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A Cadet and their Duty

Posted on Friday August 16th, 2019 @ 5:31am by Captain Franklin Johnson & Ensign Erica Hartmann

1,037 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: USS Poseidon; Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, Bridge
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Pre-Departure; Pre-Officer's Meeting

Finding himself in the Captain's Ready Room again, Franklin enjoyed the time to himself. Earlier in the day he had his discussion with Ensign - now Lieutenant, Junior Grade - Sydney Allen. He had spent the remainder of that day justifying the claims and speaking with Admiralty; it all all checked out. He had hoped beyond hope that it wouldn't, but alas, life had to add a flair of negativity on an otherwise auspicious occasion.

Having finished his lunch much earlier, the Commander Franklin Johnson eased himself back into his seat and changed the perspective on his personal viewer to that of the drydock outside. Starbase 99 looked beautiful from within, much more so with the passing ships that were occasionally seen, and from outside the docking doors each glimpse of space. Soon, Franklin promised himself. Soon we'll be out there, but in the meantime...

He brought up his pad, reading over the personnel file of a new cadet on the ship. It had seemed that after the reveal of Syndey's real purpose on the Poseidon, Starfleet had concluded that for either for the benefit of the cover or the actual purpose of the ship, new Cadets had to be sent over. Two had made the journey so far. One of them was Cadet Freshman Grade Erica Hartmann, who was as of this moment the senior most medical personnel on board. This would have to be situated appropriately.

Finishing his review, he pressed the comm button on the computer panel on his desk.

# /\ # Cadet Hartmann to the Bridge, please come to the Captain's Ready Room at your earliest convenience. Commander Johnson, out. # /\ #

Erica jumped slightly at the comm call. The very pale green Human/Orion hybrid looked around the empty medical bay before sighing.

She made her way up towards the ready room. She hoped that she wasn't in any trouble. Reluctantly she reached out and rang the chime, slightly nervous.

"Come," Franklin invited. He watched the Cadet enter, then offered the seat.

"Cadet Hartmann! I apologize profusely for the nature of this call, I assure you that you have thus far done an acceptable job with your studies. I do, however, need to speak to you concerning a few things. Are you available or in the midst of any Academy work?"

'Ah crap' Erica thought to herself. "This is my first cadet cruise sir," she said. "I'll be completing my classes and assignments remotely while learning on the ship," she explained. 'Does he know why I'm stuck here? Does he see that I'm also part Orion and that doesn't bode well with guys...' she thought to herself.

"Please, sit," Franklin insisted. "I'm very happy to hear the academy is working closely with you. We hope the Poseidon to be paramount in a new work-study environment there. You are critical to that role, so I am extremely pleased to hear of your progress. Meanwhile, however, we have the issue of your position. It appears you are the highest ranking personnel in medical, correct? Not enlisted but simply a cadet?"

Erica nodded. "Just a first year, Commander. I've been waiting for a medical officer who will also act as a mentor to come aboard," she explained. 'Wait... does he want me to be this ships only medical personnel? I can't do that! Im only on my first year of training...' she thought to herself again.

"And wait we both shall," Franklin remarked with a smile. He nodded to her, "however, due to the shortage of qualified enlisted officers, and the fact you're not enlisted at the moment, I have determined the appropriate course of action is to promote you to Ensign, effective immediately. This will grant you the privileges of a junior officer - perhaps the luxuries therein also - and assist with your resume on board my ship."

He gave a moment for the words to sink in, then added, "is there anything you have to say in regards to this decision?"

Erica stared at him and blinked a few times. "You're fuc..." she stopped. "Are you sure, sir? I've only had basic training... not that I'm complaining... but... ah shut up Erica!" She said confused slightly.

Franklin nodded, "This will be your first official step into duty on board my ship. You'll need to shape up a bit-" he referenced her outburst specifically "-but we all make mistakes. I'll give you a lot of leeway to adjust, I know this is sudden, but we need a dependable Medical Officer as soon as possible, until we get assigned a Chief Medical Officer. Do you think you're up for that responsibility, Ensign?"

Erica still stared at him blankly. "I... guess so... I'm just worried that I'll screw up." She lowered her voice to almost a whisper "or someone" she muttered " know by accident" she added trying to pull a cute innocent smile. She straightened up. "I. Will. Try." She said.

Franklin stood, a smile playing his expression. Within his hand he revealed, as he moved around his desk to approach her, an Ensign pip. He took her Cadet pip from her collar, gently putting the Ensign on, then patted her shoulder and extended a hand to shake.

"Congratulations, Ensign Hartmann. My office is always open to you should you need assistance. Take your time, there are other cadets, and as of this moment, you're seniority to them in Medical. Take advantage of that, but also don't let go to your head. I'll be checking up on you constantly, alright?"

"Yes... sir" she said. She wasn't quite sure how this was all going to work. "Thank you, sir," she added with a genuine smile.

"Very good, I'll check up on you later," Franklin said, smile staying. "Dismissed."

He watched her depart with a nod, returning to his desk as he fumbled her old Cadet's pips in his open palm. Sitting, he gazed at it. He wondered briefly if he had rushed her too much. Then again, learning sometimes takes a faster route, though equally not as easy. He made a verbal note to his PADD to check on the new Ensign later, the went back to reviewing ship manifests.


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