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A Determined Man Indeed - Part 1

Posted on Saturday December 9th, 2023 @ 3:01pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Stan More

2,476 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Tellor; USS Poseidon
Timeline: While docked on Tellar.
Tags: Training story arc: Tellor, Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development

‘ It is a wise father that knows his child ‘: William Shakespeare.

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[Planet Tellor: Main docking complex]

Commander T'Pri made her way to the main docking area to welcome the new cadets onboard. She waited patiently to greet her new charges. the future of Starfleet.

Ameri followed the small group of mixed young people toward the Poseidon docking area. He knew it was all for nothing, his exam scores had been very low. There was no way he had qualified as a Starfleet cadet. He knew that but as for his father, that was a different piece of pie. Ameri’s father wanted him to join Starfleet to the point of madness.

Stan was on duty at the airlock. He took the names of the Cadets and checked them against the list he had.

“ Ameri.” The young Tellorite said.

“ I’m sorry but you are not on the list,” Stan said.

The young Tellorite nodded without arguing. His father would soon cover that category. He made his way to a communication terminal and contacted home. Twenty minutes later his father was red-faced and with smoke coming out his snout. As he marched up to Stan with murder in his piggy-like eyes.

=/\= Moore to any senior staff I need help at the main airlock….code 3!=/\=

Kicil had just finished ensuring the auxiliary sick bay was up and running to perform the physicals on the oncoming cadets. She specifically instructed the medical staff to ensure instruments were set for Tellarites. She was just about to make her way down to greet the oncoming cadets when her combadge chirped:

=/\=Moore to any senior staff I need help at the main airlock….code 3!=/\=

She quickly grabbed a med kit and made her way to the airlock, fully aware of Tellarite attitudes, almost as bad as Klingons or Nausicaans.

The Captain was quick to round the corner, having been nearby and addressing a few cadets before he would have temporarily departed the Poseidon. He ran with purpose as he approached Kicil, just narrowingly avoiding brushing her shoulder as he came to a stop and she proceeded forward. He saw the situation and, quite understandably, was upset.

"What is going on here?!" he demanded, utilizing his authority as Captain. One hand quickly went to his phaser and put it on stun, but did not retrieve it.

The older Tellorite attempted and failed to make himself look taller. This added to his anger over his son not being allowed on the Cadet course. He moved towards the human with the Captain's pips on his collar.

“ I am Vanir of Tallor and I demand to speak to the one who is in charge of this human-only travesty of a Starship.” He said.

"Human only?!" came back Franklin, standing tall, despite the obvious dangers. "The USS Poseidon, sir, has several species of Federation and Non-Federation standard races on board, including Romulan, Cardassians, and Gorn. I do not believe, sir, your remarks are made in good faith."

“ But no Tellorites of course.” Vanir snorted

A momentary pause as he caught his anger, and then he slew his jaw and extended a hand.

"I am Captain Franklin Johnson, Commanding Officer of the USS Poseidon," he said, offering his introductions. "If you have a problem, maybe I can help."
T'Pri watched the exchange with curiosity.

Rachel was just leaving the lounge when the call came in, she tapped her Commbadge =/\= Williams here on my way =/\= she said and changed direction and headed to the main docking complex.

After a short time, Rachel arrives at the location "Lieutenant Moore, what is the issue?" She asked.

Kicil tried hard not to let her laughter out when the Tellarite made the statement of “human-only travesty of a starship”. A small snort exited her mouth. She remained near waiting to see if Tellarite, Vanir, was going to let his temper get the better of him, he was outnumbered after all; but as she thought earlier a Tellarites could be just as temperamental and dangerous as Klingons and Nausicaans when mad.

Like the others Trensu heard the call and went in that direction it took him a minute to get there with a few cadets in tow. Cadet Roho Louis walked behind Tresnu with some anticipation to see some action all he has been a part of is training. Trensu smiled and looked relaxed walking up He saw the Tellarite close to the Captain and looked a little disgruntled. Trensu was not having that.

Tresnu walked up beside the Captain. Trensu did not say anything evaluating what was going on but was ready to get involved if needed.

