Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen

Name Sydney Allen

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 21 Mission Posts
  • 3 Personal Logs

Last Post

Friday August 14th, 2020 @ 11:36pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 150 cm
Weight 50 kg
Hair Color Dirty Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Average Size
Scar on left leg from dog bite
Long dirty blonde hair


Spouse LTJG Mandy Allen (Starfleet)
Father Sir Finlay McCallum (Fostered Parent)
Mother Victoria McCallum (Fostered Parent)

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Up for a challenge

Ambitions To become a Star fleet captain and take on her own crew
Hobbies & Interests Mountain Biking

Personal History An orphan since birth, parents left me at the door of a police station. She has had to grow up quickly when she was darted around foster homes, as most of them were a fight or die situation. until she was adopted when she was ten by a certain Sir Finlay McCallum (Section 31 Operative). Ever since she was brought into the McCallum's home she was secretly getting trained mentally for Section 31.

Unbeknown to the crew, ((She was actually recruited by Starfleet Intelligence at the age of 16 as an Intelligence Agent by Rear-Admiral George Roddingham for her speciality of tracking, and capturing)). Whilst an agent she went under intensive training from a Section 31. Her instructor was a highly decorated Chief Petty Officer Sofia Schmitz who use to be Internal Affairs but was discovered and recruited by a certain Captain George Roddingham.

With all the training and experiences in Section 31 has taken a huge toll on her mentally and she has never had the chance of having friends.

The crew knows is that she was dragged from Starfleet Academy to gain experience as an ensign.

Sydney has only one known friend, Lt Freya CFCO which she met on the U.S.S Poseidon

Service Record U.S.S Poseidon

Ensign: 2390- 2393
Section 31 Operative

Lieutenant Junior Grade: 2393 - Present
Quartermaster / Undercover Intel Officer: Section 31

She has been stationed on the U.S.S Poseidon to investigate a possible spy/traitor on board, to which. Only 2 people are privy too (Rear Admiral George Roddingham and Sir Finlay McCallum). Her mission so far is to investigate and report back to Starfleet command and then to await further orders.