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Meeting of the Minds

Posted on Friday October 20th, 2023 @ 12:29am by Ambassador Eiban Destrek & Captain Franklin Johnson

1,719 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: After Departure from Earth Spacedock
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Introduction


The time had come for Ambassador Eiban Destrek to see Captain Franklin Johnson Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Poseidon. Eiban was not normally nervous about these things or even bothered by them but for some reason Eiban was. He looked over his clothing making sure it was straight and neet he looked at himself in the mirror one more time. Eiban was now satisfied with his appearance. Eiban turned and walked over to the table where a box sat he opened it to inspect the gift he had for Captain Johnson an ornate wooden box a bottle of Romulan Ale and two glasses all custom made not just made in a replicator. A rare Romulan plant that he had gotten for the Captain and that was no easy feat and owed someone big time for that one.

Eiban was happy to be on the ship being stuck on a space station was always so boring. Trying to find a ride sometimes for Eiban was not easy either normally it took command to order a ship to take Eiban somewhere. Some Captains would Resent that or thought that it was a waste of their time to do it. They never complained to Eiban directly. or even hint at it but the crew always seems to tell or show the true feelings.

Knowing being part of a crew was always better and more interesting. Sure Ambassador Destrek could probably have his pick of assignments and live a plush life. But that was not the Ambassador's way of living. Making sure he had everything he walked out of his quarters to the turbolift after a short ride he arrived at the bridge on Eiban and gave a nod to the bridge crew on shift. Most gave the greeting of the day and went back to their work.

Eiban walked straight to the Captain's ready room and Pushed the door chime to let it go off Eiban waited for Captain Johnson to give permission for him to enter.

Today had been an underwhelming day for the Captain. Franklin had found that during his down-times, he had taken short naps to restore his awareness. So busy was he usually with academic reports and issues with cadets that he typically stayed almost entirely in his Ready Room. So it was during their departure from Earth Spacedock that he had quietly tried to find a way to ease the pain. That easing was naps.

Awoken by the chime from the door, the Captain straightened his uniform and approached the door. He manually opened it, seeing the Ambassador and very quickly helping handle his belongings. "Come on in!" he encouraged as he assisted the older Officer, setting what he brought down on his readyroom table.

placing the box and plant on the table Ambassador Destrek opened the box to show the Captain his gift to him.

He sighed briefly, turning around to take the Ambassador in and notice who he was. He had seen Ambassador Destrek just on the bridge a few days ago. He gave a smile.

"It is very nice we could finally meet," the Captain said happily. "I apologize, things have been hectic around here. So, I see you brought some-" Franklin quickly glanced at what he just set down "-really fine Romulan ale and a plant I cannot identify readily. My my! To what pleasure do I owe such great items in my ready room?"

"A gift for you Captain for the rudeness of not coming sooner to meet with you. Call it my apology for not seeking out first on my arrival," explained Ambassador Destrek as he sat at the table. "I had heard you like Romulan Ale and and plants. This is my last bottle of the good stuff I need to wait before I can get more. I don't need to have Federation security entanglements. If you know what I mean Captain," stated Ambassador Destrek.

"The plant is a Romulan red flower like an orchid I hear it is hard to take care of but I also got this for you before we left the Earth Space Dock and that was no easy feat either. I do hope you enjoy them both, Captain," said Ambassador Destrek in a respectful tone.

"Oddly enough, we did have a Romulan Chief Medical Officer some time ago," the Captain explained as he sat across from the Ambassador at his small table in the Ready Room. "T'vek was his name, and he was an excellent officer. Had some other business to attend to however and he left the ship at Earth Spacedock. I was prescribed some fine and excellent Romulan cuisine: Virinatian Nut Tea with a Reman Slate Cracker. I eat it quite often and have in fact expanded my tastes to other dishes, and oddly enough have enjoyed some Romulan Ale a time or two as well."

