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Reporting back to duty

Posted on Monday October 23rd, 2023 @ 8:02am by Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden

1,488 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Sickbay, CMO's office

Lieutenant Kicil Priadden sat in the shuttle, still in the traditional grieving robes of Vulcan. She had just left her adoptive mother's funeral on Vulcan and was on her way back to the USS Poseidon. She was reviewing her PaDD, as she was behind on her paperwork, first due to treatment from radiation poisoning, she received while on leave. To having to rush to Vulcan to attend he adoptive mother's funeral. Now she was approaching the Poseidon, with its fresh new complement of cadets, eager to prove themselves. Her first act would report to sickbay and see the CMO Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol, she was curious how the doctor would react to having a Cardassian as one of her physician's.
"Ma'am, etek nam-tor fi' betaya tor wuh USS Poseidon, sanoi dator tor ha-zehl abru'. " Stated her Vulcan Pilot in Vulcan. Kicil smiled and replied in Vulcan "Nemaiyo. U' tsuri ish-veh piloting renkup'es hafau superb heh unmatched." She gathered her small kit bag and stepped onto the Vulcan Warp shuttles transporter pad "Nash-veh pok tor ha-zehl abru'" she stated. The Vulcan female contacted the USS Poseidon =^=USS Poseidon, this is the Vulcan warp shuttle T'plenvan one passenger to beam over. Authorization codes being transmitted. =^=
The Vulcan pilot sent the authorization. =^=Vulcan shuttle T'plenvan autorization codes received, permission to beam over your passenger. =^= With that the young female Vulcan turned and looked at Kicil, in Vulcan "Tushah nash-veh k'odu, Kicil Priadden. Dif-tor heh smusma." Kicil smiled sadly "Dif-tor heh smusma." she replied in Vulcan; and with that she disolved into a swirl of golden blue sparkles.
Kicil immediately rematerialized on the USS Poseidon, without looking at the transporter technician she made her way to sickbay. She was overdue for her follow up from treatment of radiation poisoning and she was anxious to get back to work. Making her way to a turbolift she entered and barked out sickbay. The lift took off and she soon arrived on the deck where sickbay was. She made her way into sickbay and headed toward the CMO's office, ignoring the medical staff, fully aware they could not see who was under the hood of her Vulcan grieving robes. She pushed the chime and waited.

Ysa looked up from her work and looked into the face of her ACMO. She smiled and stood extending her hand. Lieutenant, nice to have you home. How are you feeling after your journey? Please sit down, can I get you anything?”

Kicil smiled and drew back the hood of her grieving robes and took a seat. "Cardassian Red leaf tea please. I am, I believe an old Terran song used said "Comfortably Numb". Still trying to absorb the news of my mother's passing. After you clear me for duty, I believe I will need to see the ship's counselor to better reemerge my feelings post Vulcan Mind Melding with a grieved one. I am however ready to return to duty and get to teaching the cadets a lesson or two. Plus, I have an idea or two for a research paper."

Ysa smiled and walked to the replicator. “Cardassian red leaf tea.” There was silence for a minute whilst the beverage was produced. She picked it up and handed it to Kicil. She sat with her own tea and crossed her legs. “Is ‘comfortably numb’ a good diagnosis to have in order to return to duty?

Kicil took the proffered tea and took a sip before answering. "I am unsure how much you know of me or my upbringing. Trust me when I say 'comfortably numb' is me being well enough to resume my duties. I am just adjusting from...a complex ritual of grieving." Kicil took another sip of her tea, looking her new boss over. She knew a little of the CMO's career in Starfleet and wondered how she felt about working with a Cardassian. "So, Commander will I be able to return to duties if I pass my physical and promise to see the ship's counselor for grief therapy?"

Ysa sipped her tea once again. “Please, if you feel you can call me Ysabeau…..I wanted to offer you my sincere condolences on the loss of your mother…..” Ysa paused and then continued. “I have studied your files, and you appear to be a strong woman well versed in your art. If you feel ready to re-engage I am more than happy to have you back on staff. As a Cardassian and Vulcan your bridging of the two cultures give you an added insight into the problems that our crew might feel being members of blended races.” She stood ordered herself another tea. “Is there anything you would like to ask me?”

Kicil sat back in her chair and took another sip of her tea, using it as an excuse to gather her thoughts. "Well, there is the question of what shift I will be taking. How many of our Cadets will I be training. In other words, the usual minutia of a Starship sickbay. Then there is the question of are you comfortable with a Cardassian medical officer. Yes, I was raised by Vulcans and trained in Vulcan medicine and Vulcan ways, but I am not a follower of the way of the school of Surak; my adoptive parents felt I should learn both Vulcan ways and Cardassian ways and find my own path in life. With that said I am intrigued by the modal you created for trauma care; will we be applying it on the Poseidon?"

Ysa laughed, “yes there is always a lot of sickbay minutiae but before we get into that the most important thing is you,” Ysa picked up her PaDD detailing Kicil’s medical history. “I don’t have an update on your radiation exposure, what happened?”

Kicil again took a sip of her tea and thought back on what happened on Risa. Some of it was clear as day, the rest was a black void. "As you know the Poseidon pulled into port for shore leave on Risa. I had a room on one of the resorts at Temtibi Lagoon and Hot Springs on Risa. Lieutenant Miles O'Connell bumped into me on the beach. The two of us decided to visit the Hot Springs around Temtibi Lagoon. During our trek we came upon a pool that had an unusual looking gemstone in the middle of it. The stone had light green outer edge that slowly faded into a yellow, then violet, red, and then deep blue. It was shaped into a star like rose pattern, and pulsed. As we began to examine the strange gemstone; an Orion male and a Ferengi female showed up and shot us with an Orion Disruptor Pistol. We were lucky it was set to the highest stun setting and they did not kill us. When we came to Lieutenant O'Connell was able to repair the medical tricorder I had and I discovered we both had ARS, acute radiation syndrome. I really do not recall much after that, other than the gemstone seemed to be a "living" entity of some type. Next thing I remember was waking up on the USS Rebecca Lee Crumpler, on my way to Vulcan, and being treated for ARS. I am sure Lieutenant Miles O'Connell could fill you in on the rest of what happened."

Ysa nodded, stood and walked out of the office. She picked up her medical tricorder and returned. “Computer shade windows” she ordered as they immediately became opaque. She smiled, “I like privacy.” She began to scan Kicil. “The damage to your systems was quite extensive and, if you were human you might not have survived. However, the treatments are working well. Are you having any symptoms, nausea, bleeding or dizziness?”

Kicil looked at Lieutenant Commander Saint-Pol and replied "The doctors on the Crumpler are some of the best, especially in radiation poisoning treatment. I feel well physically, mentally I am still adjusting to my adoptive mother's death." She sat in a rigid position and remained perfectly still to allow Doctor Saint-Pol to perform her exam. Still her curiosity got the better of her "How is Lieutenant Miles O'Connell? I have yet to have a chance to contact him or any of the other crew."

Ysa smiled, “the last time I saw him he was fine. I need to tell you he has left the ship to pursue another life. I am not sure he is contactable any more.” Ysa finished her exam. “There your markers are returning to normal and there is no problem with you returning to work. However I want you to rest as much as you can.” She sighed. I hope we can work well together and become friends. Welcome back Doctor Priadden.”

Lieutenant Kicil Priadden
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon.


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