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Space Walks, Tight spaces, and Jefferies tubes, Oh My! Part 1

Posted on Sunday December 3rd, 2023 @ 2:08am by Lieutenant Drauc Kejail ie-Jia'anKahr & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord

1,701 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Various / Outer hull and Jefferies tubes
Timeline: The Grand Tour
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development


Lieutenant Drauc read the report coming in from the Operations officer in charge of the Main Environmental Controls of the Poseidon. It would appear that the Electro-plasma distribution Network Tap for main environmental control had not been replaced during this latest overhaul. It seemed that Starfleet Engineering command wanted to try the new Tellarite design EPS Tap for the Poseidon main environmental control. It had arrived and was ready for placement. Looking at the duty roster he saw Lieutenant Kord was on duty. He tapped his combadge.

=/\=Lieutenant Drauc to Lieutenant Kord, please report to the engineering office. Choose two cadets from Damage Control, two cadets from structural and environmental, and three cadets from matter and energy systems to accompany you. Be prepared for a spacewalk and tight-fitting work.=/\=

Lazarus had just concluded his micro-fracture repairs when the call came in from Lieutenant Drauc concerning the possible spacewalk and repair. He grumbled, but replied in kind as he tapped his combadge.

=/\= This is Kord. I'm on the way. =/\=

Along the way he grabbed three cadets from the requested departments who, while not understanding the significance of their future predicament, were quite eager to follow the extremely tall lizard man who wanted their help! After grabbing a few duffle bags of supplies and equipment, they rounded a few corners and entered the turbolift twice before Lazarus and his entourage of wide-eyed eager cadets arrived to the Assistant Chief Engineering Officer.

"I've got the requested assistance with me, sir," reported Lazarus with a nod, the Cadets temporarily letting the gear touch the ground. "I just concluded a micro-fracture repair sequence when you called me. What's the issue here?"

Drauc looked up from the PaDD schematics he was reviewing and replied, "I would have expected no less from you Lieutenant Kord, you have an excellent record as an engineer." Drauc looked at the cadets that had accompanied the lieutenant with a stern gaze. "Today cadets you, with the assistance and guidance of Lieutenant Kord and myself will perform a very delicate task. This will be a graded task." With that statement Drauc hit a button on his PaDD and a three-dimensional display of the new Tellarite EPS Tap appeared. "Starfleet has tasked us with replacing the EPS Tap for main environmental control for a new Tellarite designed EPS Tap. Are there any questions?"

The cadets themselves, expecting something more simplier, gave Kord a gaze of confusion and earnest requests for silent assistance. Kord, instead, looked sternly down at them. He snorted, motioning his head to the Assistant Chief, before he himself shook his head at Drauc.

"No questions from me, but it appears your cadets were unprepared for this," he said in way of challenge. "Though I shall guide them as appropriate. Where do we start?"

Drauc remained impassive as he looked directly at the young cadets "I was led to believe you cadets are the best of Starfleet cadets, hence the privilege of being allowed to work on an active starship. If you are unprepared for this task, I will be forced to recommend to the captain you be sent to either the main campus or one of the auxiliary campuses." He stated in a calm, flat voice with no inflection.

"Now if we are quite done with your irrational fears we will proceed. We will first need to shut down and shunt all plasma energy from the main environmental control. The operations officers on duty will begin the process of rerouting the plasma energy, they will monitor the flow from the bridge and auxiliary environmental control. Once this is completed, we will enter the Jefferies tubes, in radiation protective gear, and manually close all the plasma ports, twelve in total, to the EPS Tap. That is the first stage. Any questions?"

Once the remark was made about their experience, the Cadets themselves found their gear. With the help of Lazarus, they sorted through their duffle bags quickly and found the appropriate instruments and gear. As the Assistant Chief talked, Lazarus helped the cadets pinpoint all the needed gear he referenced - and then some. Once Drauc had completed his mission brief, both the cadets and the Gorn stood and gave a nod of affirmation - he himself confirming that he also had his gear ready.

"We're ready," one of the cadets boldly said. The other two nodded along with them. When eyes were on him, Lazarus would nod that they were indeed ready.

Drauc nodded and pulled out nine cards that looked like identification cards. “These are Radiation dosage cards, you will wear them on your uniforms, just below your combadges, at all times during this task. When we have completed our task, we will report to sickbay so they may read the cards and treat us for radiation poisoning if so needed.” He then placed the Radiation badge under his combadge. Standing he turned in the small office and walked over to one of two lockers in the office and opened it. Pulling out a radiation suit he put it on. He expected the crew to follow his lead and not have to be told.

