View Award - Helping Hand Medal

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Helping Hand Medal

In-Character, this medal is awarded for recognition of support actions in character with other characters.

Out-of-character, this medal is awarded for assistance to other players beyond expectations.

This medal applies both In-Character and Out-Of-Character.

Category: Both
Awarded: 30 times

Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn
Tuesday February 21st, 2023 @ 9:39pm
For your role in participation of "Poseidon Mystery House" in the mission Concluding Affairs. Great work!
Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe
Tuesday February 21st, 2023 @ 9:39pm
For your role in participation of "Poseidon Mystery House" in the mission Concluding Affairs. Great work!
Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens
Tuesday February 21st, 2023 @ 9:39pm
For your role in participation of "Poseidon Mystery House" in the mission Concluding Affairs. Great work!
Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch
Tuesday February 21st, 2023 @ 9:39pm
For your role in participation of "Poseidon Mystery House" in the mission Concluding Affairs. Great work!
Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Tuesday February 21st, 2023 @ 9:39pm
For your role in participation of "Poseidon Mystery House" in the mission Concluding Affairs. Great work!
Commander Sam Perkins
Tuesday February 21st, 2023 @ 9:39pm
For your role in starting the community participation of "Poseidon Mystery House" in the mission Concluding Affairs. Great work!
Lieutenant Miles O'Connell
Tuesday February 21st, 2023 @ 9:39pm
For your role in participation of "Poseidon Mystery House" in the mission Concluding Affairs. Great work!
Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Tuesday February 21st, 2023 @ 9:39pm
For your role in participation of "Poseidon Mystery House" in the mission Concluding Affairs. Great work!
Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Monday August 2nd, 2021 @ 9:02am
For your noticeable efforts in assisting the crew as Second Officer of the USS Poseidon and demonstrating your keen abilities to collaborate with your crew when you are able to, I as the CO of the USS Poseidon award you with this prestigious award for your efforts! Congratulations!
Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe
Friday May 14th, 2021 @ 10:45am
In recognition for Lt. Commander Sharpe's excellent community involvement, as well as the player behind the name, and his willingness to contribute with all players, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards this Helping Hand Medal! Good Job!
Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens
Friday December 25th, 2020 @ 10:07am
For being committed and involved with the crew during trying times, the CO of the USS Poseidon recognizes your activity and earnest attempts with story with the Helping Hand Medal!
Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe
Saturday November 28th, 2020 @ 11:14am
For taking the initiative and helping the crew whenever possible, the CO of the USS Poseidon recognizes Paul's hard and true efforts with this Helping Hand Medal!
Commander Sam Perkins
Thursday November 26th, 2020 @ 12:41pm
For keeping the activity brisk and apparent for all involved. Great job on being a wonderful community member!
Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine
Saturday January 11th, 2020 @ 9:05pm
Your awesome contributions to the sim with helping our new players is recognized and appreciated. Excellent work!
Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen
Saturday January 11th, 2020 @ 9:04pm
Excellent job in your assistance with new crew members and crew morale. Awesome work!
Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen
Sunday December 1st, 2019 @ 3:56am
For not only taking seriously their position as Quartermaster, but also going above and beyond by helping the Command Staff keep track of the ships layout and where exactly we put everything. Where's that mug of coffee? Oh right, thanks Sydney!
Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:42pm
For their continued progression on the sim and their community collaboration through Joint Posts, planning of joint posts, collaboration with other players in story planning, and being a wonderful person to be around, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards Lieutenant, Junior Grade Sydney Allen with the Helping Hand Medal!
Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:41pm
For their continued progression on the sim and their community collaboration through Joint Posts, planning of joint posts, collaboration with other players in story planning, and being a wonderful person to be around, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards Lieutenant Freya with the Helping Hand Medal!
Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:41pm
For their continued progression on the sim and their community collaboration with other players and being a positive influence on the sim, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards Lieutenant T'vek with the Helping Hand Medal!
Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:39pm
For their continued progression on the sim and their community collaboration through Joint Posts, planning of joint posts, collaboration with other players in story planning, and being a wonderful person to be around, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards Lieutenant Canaan Serine with the Helping Hand Medal!
Lieutenant J'Loni Mo'Bri Daughter House L'Keth
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:39pm
For their continued progression on the sim and their community collaboration through Joint Posts, planning of joint posts, collaboration with other players in story planning, and being a wonderful person to be around, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards Lieutenant J'Loni with the Helping Hand Medal!
Lieutenant Nealey Brinsley
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:39pm
For their continued progression on the sim and their community collaboration through Joint Posts, planning of joint posts, collaboration with other players in story planning, and being a wonderful person to be around, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards Lieutenant Nealey Brinsley with the Helping Hand Medal!
Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:38pm
For their continued progression on the sim and their community collaboration with other players in story planning, and being a wonderful person to be around, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards Lieutenant Hibiki with the Helping Hand Medal!
Lieutenant Commander Karn Karn
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:38pm
For their continued progression on the sim and their community collaboration through Joint Posts, planning of joint posts, collaboration with other players in story planning, and being a wonderful person to be around, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards Lieutenant Karn with the Helping Hand Medal!
Commander Kanaka Shakura
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:36pm
For promoting a positive atmosphere and enduring the down times, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards this Helping Hand Medal to Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura, in recognition of their continued progression on the sim and assistance to their fellow players through activity and encouragement via Joint Posts, planning, and being an overall wonderful individual to work and write with.
Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 12:36pm
For promoting a positive atmosphere and enduring the down times, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards this Helping Hand Medal to Lieutenant Commander Phoebe Graydon, in recognition of their continued progression on the sim and assistance to their fellow players through activity and encouragement via Joint Posts, planning, and being an overall wonderful individual to work and write with.
Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Sunday October 6th, 2019 @ 3:43am
In recognition of their support to the CO, as is their duty, and going far beyond it, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards the helping hand medal to Lt. Commander Phoebe Graydon!
Commander Kanaka Shakura
Sunday October 6th, 2019 @ 3:43am
In recognition of their support to the CO, as is their duty, and going far beyond it, the CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards the helping hand medal to Lt. Commander Kanaka Shakura!
Commander Kanaka Shakura
Friday August 30th, 2019 @ 12:54am
For working with every new member and being an awesome tutor to not only them, but those in Command, the CO of the USS Poseidon recognizes these achievements and accomplishments by awarding the player behind Lt. Cmndr Shakura with the Helping Hand Medal. Thank you!
Commander Kanaka Shakura
Monday August 12th, 2019 @ 10:07pm
For assistance beyond the call of expected duty to your fellow players. Nice work!