Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine

Name Canaan Jean Serine

Position Academic Teaching Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 32 Mission Posts
  • 3 Personal Logs

Last Post

Sunday December 4th, 2022 @ 5:50pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 190.5 cm
Weight 67.6 kg
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue-Green


Father Gregory Serine
Mother Matilida Serine (née Benoit)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Canaan is a pleasant, articulate, and compassionate person. He tends to be reserved and conscientious, preferring to listen before speaking. However, he expresses himself openly and confidently when discussing a topic of particular significance. Canaan is known for his generous behavior and socially relevant mannerisms. He values good manners highly and strives to avoid confrontation.
Strengths & Weaknesses Canaan possesses several strengths that make them a valuable asset in any situation. His calm and collected demeanor allows him to remain level-headed in even the most stressful circumstances. He possesses insight and introspection, which enables them to view situations from various angles and grasp complex issues. His kind and thoughtful nature also makes him empathetic and compassionate towards others. Canaan's idealism and a strong sense of purpose and vision motivate and inspire others.

However, Canaan also has some weaknesses to consider. His sarcasm and stubbornness can sometimes lead to insensitivity or an unwillingness to compromise, resulting in conflicts. Furthermore, his argumentative nature can make it difficult for him to collaborate and reach agreements.
Hobbies & Interests Canaan greatly appreciates the arts but particularly loves photography and watercolor painting. Also, he has a developing love for music. Additionally, he has a strong interest in literature and journals regularly. Canaan is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys various activities such as swimming, skiing (downhill and cross country), snowshoeing, camping (in all seasons), backpacking, kayaking, rock climbing, and hiking. While he enjoys these activities with others, he also appreciates the solitude they can provide. When he wants to relax, Canaan enjoys a quiet game of cribbage or solitaire. He also participates in a daily exercise program to stay in shape. Canaan values spending time with his friends and family and may have a drink or two during social or special occasions.

Personal History Canaan was born on Earth in 2358, the only child of Matilda Benoit (née) and Gregory Serine. His parents worked as veterinary pathologists and ecologists with the inland fisheries and wildlife department, and he was raised in the north woods of Maine, near the Moosehead Lake region.

From an early age, Canaan accompanied his parents on their expeditions and learned about nature in a practical, hands-on methodology. These excursions instilled in him a genuine fondness for exploration and discovery while teaching him to appreciate the natural order of things.

Although proficient in other subjects, Canaan excelled in the natural and environmental sciences and biology. His grades were of such high caliber that he was invited to attend college-level courses through the University of New England. During this time, he also applied and qualified to participate in the Starfleet Academy Preparatory School in Paris, France.

During his time in school, Canaan had to endure a rigorous schedule of academic coursework, drilling, practical education, and physical training, all of which helped him prepare for life at Starfleet Academy. Despite the school's demanding environment and exceedingly high expectations, Canaan thrived and respected the strict regimen imposed upon him.

After completing his time at prep school, Canaan progressed to Starfleet Academy.

After completing his academy education, Canaan was assigned to serve aboard the USS Ahwatukee for a five-year tour as a junior officer in the science division's biology department. During this time, he was involved in various experimental and research projects and several scientific expeditions that led to his co-authoring several papers.

One notable achievement during this assignment was when Canaan was chosen as a member of the first landing party to conduct the initial planetary survey of Arach-VI. His contribution to this mission resulted in a promotion and an invitation to lead a five-year expedition to the planet. Canaan accepted the assignment and was appointed team leader of the expedition.

In 2388, Canaan was part of a team of seven outstanding scientific minds from different fields of study. They were tasked to conduct a phase one scientific survey of Arach-VI, which responded to the initial planet-wide study by the Ahwatukee. This involved a comprehensive survey of the planet's natural ecosystem.

Arach-VI appeared to be a hospitable planet based on surface indications. Canaan enjoyed his experience as a team leader and mentor, delighting in cultivating the knowledge and understanding of other team members. Although there were moments of immense hardship, the five-year period was a pleasant experience, according to Starfleet.

After completing a five-year study, Starfleet Command reviewed the team's findings and approved phase two for future planet colonization. Several team members remained for the next stage, but Canaan requested an immediate reassignment.

In 2393, Canaan received the Starfleet Extended Tour Ribbon for his leadership during the Arach-VI expedition. He was then transferred to the USS Poseidon as the Chief Science Officer. The USS Poseidon was a training vessel for Starfleet Academy cadets. The crew consisted of senior cadets, recent graduates, and enlisted trainees. Canaan mentored three recently commissioned Ensigns and managed the Science Department. Despite Canaan's short time on the USS Poseidon, his high performance, scientific prowess, and valuable contributions to the crew led to his promotion to Lieutenant Commander by Commander Franklin Johnson.

Canaan developed a romantic relationship with Commodore Gregory Paladin while serving on the Poseidon. Gregory, the ship's former commanding officer and current mission advisor, shared a bond with Canaan due to their past experiences of deep trauma. Gregory had post-traumatic stress from his service during the Dominion War. In contrast, Canaan had unspoken horrors from their expedition on Arach-VI, which was supposed to be a utopian planet.

Their empathy for each other led to Canaan's psychological trauma resurfacing, causing him night terrors and anxiety attacks. Seeking help, Canaan approached Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Sakura, the Chief Counselor of the Poseidon, for treatment. Though their first session was challenging due to Canaan's reserved nature, they became friends, and Canaan felt comfortable confiding in her. After several sessions, Canaan began to open up about his experiences on the Arach-VI expedition when the Science Council suddenly recalled him to Starbase 11 without any explanation.
Service Record 2395: Assigned Academic Teaching Officer, USS Poseidon
2393: Assigned Expedition Leader, USS Cardinal
2393: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
2393: Assigned Chief Science Officer, USS Poseidon
2388: Assigned Expedition Leader, Arach-VI
2387: Promoted to Lieutenant
2386: Assigned Assistant Chief Science Officer, USS Ahwatukee
2383: Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
2380: Assigned Biologist, USS Ahwatukee
2380: Promoted to Ensign
2376: Admitted to Starfleet Academy
2374: Attended Starfleet Prepatory Academy
2358: Born