View Award - Purple Heart

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Purple Heart

This award is given to a character that is injured in the line of duty serving their fellow officers and crew. It is a high honor in recognition of services rendered through sacrifice.

This is an In-Character award.

Category: In character
Awarded: 3 times

Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Wednesday December 20th, 2023 @ 2:13am
For heroism in the line of duty in saving the USS Poseidon!

Reference JP: Space Walks, Tight spaces, and Jefferies tubes, Oh My! Part 3
Lieutenant Drauc Kejail ie-Jia'anKahr
Wednesday December 20th, 2023 @ 2:12am
For heroism in the line of duty in saving the USS Poseidon!

Reference JP: Space Walks, Tight spaces, and Jefferies tubes, Oh My! Part 3
Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch
Sunday February 20th, 2022 @ 2:49am
Recognition of Service in the Line of Duty; Away Mission on the Cardassian Akril-class Vessel; Injuries Sustained merited award.