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A Brief Encounter during Lunch

Posted on Friday August 16th, 2019 @ 2:27am by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen

1,070 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: USS Poseidon; Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, Bridge
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Pre-Departure; Pre-Officer's Meeting

The Captain's Ready Room was adjacent and next to the Bridge's Foyer. It was fashioned in a loose rectangle, with one odd corner nearest to the Captain's desk and an inlet where a holographic display case was. It was not entirely a large room, but it was comfortable, especially for meetings.

Typically upon entering, one would be able to look left and see a personal communications panel, of the use for the Captain in his or her own private affairs. To to the left of that comm panel and along the far wall would be the holographic display case, fitted with memorabilia of various kinds; in the case of Franklin Johnson, it displayed a holographic model of the Norway-class U.S.S. Tennessee with extreme detail, a memory of a time served on board that ship. To the left of that and along the same wall would be the viewer, a unique panel that would display either what the bridge's viewscreen is showing or any number of perspectives across the numerous ships viewing sensors along the hull.

In the case of the present image on the viewer, it showed a landscape of Franklin's home-state of Iowa within the old United States, an active display that almost felt like a live feed of a good winters day with flying fowl, deer, and various other wildlife in patches of forests and vast fields of corn. On the wall next to the viewer was a cabinet for the Captain, containing whatever personal effects befitting him in that situation. Finally, following an angled wall, the Captain's Desk was situated; the desk against the wall where the entrance door was, three seats in total - one behind the desk, two in front, and a small computer along the L-shaped desk nearest to the wall.

Here, at the Captain's Desk, sat Franklin Johnson, Commander of the USS Poseidon and recently boarded to her as she sat in drydock. He was enjoying a replicated meal of steak, mashed potatoes, and fries that originated from the foyer. His drink of choice was sweet tea. Quietly he ate, only the soft clinging of utensils, him enjoying the moment with his first meal aboard his new command when his door chimed. Softly, he sat down his utensils, gazing up at the door as he swallowed his prior intake of food.

"Come," he said through a mostly empty mouth, though he continued to chew. He brought his sweet tea glass up to his lips to take a hearty drink.

Standing in the doorway was Ensign Sydney Allen in her Starfleet uniform with a determined look on her face, like she was about to tell the Commander something important. "Sir, I have something to inform you about that is to with security on this ship."

The Commander instantly perked up. He pushed his plate to the side, swallowing and taking a drink to clear his throat. "Of course Ensign," Franklin replied, observing her pips. "Are you sure this couldn't have been relayed to security, however?"

As Sydney approached the Commander's desk, "Sir, I am not who you think I am. My name is Sydney Allen but I am not a new ensign just out of Starfleet Academy. I am apart of Starfleet Intelligence which my mission is to find a spy on this exact ship, this mission has been classed at top secret from the Admiralty. I have only been given permission to give you this briefing. so listen closely." Sydney moved in closer to tell the Commander.

For his part - and credit - Franklin kept his smirk from appearing. Was this some kind of crew initiation joke? Something from the Academy? They did play these jokes sometimes on the Tennessee, so perhaps he should let it play out. A small nod and the Commander sat back in his chair, gesturing with a hand to continue.

"Sir, All I know is that there is a traitor on this ship and I am to investigate and report back to Starfleet for further orders. If you do not believe this then I encourage you to call Rear Admiral Roddingham of Starfleet Intelligence." Sydney took a step back and sat on the seat opposite the Commander.

Franklin raised an eyebrow, "Is that so?" It was then that his smirk appeared, "Alright, you can cut the hazing. Who put you up to this?"

Sydney just sat silent for a couple of seconds to gather what had just happened.

"Sir," she began, "If you don't believe me then I am to give you this message from the admiral himself-" then leaned in and continued "-'The sky is blue today with a hint of pink'. Do you now believe me now, Commander?" Sydney smirked.

All at once the Commanders face fell. The gentle rocking motion he had started to do when she began to speak, almost as if anticipating the joke, stopped as well. He leaned forward, resting hands as they were clasped together on the surface of his desk. His expression serious now.

"Is Commodore Paladin aware of the significance of this situation?" He asked.

Sydney leaned in, "Only four other people are aware of this situation. You and Commodore have been brief on as much as I am allowed to tell you. I have also been instructed to ask you that I am given my full rank on this ship of Lieutenant Junior Grade."

"Granted," Franklin nodded. "You had me fooled, Ms. Sydney. I assumed you were our first trainee. I am somewhat mixed in opinion to find out that is incorrect."

Sydney Smiled, "As everyone on this ship, I am just following orders. You need to take it up with the Admiral, not me. You probably know not to treat me any different from the rest of the crew and I am also requesting that I am kept as the quartermaster as it gives me access to the whole ship. I need to be getting going sir unless you have any other questions?"

Franklin shook his head with a sigh, "None, Lieutenant. Carry on. I'll notify you when needed."

He watched her leave, then, slowly, gradually, got the nerve to eat again. The happy moment was now more somber, his thoughts on dire deeds; traitors, saboteurs, terrorists. All on the ship he was supposed to train others on. His next sip of sweet tea, he found, was not so sweet.


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine on Saturday August 17th, 2019 @ 5:19am

This is an intriguing moment!! What a way to start a mission; excitement, new beginnings, and the prospect of a spy.