View Award - Training Badge Award

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Training Badge Award

There are two recognitions for this award. The first is the recognition of achievement for the player behind the character, in progressing and succeeding past pre-determined goals. The second recognition is of the character, for growth and maturity through progression on the ship in their chosen duty station and interactions with the crew.

This award may be granted multiple times for multiple achievements for new players and characters.

This is an In-Character and Out-of-character Award.

Category: Both
Awarded: 9 times

Lieutenant Nicholas Coleman
Saturday October 15th, 2022 @ 6:26pm
Contribution to S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues:

You improved significantly! Good work!
Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Saturday October 15th, 2022 @ 6:25pm
Contribution to S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues:

You improved significantly! Good work!
Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Saturday August 15th, 2020 @ 1:39pm
For completing their COAL and achieving their goals! Congratulations from the crew of the USS Poseidon!
Lieutenant JG Aislin Finnegan
Saturday February 8th, 2020 @ 2:07pm
For meeting their goal of posting a formal introduction on the sim with their wonderful new joint post, titled "The Control Group" and "A Helping Hand", the Commanding Officer of the USS Poseidon wishes to officially recognize this outstanding achievement with the Training Badge Award to the player behind Ensign Aislin Finnegan with high hopes of their continued, wonderful collaboration with the crew!
Lieutenant J'Loni Mo'Bri Daughter House L'Keth
Thursday October 24th, 2019 @ 12:38am
For their achievement on attaining a slot on a TFCO, the crew and CO of the USS Poseidon hereby awards the player behind Lieutenant J'Loni with this award of recognition. Good job!
Commander Kanaka Shakura
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 @ 3:52am
For your recent graduation with perfect honors from Pegasus Fleet XO Academy, hereby the CO of the USS Poseidon grants you this award in recognition of this outstanding achievement!
Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim
Monday August 12th, 2019 @ 10:09pm
For proceeding beyond expectations and grasping the concepts and workings of the sim in a short amount of time, nice job!
Commander Kanaka Shakura
Monday August 12th, 2019 @ 10:08pm
For proceeding beyond expectations and grasping the concepts and workings of the sim in a short amount of time, nice job!
Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen
Monday August 12th, 2019 @ 10:01pm
Since you never went through a formal cadets course, it is of the opinion of the Commanding Officer that during your short time here, you have grasped the full concepts of simming and have subsequently completed an appropriately relevant course. Nice job!