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Introductions with the Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Posted on Thursday August 15th, 2019 @ 7:33pm by Commodore Gregory Paladin & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas

1,149 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: USS Poseidon; Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, Bridge
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Drydock

The Commander and Commodore were well in the midst of their discussion. Behind the Captain's Desk, Franklin was leaned forward with elbows on the wood fabricated surface with eyes and ears directly attending to every word from the Commodore's mouth. Gregory was on the other side, on the seat farthest from the entrance, engaged with the Commander as they discussed the upcoming Senior Officers meeting and the plans for their first trial run. It was, to say the least, a very vibrating and exciting atmosphere present.

The door chimed and, both heads turning towards the entrance, Franklin let loose, "Come!" to offer permission to enter.

"Ah, Lieutenant! Just who I was eager to see!" Franklin said after the Lieutenant was to enter. Gregory gave the subordinate officer a nod. "Please, sit," gestured Franklin to the empty seat. "We have much to discuss."

Hibiki was a little confused at why the Captian had summoned her. Her antenna twitched slightly as she walked in as if sensing something in the air. "You wished to see me Captain?" she asked simply.

The two senior officers glanced at each other. They had forgotten she was an Andorian. There might of been some lapse of courtesy undertaken, accidently of course. Franklin gave a nod to Gregory to approve his intervention. The Commodore stood, gesturing towards the seat to the side of his.

"Please sit, Lieutenant," he requested with a smile.

Hibiki moved over to the chair and sat down. She made sure her skirt was nice and flat and not too revealing. She of course preferred skirts to trousers. She looked at them both in turn, wondering why she had been summoned.

Both men politely nodded to her, Gregory gesturing to Franklin this time. The Commander began.

"We actually both wanted to see you," Franklin started, "because we saw your record that you served on the U.S.S. Arizona and Scarlett. Those are some prestigious ships for their positions in the fleet. Why in the world would you want to come to the Poseidon?"

Hibiki pondered for a few seconds. "I wanted something different. Those are both ships which are comfortable, easy to serve on and classed as 'safe' when it comes to assignments" Hibiki explained. "As much as I value my life, and the life I wish to one day carry myself, I do not want to become lazy or complacent" she told them both. She took a deep breath. "Andorians by nature are warriors Commander, Commodore. I intend to serve on the front lines until I am unable to do so. This is why I chose the Poseidon over other ships such as the Enterprise" she told them both. It was true that she had been given the option to serve on the Enterprise but chose the Poseidon over her.

There was a brief flicker of confusion between the two Senior Officers, both glancing back when Gregory spoke.

"With all due respect, Lieutenant, and while I respect your decision to be here," he cleared his throat, then Franklin finished for him.

"You do realize this is a training ship, right, Lieutenant?"

Hibiki nodded. "I am fully aware" she replied simply. She knew that there was plenty to do on the ship itself. "However, I remember being a cadet, they make mistakes, they can be reckless and they can cause their own dangers" she explained to them both. "I discussed this with my husbands and wife. We believe that this is a good place for me to start especially considering..." she paused.

"Considering that when the four of us do successfully conceive, I will be the carrier of the child and main raising parents" Hibiki explained. She didn't expect Humans to understand how a four sex species worked and family structures were often complicated.

The two men in the room didn't seem to flinch, or register the slightly off-putting moment. They simply nodded, Gregory taking her in as he sat back and Franklin judging her as he leaned forward.

"While I value family and there will certainly be time for that for you, Lieutenant, I must ask what you plan to do in your position." Franklin eyed her as he spoke, continuing. "You will practically be one of our Senior Officers, that in itself is a load of responsibility. Will you be able to make hard decisions? Can you take the life of someone if you need to?"

It was a very out of bounds question, but one that Gregory seemed to understand. As the Commander spoke, Gregory had only briefly glanced over. He saw where this was going.

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe that I could do it" Hibiki answered simply. "I wish to gain as much experience as I possibly can"

Again the two looked at each other. Gregory inclined his head, as if saying silently, "See?". No words were exchanged, but it was clear that Franklin was the man to doubt. He sighed as he closed his eyes, then opened them again. He stared at the Lieutenant briefly, a distant expression, then one presently warm and friendly as he reached across to extend his hand for a shake.

"Welcome aboard Lieutenant," Franklin said with a smile, "you're exactly who we were looking for."

Hibiki raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Thank you sir. Exactly what are you referring to?" she asked as far as she knew she had already received her assignment.

His hand unshaken, Franklin withdrew it and sighed a bit. "Nevermind, just a formality. Maintain your orders." He seemed to adjust himself in the chair awkwardly, then smiled back to her.

"So, Lieutenant, is there anything you need assistance with on the Poseidon?"

"I see..." Hibiki said slightly confused. She held out her hand to him. "Thank you Captain. I'm sorry, I am still adjusting to Human traditions" she added with a small smile.

Franklin smiled, extending and shaking the hand carefully. "Not a problem, Lieutenant."

Hibiki nodded. His hand felt warm like most Humans. She released his hand softly. "I do not believe I am in need of any assistance at this present moment" she added with a smile.

"Very good," Franklin replied. "Lieutenant Karn is your superior officer, if you haven't already make sure to report directly to him. I'm sure you've gone over quarter arrangements for junior officers, and if you need any assistance finding anything on the ship let me or any of your senior officers know. Poseidon is an old ship, after all. If that will will be all, you are dismissed."

Both Gregory and Franklin had stood, politely waiting on the new Lieutenant with general pleasant smiles.

Hibiki nodded. "Aye sir" she said before turning and leaving.

Quietly as the doors slid closed, Gregory gave a nod to Franklin. Franklin returned the gesture, nodding almost as if he had been proven wrong about something. They then resumed their meeting,


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine on Saturday August 17th, 2019 @ 5:13am

Hibiki may be Andorian, but they totally sound Vulcan!!