridge, she had felt a kind of connection with Gregory - almost like the beginning of a friendship. She had made a mental note to go speak to him once things had calmed down, as she, too, had noticed the appearance of his Terran counterpart on the bridge of the ship that had come to their "rescue".

For now, however, she put her thoughts to one side. This was a celebration of the gallantry shown by the whole crew in the recent battle, and she would not dampen it with dark suspicions.

Gregory gave Freya a smile as she approached and stood. He, too, felt a familiarity growing between them. Soon he'd have to approach her about it, considering their talk about specific events had enlightened him a great deal. A moments pause and the same Ensign, a Vulcan-looking younger man dressed in a yellow engineering divisions uniform, approached and handed two more similar boxes.

Slowly, Gregory repeated the process from before. There was a promotion this time around as well, with Gregory carefully placing the new Lieutenant Commander pips over the old and handing over a medal. As he turned to address the crowd, he leaned in to clasp her shoulder firmly and say, "You saved us all."

Gazing at those assembled, the Commodore addressed the awards presented.

"For gallantry in the line of duty, for piloting the USS Poseidon with expert and careful precision, for dedication to Starfleet and Ship, it is my honor as representative of Starfleet Command to hereby award Lieutenant Freya Mannerheim with the full promotion to Lieutenant Commander effective immediately and the Flight Control Division Service Award! Because of Lieutenant Commander Mannerheim, we are all likely alive today to celebrate these events."

The Commodore concluded the words, releasing his clasp on Freya's shoulders as he stood to her side, allowing her the moment to appreciate the circumstances.

Freya looked at the medal and touched the new rank pips on her collar for a moment, before smiling at the Commodore. "I was just doing my duty, sir. Thank you." She snapped to attention once again, before turning neatly and marching off the stage.

Gregory gave a curt smile and nod in return to the salute, watching Freya briefly return to her seat before turning towards those assembled again.

"Next, Lieutenant Karn!"

A look of surprise crossed the Lurian's face as he stepped up. He made a sound and puffed out his chest.

The same process as before; two boxes holding medals and pips. Gregory addressed the audience after properly placing the pips on the now-promoted Lieutenant Commander Karn and handing him a division services medal.

"For gallantry in the line of duty, for directly handling the weapons systems and engaging the enemy under overwhelming odds, for dedication to Starfleet and Ship, it is my honor as representative of Starfleet Command to award Lieutenant Karn with the Security Division Service Award and a full promotion to Lieutenant Commander effective immediately. We are all in your debt not only for your marksmanship, but furthermore your resolve to continue the fight despite the odds. Thank you, Lieutenant Commander Karn."

Gregory extended a hand to shake the Lurians as he allowed Karn a moment to enjoy the situation.

"Why, mon Captian... tis was nothing. It was my pleasure to blast those pirates into itty bitty tiny pirate pieces."

Karn straighten up, did a sharp salute and sat back down.

"Lieutenant Neteri Shannon, please come up!" the Commodore called next, continuing the nights momentum.

While she had been giving applause for all the awardees so far, Kana made sure to give an extra degree of warmth for Neteri, as a return for the enthusiasm she showed her just moments earlier.

Neteri's eyes went wide as she stood up, walking up to the podium. Stopping infront of the Commodore, "Reporting as ordered," she said nearly choking on her words. Butterflies and nerves were making themselves ever present in her stomach.

Gregory almost let loose a gentle laugh. Instead, he allowed the laugh to show as a smile and silently reached to pat her shoulder. He leaned in to her, whispering, "You did good, kid, very good." He patted her firmly on the shoulder a second time, turned to accept not two but three award boxes from the Ensign. He repeated the procedure from before, replacing pips and handing over a division award. He then turned to address the audience while he held the third award box temporarily.

"For gallantry in the line of duty, for bravery and heroism going above and beyond the call of duty, for ensuring the safety of their mothership and their crew, for contributing vastly to the success of the USS Poseidon during the Battle of the Bright Nebula, it is my honor as representative of Starfleet Command to not only fully promote Lieutenant Shannon to the rank of Lieutenant Commander effective immediately and award her the Starfighter Division Services Award, but also...."

And here, he let his words linger. The silence took over as he turned to her, the Commodore looking directly at Neteri, then at the crowd.