Captain Johnson gave a nod to Trensu as he maintained his position in front of the disgruntled Tellarite.

Kicil kept a steady eye on things. She looked at the cadets "Stay back and out of the way, that is an order. Also watch and learn." she said quietly to them.

"Okay Mr Moore, what is the Situation?" Williams asked again, the Lieutenant was first on the scene and she noticed the Lieutenant had their Med Kit at hand.

“ This gentleman seems to be rather angry, Sir,” Stan said

Kicil sidled up to Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams, in a whisper she remarked, "It would appear that there is an angry Tellarite not amused by something that Lieutenant More said or did. I would recommend standing by as Tellarite attitudes are almost as bad as Klingons or Nausicaans."

*Whispers back to Kicil* "Have you ever known a Terrerite not to be angry Lieutenant?" She asked with some grim humour.

Kicil quietly chuckled at that, "Touché, commander, touché.."

Trensu looked at the Tellarite He had a distinctive snout, his beard was well-kept, and his hands were sometimes hoof-like in appearance. The lower jaw possessed a pair of small tusks. Typical thought Trensu

Trensu knew Tellarites were known to be impatient people and were also known for their pridefulness. Tellarites tended strong emotions. Trensu also knew they enjoyed a good debate, and they even considered it a sport of sorts. Tellarites often began an interaction with a series of complaints. Like right now considered Trensu. This was how they started arguments with someone they had recently met. If they had nothing to complain about, they would simply insult the person.

"Mr. Vanir," said Trensu addressing the Tellarite. "Let me set some ground rules here. The one You are addressing is Captain Franklin, Commanding Officer of the ship. You will address him as such. Two, any hostility directed towards the Captain or the crew of this ship will be dealt with by me and my security officers. I am Lieutenant Commander Trensu Chief Security and Tactical. When you pass through the airlock door you are considered on the ship, not the station so think your words carefully." warned Trensu in a stern but polite tone.

“ I will speak to whoever I please in whatever way I feel appropriate. This Captain of yours has personally insulted my family and let me tell you now. On this planet, my family holds quite a sway publicly.” Vanir said pointing at Captain Johnson.

Franklin wanted to let his emotions out, how frustrated he was, but he remained calm - yet he still had a face of disapproval. He cleared his throat after the Tellarite pointed at him.

T'Pri studied the Captain, she could tell he was angered but he kept his emotions in check with an almost Vulcan-like control, it was as fascinating as it was impressive.

"Perhaps we're approaching this the wrong way," Franklin managed through clenched teeth, before calming somewhat and speaking normally. "Why don't you tell me the issues you have first so we can resolve this diplomatically? Otherwise, I will be unable to help you personally and have to refer you to Starfleet Command."

Kicil thought a moment, "Captain, may I suggest we take Mr Tallor to the main conference room and discuss, his complaints and issues there?"

"That is an excellent idea, Mr. Priadden," the Captain said, beaming with satisfaction at the help from his Chief Medical Officer. He then looked to the disgruntled Tellarite. "Sir, would you like to follow me on board? Perhaps we can discuss our issues there?"

Trensu turned to the Cadets " At a whisper said "As you can see everything is teamwork on a ship. you may express your thoughts but in the end, it is up to the officer in charge to make the decision. if we go to the conference room you will be door guards." stated Trensu.

Turning back around to the Captain Trensu knew already what the Captain might say. "Captain, I concur, and bring anyone else involved in this incident. Should I request Ambassador Destrek?" asked Trensu looking at Captain Franklin.

“ You off-worlders insult me with your ignorance of my people. I am not Mr. Tallor is not my name! We Tellorites go by one name. How would you like it if I called you Doctor of Cardassia? Or Captain of Earth. I am Vanir sole owner of Vanir Galactic Trading. I own three, three vessels and my services boost the Tellorite economy. My son has been prevented from joining your vessel. Why?” Vanir snorted.

oO Okay this guy is way angrier than any tellurite should be Oo she thought then spoke "Oh an angry father who wants to know why his Son was declined membership in Starfleet" Williams said oO so glad I am not in Command, I do not envy the Captain on this issues!" she thought to herself.

