View Award - Crew Choice Award

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Crew Choice Award

An award noted on by the crew, honoring their favorite player for the month. A high honor, receiving the approval of your ship mates. Voted on between the last day of the month and extended as necessary.

This award is an Out-Of-Character award.

Category: Out of character
Awarded: 9 times

Lynda Anderson
Thursday March 31st, 2022 @ 2:04am
With 40% of the overall vote from the crew, you have won the March 2020 Crew Choice Award! Congratulations! Your efforts have been noticed and the community has awarded you! Keep up the awesome work!
Dave Bawtree
Wednesday August 18th, 2021 @ 4:08am
Crew Choice Award for July 2021. Your crew chose you as their recipient for this prestigious award on the USS Poseidon. Congratulations on your contributions with your crew and your recognition by them for this award. Keep up the awesome work!
Monday August 2nd, 2021 @ 9:16am
Crew Choice Award for June 2021! (corrected, sorry I accidently put July as the last one!)

With 71% of the vote in favor, the crew of the USS Poseidon chose you as their favorite crew member for the month of June! Your hard work and efforts have been noted and awarded by your fellow crewmembers with this award! Congratulations!
Paul Davies
Friday July 2nd, 2021 @ 9:32am
This is a retroactive Crew Choice Award for the Month of May, 2021! Your crew chose you as their best choice! Congratulations!
Kyle Jordan
Saturday August 15th, 2020 @ 11:45am
For stepping up and taking on the burden of leadership in times when it was not only expected, but needed. And doing it in a style and manner befitting someone in the position on an Executive Officer.
James Bartaby
Thursday February 6th, 2020 @ 6:30pm
By popular vote of the crew of the U.S.S. Poseidon, the Command Staff is proud to recognise Major Phoebe Graydon as the recipient of the Crew Choice Award for January 2020. Well done!
Kyle Jordan
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 @ 12:56am
By tie-breaker vote from the Command Staff of the USS Poseidon, with Kanaka Shakura abstaining, it has been decided that Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura is to be awarded the Crew Choice Award of the Month for October!
Canaan Serine
Saturday October 5th, 2019 @ 8:18pm
In compliance with the vote of the month, Lieutenant Canaan Serine, voted highest for the Crew Choice Award by the crew of the Poseidon, is awarded with the Crew Choice Award for the Month of OCTOBER 2019!

Congratulations Canaan and keep up the awesome work!
Kyle Jordan
Friday August 30th, 2019 @ 12:10am
By Popular vote and a tie-breaker from Command Staff (with Kanaka abstaining naturally due to their involvement) it is with great pride and satisfaction that the Commanding Officer of the USS Poseidon hereby awards the player behind Kanaka this Crew's Choice Award!

Keep up the fantastic work!