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Space Walks, Tight spaces, and Jefferies tubes, Oh My! Part 2

Posted on Saturday December 9th, 2023 @ 9:29pm by Lieutenant Drauc Kejail ie-Jia'anKahr & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord

1,054 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Various / Outer hull and Jefferies tubes
Timeline: The Grand Tour - Arrived at Tellar
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development


"Aye, sir," Kord replied as he turned toward the Cadets to prepare them for this serious part of the operation.

Kord and the others took the time to review together the regulations defining the safety requirements for SFRA 84349. With the direction of the Lieutenant, they then assigned themselves into the appropriate groups and went in one after the other to investigate and solve the problem as instructed step-by-step by the Assistant Chief. Reviewing the orders, they all then headed to the airlocks to begin preparations for the next part of their delicate mission to refurbish, repair, renew, and upgrade critical ships engineering systems.

Cadets Zylan, Abner, Arex, and Karmak all assisted one another on opening the blast panel to the EPS tap as they worked together safely and slowly. Cadets Sephiria, Kowalski, and Lieutenant Kord worked together on the finer and more delicate parts of the operation in proceeding into the well and removing the old EPS tap and replacing it with the experimental and approved Tellarite one. The entire operation took well over an hour of careful maneuvering and communication as the two teams worked in tandem past the dangerous explosive bolts, resetting them as required, and replacing them if necessary.

Once it was done, Kord and the Cadets jointly sighed in relief.

"We're done here," Kord said, satisfied. "EPS taps replaced with Tellarite ones. What's next?"

Drauc replied, "Have the connectors been properly secured and have the plasma conduit pipes been properly welded, no microfractures?" Drauc was more than confident that Lieutenant Kord had ensured it, but he was driving home a point to the cadets.

"We're looking now," Kord replied.

The Gorn went with the Cadets and helped pinpoint areas where the Tricorder could accurately see micro-fractures. He showed the Cadets the device, then pointed out possible stress failure areas, and casually helped them repair it with the micro-spanner. After twenty minutes or so, he gave the thumbs up to all.

"All good here, Chief," Kord reported.

Just then the commlink with both Ensign Donner and Lieutenant Whiteford opened

=/\=Lieutenant Drauc and Lieutenant Kord, be advised we are detecting two leaks coming from Jefferies tube 24.=/\= said Ensign Donnor, =/\=Correction we have a fire outbreak in the Jefferies Tube.=/\= coming from Lieutenant Whiteford, who was on the bridge. Suddenly there came the sound of the emergency alarms and the computer stating

=/\=Attention, Attention. Fire in Jefferies Tube 24, Fire in Jefferies Tube 24. Attention, Attention....=/\= repeated the warning alarm.

Drauc instantly pulled up a schematic on his wrist PaDD. "It would appear there are two leaking gases, an oxygen line and a silane line. Well cadets we will now have to enter and get the fires out. Then repair the lines." he said in the typical Vulcan calm voice.

The Cadets were in a mixture between panic and realization that death was near. Lazarus, on the other hand, was stoic and showed no concern.

"Alright Cadets, this is your first real emergency scenario," the Gorn said as he began to prepare his equipment. "I want you to pull up Engineering Safety Protocol 92A concerning Jefferies Tubes and Tight Space, review the section on fire prevention and control, and follow me as you review it."

Grumbling, the almost discontented Gorn led his Cadet flock out of the primary tubes leading to the EPS valves and made a turn into Tube 20, which lead directly to a connection point with 23. The klaxons were intense as was the atmosphere, with smoke billowing so intensely that the environmental systems had issues keeping up. Lazarus stopped a few meters away from the connection joint between tube 20 and 23, giving a chance for the cadets that followed to see the flickering and intense flames.

"Have you reviewed the procedures?" Lazarus asked, seriousness coating his tone.

The Cadets nodded.

"Alright, Cadets Sephiria and Kowalski, you're the two nearest to me. You're with me. We will proceed to the emergency fire panel and grab the equipment and work on the fire. Follow my lead."

Once they gave a nod, he turned to the other cadets behind.

"The rest of you will act as our backup according to section 2 of Protocol 92A. If something happens, you are our lifeline. Do not hesitate to call for emergency transporter," Lazarus ordered.

The rest of the Cadets nodded. Lazarus tapped the area on his space suit for communications.

=/\= Lt. Drauc, this is Lt. Kord, we are near the intersection of Jefferies Tubes 20 through 23. I visibly see fire and smoke. I also see a clear line of sight and path to the emergency fire panel. Cadets Kowalski and Sephiria are with me as we attempt to enact Protocol 92A. The rest will be backup. Will report when operation is over. =/\=

=/\=Drauc to Lieutenant Kord, understood.=/\= Drauc then taped his combadge =/\=Drauc to transporter, be advised to be on standby for emergency beam out of Cadets Sephiria and Kowalski, as well as Lieutenant Kord on my command. Beam directly to sickbay.=/\= He then began to monitor the situation and composing his report for senior staff, in particular and especially to Captain Johnson and Lieutenant Commander Williams.

"Let's go!" Lazarus motioned, and the Cadets dutifully followed.

The situation was growing dangerous. By the time Lazarus had opened the emergency panel and gathered the required equipment, the flames were intense. Lazarus handed out the extinguishers as they moved over, spraying the jet of foam onto the panels and stations where the flames were visible ... and slowly the flames began to ebb.

"Kowalski, grab the-" Lazarus started to say, and then a massive explosion erupted in the Jefferies tube.

Drauc instantly slapped his combadge =/\=Transporter room emergency site to site transport of Cadets Sephiria and Kowalski, as well as Lieutenant Kord to sickbay as previously discussed.=/\= He then switched channels =/\=Bridge immediate emergency blow out of outer hull panel 24 Alpha. Uncontrolled fire with explosion.=/\= He then brought up a schematic, ensuring the remaining cadets were out of immediate danger and hit his combadge =/\=Cadets Zylan, Manfedi, Arex, Karmak, and Abner. Immediately fall back and prepare for advancement with myself. Full protective suits for space work on.=/\= With those instructions provided he went to an emergency access panel and pulled out an environmental suit.



Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Drauc Kejail ie-Jia'anKahr
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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