He hit his combadge =/\=Drauc to Ensign Donner and Lieutenant Whiteford, please initiate the rerouting of the Plasma flow from main environmental control. Alert and evacuate all personnel from the main environmental control room, and place level ten forcefields limiting access to Jefferies tube 24 all the way to the hull. Please set the warning system around the Jefferies tube 24 access points to radiation danger. =/\= He received immediate replies. Turning he looked at the crew assembled.

“Cadet Sephiria. you are a senior cadet and currently in Damage Control, correct?” The young female Trill stepped forward “Aye, Sir.” Drauc nodded, “You are the Chief Safety officer for this project, you will monitor the radiation levels, as well as the task as they are performed. You will lead the way into the Jefferies tube to the first plasma relay shunt. You will ensure it is safe to remove the panel and allow Cadet Kowalski, one of matter and energy systems specialist, to get in and close the plasma shunt and other gas valves. Once he has confirmed the valves are closed, Cadet Zylan, one of our structural and environmental specialist, will remove the node for the plasma conduit. This will be repeated twelve times. We will rotate the appropriate personnel for the task.” He looked to see if the Cadets were following what he said.

“Cadet Manfedi as the second Damage Control specialist you are tasked with bringing up the rear. You will drag the Jefferies tube fire hose and medical kit. You will also act as the backup safety officer. Now order of march is Cadet Sephiria, myself, Cadet Kowalski, Cadet Zylan. Then Cadet Arex; a matter and energy specialist, Cadet Abner; a structural and environmental specialist, Lieutenant Kord, Cadet Karmak; matter and energy systems, and Cadet Manfedi.” Are there any questions?

The cadets shook their head in unison, confirming they had no questions. Kord simply listened, giving a nod to his Assistant Chief that things were straight. Everyone placed the radiation badges where appropriate.

After waiting for the questions Drauc finished his discourse, “Cadets, we will be working in very tight and confining environment. There will be times one must crawl over another to complete a task. We will also be taking the necessary tools with us. It will be hot and dark in the tubes. Follow your training and ask questions of Lieutenant Kord or myself. Understood?” he asked. “Okay then let’s go.”

The procedure began as planned. While Kord didn't bring up the fact that their combadges already had built-in radiation detectors, he didn't argue the necessity for the backups. Something could interfere or get in the way of the combadge and the tried and true radiation-badges would work just as well, especially for something not requiring electrical wiring to function.

With the approval of entry from Cadet Sephiria, the others began their work as scheduled. Lieutenant Kord stood overwatch and standby as he observed the Cadets go about their functions. Cadet Kowalski entered after Sephiria gave the all-clear, closing the shunt valves and exiting quickly on the first location. Cadet Zylan preformed his duties as expected with no issues, leaving Kord to check behind the trio and confirm their call-outs before the replacement Tellarite EPS module was to be brought in. With Kord giving the thumbs up, Cadet Abner, Cadet Arex, and Cadet Karmak confirmed their stock of replacements before Cadet Abner was taked by Kord with going in for the first replacement.

Once all the Cadets were safely out and Kord entered for a final check, he emerged and gave the thumbs up. "We're good here on the first EPS module replacement," he confirmed, a tad bit of happiness in his voice at how well it went.

Drauc nodded at what Lieutenant Kord had said. “Very well, now on to the next step. We will head to the airlock and open the blast panel for the main EPS Tap. We will proceed into the well and clamp cut the valves leading into it. Once that is accomplished we will then remove the main EPS Tap out and replace it with the new. This will be the most dangerous of task as we will be having to deal with the Rossium-K explosives used on the emergency disconnect explosive bolts, be sure to follow SFRA 84349. Finally we need to weld the piping back into place, ensuring no micro fissures. We exit and have the have to go back and reopen all the manually closed valves, leaving a small team on the hull to shut the blast panel once Ops and Engineering redirect the plasma flow back to the main EPS Tap.”

He felt he did not need to tell them that should they make a critical mistake at this point there would be the serious consequences of an explosion of Plasma within the ship.

"Aye, sir," Kord replied as he turned toward the Cadets to prepare them for this serious part of the operation.



Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Drauc Kejail ie-Jia'anKahr
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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