Kicil smiled sweetly at the Tellarite and replied just as sweetly “My deepest apologies for offending you, Mister Vanir. As for being called Doctor of Cardassia, I would be delighted to be called that. Now a truly insult, if that is what you are attempting, to a Cardassian is to call them a Cardie or Spoon Head. Now if I was trying to be insulting to you good sir, I would have called you a Pig-faced sow, that cannot even provide good insults.” She knew her comments would most likely provoke the Tellarite. She dug in even further, “So, you lard Butt of a pig if you wish to discuss why your son is not allowed on the ship as a Starfleet Cadet, I recommend you use your pea-sized brain and follow us to the conference room as offered, or security can just stun your lard Butt and allow Starfleet and the Federation Ambassadors settle the issue.” She hoped this would spur the Tellarite to come to terms and discuss the issue, instead of the usual arguments and insults they so loved to play.

T'Pri nodded to Kicil, it was the right tactic to use on a Tellarite.

The Captain, quite shocked by Kicil's lack of decorum, wanted to correct her. Unfortunately, he had to maintain his presence and tried not to let it show how surprised he was. He was prepared to follow the rest should events lead to an amicable solution. He hoped at least.

Nice ploy Priadden thought Trensu. He could not do that in some ways having to stay professional in his position. But Priadden was on to something dealing with this Tellarite. Trensu could read the expression on the captain's face not being too pleased with her choice of words. It was not a normal approach to this situation like this. It would look like being unprofessional under Star Fleet rules.

Trensu would just have to be calm and patient as long as it stayed words he would not have to get too involved. Trensu just purged his face of all emotion or even thought making it a plank slate so there was no way anyone would know what he would do.

Vanir looked at Priadden then bent his head back and began to laugh.

“ Ho ho ho. I like you Cardassian, which is unusual as I usually do not like your lot. At least Captain Johnson you have one member of your crew. Who knows her manners and proper etiquette? Lead the way young female lead the way.” Vanir said.

Kicil smiled and bowed, “It would be my pleasure.” She then turned and walked back into the ship, knowing she most likely had left the captain and others thunderstruck by what had just happened. She silently shook her head, the captain needed to brush up on Tellarites and their customs.

"Captain, may I join this party? T'Pri asked.

The Captain was indeed struck by the rudeness considered politeness, but instead of feeling jealous or any other negative way, felt rather proud of Kicil. He smiled as he formed the line behind her, more than happy to let the Cardassian lead the way. He would have to brush up on proper etiquette for Tellarites!

"Sure!" the Captain replied, gesturing for T'Pri to follow. "Apparently I'm not the best-suited diplomat here."

He smirked, gesturing toward Kicil. "They got the lead."

Kicil waited for Vanir to step up to her before leading the way, sure the others would follow. "Tell me Vanir, when did your son apply to Starfleet Academy? This will allow us to pull his record up more quickly."

Vanir rubbed a trotter on his chin.

“ Ameri put in his application last year. But for reasons his tutors would not explain to me. He did not sit his exam until last month. I investigated of course but as always with humans they were not polite as you my dear. Something about a mock exam not being scored highly enough.” He explained.

The Captain listened to the conversation as they moved forward, beginning to understand the critical pieces of information that led to their prior altercation.

Trensu and the cadets with him remain quiet. He had now a better idea of what was going on. Maybe be honest your son sucks. Is dumb as a pox of rocks thought Tresnu. but he would for now make sure no one started any physical confrontation.

Taking stock of the situation "Well it appears this is not an Engineering problem, if you will excuse me I will return to the ship's systems, it takes a lot to keep this old girl flying, so if you will excuse me gentles I will leave you to this" Williams said and left the area, it was a Command and Security issue and unless engineering was in danger she did not want to know so with a nod to all she left the assembled group.

The Captain nodded and waved at Williams as she departed. "Thanks for coming anyway, Chief!"



Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Stan More
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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