Getting up, Franklin grabbed the Ale that the Ambassador brought and placed it on the table along with the two separate glasses. He placed one for his end and the other for the Ambassadors. He also placed the Romulan Red Flower at the center of the table, to establish the friendliness of the meeting. Pouring each glass equally, he set the Ale beside the flower and sat back down. He raised his glass for a toast.

"To fine friends and colleagues, and whatever the future may hold," he said, offering his toast as he extended his glass towards the Ambassador.

Eiban raised his glass as well to the Captain "To friends and the future" Eiban took a drink at the same time "Eiban let out a breath of air. "up that's good." he said a little horse. clearing his throat Eiban smiled "I know having me can be a pain and we both have our jobs. but you can think of me as one of your officers. I will support you, the crew, and this ship in any way I can." commented Eiban. "Also when we are not around the general crew you can call me Eiban if you would like," said Eiban. "A Romulan on board that was probably something to see," said Eiban.

Once the glasses tapped gently, Franklin downed his quickly. He also had a hoarse voice when he managed to speak after a slight cough.

"Oh I'm quite fine with Romulans," the Captain said, voice growing from hoarse to clear over the time he talked. "I appreciate your support and consideration, Mr. Eiban. Like I said, we had a Romulan before, and he was quite the show. I'm only grateful that my ship is graced again by your people. It's a clear show of solidarity and comradare when we serve together. Bridging age-olded gaps, forming new futures. Solidarity."

Franklin poured another glass for them, distributing it equally. He picked his up again, this time gently sipping.

"Thank you, Captain," said Eiban for the drink. Eiban to was sipping the Romulan ale. "I know so many Captains that would shoot first then ask questions when dealing with Romulans or Klingons. There have been a few times I had to put my foot down with a Captain. That is something I always hate to do. Especially in front of a bridge crew. I hope I never have to do that again." explained Eiban trying to gauge this Captain. The Captain's record was excellent. Eiban probably would not be here if it was not. his first impressions were good with this captain. Eiban sensed he was honest about everything so far. An open book as some would say.

"Yeah, well," Franklin replied after sipping some more of the Ale, "I'm used to dealing with politicians, no offense. I've got a Commodore on board who started as this ship's very Captain. He went off to the Academy, got promoted for his own division, and for a time all but took over my ship from under me. We had a fight of our own, in a sense. I've even argued with Starfleet a time or two but thankfully they eventually took my side. Our greatest compromise over everything the Commodore had planned was to finally cement the Poseidon as a training vessel."

Franklin said, staring off at the wall as he remembered the backroom and hidden talks. He sipped a bit more heavily then. His voice was somewhat hoarse, but otherwise, after clearing his throat it was fine.

"The Poseidon is old, Ambassador," Franklin continued as he looked back to Eiban. "She's a veteran of the Dominion war and was around when Admiral Kirk was. She has done, seen, and experienced some real situations - but also helped insurmountably. You already know this, probably, but in 2387 she was reactivated briefly under Captain Henry T. Paladin to help with refugees of Romulus. This very ship held your people on multiple trips from danger to safety. This ship, by design, is a friend of Romulus and the Romulan people. As such, I am too. I'll be damned to go against such prestigious history."

"Good to hear Captain," replied Eiban sipping his drink too. "Lieutenant Commander Trensu had told me that and something about what you just said. Sometimes I wonder if he was not there when the Commodore Paladin Took command as a Captain back in the day. Lieutenant Commander Trensu does talk about the Romulus refugees and how the federation was trying to get every available ship to help. But to my knowledge, this is his first time on this ship as well as mine." explained Eiban. "I am glad to have you and Commodore Paladin on the ship it is an honor to serve with you both," added Eiban still sipping his drink.

Franklin nodded, then downed the rest of his drink. He smiled afterward, a bit flushed - if not tipsy.

"You are most welcome," he said. "I am honored to have you with us. Perhaps another glass for us both then?"

"Sure one more. if I do any more I might not get anything done today" commented Eiban with a slight smile. "Captian thank you for your time. If there is anything I can do for you or the crew just ask," expressed Eiban with sincerity.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Ambassador Eiban Destrek
Federation Diplomatic Officer
USS Poseidon


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