"Lieutenant Forsyth-Coyle, report to the stage with your commanding officer please," Gregory said after letting a moment of tense trepidation fill the room. He looked ready to burst with something.

Gregory watched as Amelia came up, and he handed her the last award box.

"Lieutenant Forsyth-Coyle shall also be awarded the Starfighter Division Services Award, for gallantry in the line of duty, for going above and beyond the call of duty."

The Commodore motioned both pilots to the front of the stage as he continued.

"Take heed, Poseidon. It is on the shoulders of these two pilots that the very reason we are still alive rests. These two pilots as well as their flight wing fully intended to never come back, instead they thrusted themselves into action with full intent of sacrificing themselves in the face of overwhelming odds. To those cadets choosing the starfighter division, this is what you should aspire to."

The Commodore stepped back so the crowd could show appreciation as well as give Neteri and Amelia time to appreciate what was said and awarded.

Neteri's knees almost buckled as the Commodore said that. Yet it was very true what he had said. Both her and Amelia along with her cadets did not hesitate to defend the Poseidon. It was their home and their family, and to defend it was an honorable death, should it had happened. Smiling, she gave the gathering a respectful nod in recognition of what was said and the awards that went with it.

Amelia took her award and followed Neteri's lead

T'Pri clapped as was the custom for honoring heroes.

As the two heroes stepped off the podium and back into their seats, the Commodore then stepped back to the front. "The next two I want to call are Lieutenant Damian Kane and Staff Sergeant Pfaffenheim!"

Raising his eyebrow in slight surprise, Maximillian stood, making an effort to time it with Kane. Stiffly walking up to the podium, he stood in front of the Commodore and gave his best salute, heels clacking. With a steady voice from years of experience, he loudly said, "Sir! Reporting as ordered! Sir!"

Damian rose from his seat and walked over to the podium. when he got there, he stood at attention with the Marine beside him.

The Commodore returned the salute quickly to the Marine, saying "At ease", and thereafter nodded to Damian in greeting. He turned his attention to the crowd as he stood between the two.

"During the Battle of the Bright Nebula, these two outstanding individuals demonstrated the core components of what Starfleet personnel and officers truly are. Staff Sergeant Maximillian Pfaffenheim fought bravely with his Marines to retake the ship, being one of the key reasons we suffered no more casualties that horrible day. Alongside him, Lieutenant Damian Kane rendered under the fallen critical medical treatment that ensured the survival of not only our own personnel, but also a few of the enemy leaving them able to be interrogated by Starfleet. Without these two fine individuals actions in the line of duty, it is likely we would not only have less information to go on concerning the battle and the instigators, but furthermore less of a crew compliment because of boarders. To that end, I am awarding Staff Sergeant Pfaffenheim the Marine Division Service Award to honor his commitment to the call of duty and I am furthermore awarding Lieutenant Kane the Medical Division Services Award to honor his commitment of life-saving treatment. Congratulations you two!"

The Vulcan Ensign from before approached and respectfully handed the award boxes to the Commodore, who in turn handed each individually to both Damian and Maximillian. He then turned to face the crowd with the two to appreciate the moment.

Damian turned to the crowd looking at his award. He waved and smiled at his shipmates.

Maximilian turned the crowd, holding the box in his left and with his right behind his back. His expression changed for once, displaying a little smile.

The Commodore gave the two a few moments to appreciate their awards, then guided them back off the podium. He thanked them both with pats on the shoulders and words of encouragement. "Ya'll did a helluva job," he would say briefly, nodding to both.

After things settled down, Gregory faced everyone.

"We're going to take a short recess to allow you all to enjoy your meals and beverages," Gregory announced. "Take this time to mingle and I'll see you all shortly."


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Staff Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim
Marine First Sergeant
USS Poseidon


Lt Damian Kane
Ship's Chaplain
USS Poseidon


Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne
Chief of the Boat
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Shalmira Heddan
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas
Assistant Chief Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon
Group Commander
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Amelia Forsyth-Coyle
Wing Commander
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon


Major Phoebe Graydon
Second Officer/Marine CO
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Karn Karn
Chief Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Kanaka Shakura
Executive Officer/Chief Counselor
USS Poseidon


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